Rich people are the best. This book is one of my favorite. The way they talk, fight battles, and present their fortune to familiar heirs, the three ermines passant.
It’s true, these rich bastards have everything except experience, which can be purchased through officer entitlements in the King’s service, the dragoons.
You get caught in a double-cross, letters are forged with your wax cipher, stolen while on holiday in the Highlands by Donald Bean Lean.
Your good, rich name is sullied. You abandon your post with the regiment and enlist with rebel forces, The Highlanders.
You meet a Scottish Highland woman with dark hair, she plays the harp, she sings Gaelic proverbs, she has a spirit of rebellion your limey English fortune cannot buy.
She stands by her Scottish brother all the way to the gallows. You bag the Baron’s daughter in her stead, and purchase a sprawling estate in a smashing post war deal. It all goes off without a hitch. You escape back to your literature and poetry at Waverley-Honour with new, doting, wife.
Also, you are pardoned from being a rebel outlaw because you have money and a family name.
God bless the king and your heraldry.
Get back in your squad car and drive away.
Waverley by Sir Walter Scott
It takes a few chapters to get the rhythm of Sir Walter Scott’s cadence, but once you find your footing, the joy of the text is very surprising. The onboard dictionary was used frequently, the Latin is of extreme annoyance as I always feel like Sir Walter Scott is making fun of me, cause I don’t know WTF he is saying, like some goddamned vaccinated commie attorney/doctor dick sucking secret society BAR MD/magistrate.
Highlights and annotations:
Delphi Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott (Illustrated) by Sir Walter Scott
Book last read: 2024-01-19 03:49:17
Chapter 8: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 0.15% Highlight: Rosycrucians and Illuminati, with all their properties of black cowls, caverns, daggers, electrical machines, trap-doors, and dark-lanterns? Notes: Thanks a lot for BDSM face mask ritual.
Chapter 9: CHAPTER II Highlight Chapter progress: 0.19% Highlight: the labour of courtship did not quite suit the dignified indolence of his habits;
Chapter 10: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 0.22% Highlight: were we to teach religion in the way of sport, our pupils may not thereby be gradually induced to make sport of their religion.
Chapter 10: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 0.23% Highlight: The splendid pages of Froissart, with his heart-stirring and eye-dazzling descriptions of war and of tournaments ,
Chapter 11: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 0.24% Highlight: Where we are not at ease, we cannot be happy; Notes: Commies everywhere.
Chapter 12: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 0.29% Highlight: when war was at hand, although it were shame to be on any side but one, it were worse shame to be idle than to be on the worst side, Notes: Sitting on the sidelines with your face mask on is shameful. Pick a side.
Chapter 12: CHAPTER V Highlight Chapter progress: 0.3% Highlight: There is no better antidote against entertaining too high an opinion of others than having an excellent one of ourselves at the very same time.
Chapter 13: CHAPTER IV Highlight Chapter progress: 0.32% Highlight: every new and foolish fashion is introduced to break the natural dependence of the people upon their landlords.
Chapter 13: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 0.33% Highlight: usquebaugh; Notes: Whiskey
Chapter 16: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 0.41% Highlight: wiser men have been led by fools. Notes: Fauci
Chapter 16: CHAPTER IX Highlight Chapter progress: 0.42% Highlight: in Scotland a single house was called a TOWN,
Chapter 17: CHAPTER X Annotation Chapter progress: 0.43% Highlight: He was dressed carelessly, and more like a Frenchman than an Englishman Notes: Hehe
Chapter 17: CHAPTER X Annotation Chapter progress: 0.44% Highlight: Still, however, the conscious pride of possessing them gave additional importance to his language and deportment.
Notes: Free speech, free thought, free action.
Chapter 17: CHAPTER X Annotation Chapter progress: 0.44% Highlight: The peculiar meaning of all these cabalistical words few or none could explain; Notes: Damn u secret society nonsense speakers. Your tables are ALL covered w vomit.
Chapter 17: CHAPTER X Highlight Chapter progress: 0.45% Highlight: Rank and ancestry, sir, should be the last words in the mouths of us of unblemished race
Chapter 18: CHAPTER XI Annotation Chapter progress: 0.47% Highlight: Waverley concluded the orgies of Bacchus were terminated for the evening. He was never more mistaken in his life.
Notes: Lol
Chapter 18: CHAPTER XI Annotation Chapter progress: 0.5% Highlight: Saunders Saunderson, Notes: Great name
Chapter 21: CHAPTER XIV Annotation Chapter progress: 0.61% Highlight: and the wild romance of his spirit delighted a character too young and inexperienced to observe its deficiencies. Notes: Virgins dont understand your failings.
Chapter 22: CHAPTER XV Highlight Chapter progress: 0.63% Highlight: and we cannot defend ourselves as in old times, for the government have taken all our arms;
Chapter 23: CHAPTER XVI Highlight Chapter progress: 0.69% Highlight: effeminacy of the Lowlanders, and particularly of the English.
Chapter 25: CHAPTER XVIII Highlight Chapter progress: 0.76% Highlight: to take a tree from the forest, a salmon from the river, a deer from the hill, or a cow from a Lowland strath, is what no Highlander need ever think shame upon.’
Chapter 26: CHAPTER XIX Highlight Chapter progress: 0.82% Highlight: feudal militia displayed incredible swiftness, strength, and agility; and accomplished the purpose
Chapter 27: CHAPTER XX Annotation Chapter progress: 0.83% Highlight: May the open hand be filled the fullest. Notes: Gaelic proverb
Chapter 29: CHAPTER XXII Annotation Chapter progress: 0.91% Highlight: He who woos her must love the barren rock more than the fertile valley, and the solitude of the desert better than the festivity of the hall. Notes: Celtic Muse.
Chapter 31: CHAPTER XXIV Highlight Chapter progress: 0.98% Highlight: Reginald Scott in his work on Witchcraft.
Chapter 32: CHAPTER XXV Annotation Chapter progress: 1.02% Highlight: acquired habits which rendered the rules of military discipline as unpleasing to him Notes: Dod race wars. Unlimited fake money for fake people.
Chapter 32: CHAPTER XXV Annotation Chapter progress: 1.04% Highlight: ‘But I would have vengeance to fall on the head, not on the hand, on the tyrannical and oppressive government which designed and directed these premeditated and reiterated insults, Notes: FBI at your door for not following face mask mandates.
Chapter 33: CHAPTER XXVI Highlight Chapter progress: 1.05% Highlight: respecting the disposal of females in marriage, any opposition from his sister, dear as she was to him, would have been the last obstacle on which he would have calculated, even had the union been less eligible.
Chapter 33: CHAPTER XXVI Annotation Chapter progress: 1.05% Highlight: joy of being freed from the slavery to an usurper, Notes: The commies are everywhere.
Chapter 33: CHAPTER XXVI Highlight Chapter progress: 1.06% Highlight: the wisest of her sex are fools in what regards the business of life.
Chapter 34: CHAPTER XXVII Highlight Chapter progress: 1.07% Highlight: But are you serious in your purpose, with such inferior forces, to rise against an established government? It is mere frenzy.’
Chapter 34: CHAPTER XXVII Highlight Chapter progress: 1.08% Highlight: impending insurrection?
Chapter 34: CHAPTER XXVII Highlight Chapter progress: 1.08% Highlight: subversion of the government
Chapter 34: CHAPTER XXVII Highlight Chapter progress: 1.1% Highlight: having publicly freed yourself from every tie to the usurping government,
Chapter 35: CHAPTER XXVIII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.12% Highlight: but everything was done according to an equal law that protected all who were harmless and innocent. Notes: Secret society commies have ifiltrated everything.
Chapter 35: CHAPTER XXVIII Highlight Chapter progress: 1.12% Highlight: for these troubles are only beginning.
Chapter 35: CHAPTER XXVIII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.13% Highlight: You do not know the severity of a government harassed by just apprehensions, Notes: Fake money.
Chapter 38: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 1.21% Highlight: antinomianism, Notes: The laws of God are done away with.
Chapter 38: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 1.21% Highlight: You certainly,’ said Waverley, haughtily, ‘will find it both difficult and dangerous to detain me, unless you can produce some proper authority. Notes: Secret society LE at your window.
Chapter 38: CHAPTER I Highlight Chapter progress: 1.22% Highlight: one man with a pistol is equal to a hundred unarmed,
Chapter 39: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 1.24% Highlight: The civil crime of which you stand accused is that of high treason Notes: Covid commies.
Chapter 39: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 1.25% Highlight: Were there not, Mr. Waverley, treasonable tracts and pamphlets among them? Notes: Books will get u killed.
Chapter 39: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 1.27% Highlight: There is no reason I should answer a word more, and I am determined to abide by this resolution. Notes: I don’t answer questions.
Chapter 40: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 1.29% Highlight: Mercy and long-suffering are the grounds of the doctrine I am called to teach.
Chapter 40: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 1.29% Highlight: mercy to a criminal may be gross injustice to the community. Notes: No mercy for covid commies.
Chapter 40: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 1.29% Highlight: He whom ambition or hope of personal advantage has led to disturb the peace of a well-ordered government, let him fall a victim to the laws; but surely youth, misled by the wild visions of chivalry and imaginary loyalty, may plead for pardon.
Chapter 40: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 1.31% Highlight: neither your house nor mine will be long out of harm’s way,
Chapter 41: CHAPTER IV Highlight Chapter progress: 1.32% Highlight: Unthread the rude eye of rebellion, And welcome home again discarded faith,
Chapter 41: CHAPTER IV Highlight Chapter progress: 1.32% Highlight: A sentiment of bitterness rose in his mind against the government, which he considered as the cause of his embarrassment and peril,
Chapter 43: CHAPTER VI Annotation Chapter progress: 1.36% Highlight: one might have feared, admired, or laughed at him. Notes: Fauci
Chapter 43: CHAPTER VI Annotation Chapter progress: 1.37% Highlight: whatever my house contains is at the command of persons employed in the service.’
Notes: Things a commie says.
Chapter 44: CHAPTER VII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.39% Highlight: , I could prove to you, by the Scripture, in what a filthy rag ye put your trust; and that your surplices, and your copes and vestments, are but cast-off garments of the muckle harlot that sitteth upon seven hills and drinketh of the cup of abomination. Notes: Whore of Babylon.
Chapter 46: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 1.44% Highlight: He then placed himself at the head of the party, who moved up the pathway in single or Indian file, Notes: Get in line. Indian file line.
Chapter 50: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.58% Highlight: His blue eye seemed of that kind, Which melted in love, and which kindled in war; and an air of bashfulness, which was in reality the effect of want of habitual intercourse with the world, gave interest to his features, without injuring their grace or intelligence.
Notes: You’ve got The most beautiful Blue eyes
Chapter 52: CHAPTER XV Annotation Chapter progress: 1.67% Highlight: The latter circumstance was indeed owing chiefly to the general disarming act, which had been carried into effect ostensibly through the whole Highlands, although most of the chieftains contrived to elude its influence by retaining the weapons of their own immediate clansmen, Notes: Removing weapons to defend so as not to murder the offenders.
Chapter 54: CHAPTER XVII Highlight Chapter progress: 1.72% Highlight: The two armies, so different in aspect and discipline, yet each admirably trained in its own peculiar mode of war, upon whose conflict the temporary fate at least of Scotland appeared to depend, now faced each other like two gladiators in the arena, each meditating upon the mode of attacking their enemy.
Chapter 54: CHAPTER XVII Highlight Chapter progress: 1.74% Highlight: You must only think of your sword, and by whom it was given.
Chapter 58: CHAPTER XXI Highlight Chapter progress: 1.83% Highlight: The next best thing to victory is honourable death;
Chapter 59: CHAPTER XXII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.86% Highlight: leave me my thoughts and hopes at least at liberty, if not my speech. Notes: Not in America. Free speech found dead.
Chapter 60: CHAPTER XXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.9% Highlight: Added to this, he was a man of extended knowledge and cultivated taste, although strongly tinged, as we have already observed, with those prejudices which are peculiarly Notes: Limey Brits
Chapter 60: CHAPTER XXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.9% Highlight: and indeed he himself jocularly allowed that he could not have endured Venus herself if she had been announced in a drawing-room by the name of Miss Mac-Jupiter.
Notes: Lol
Chapter 60: CHAPTER XXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 1.92% Highlight: And he will refit the old library in the most exquisite Gothic taste, and garnish its shelves with the rarest and most valuable volumes; and he will draw plans and landscapes, and write verses, and rear temples, and dig grottoes; and he will stand in a clear summer night in the colonnade before the hall, and gaze on the deer as they stray in the moonlight, or lie shadowed by the boughs of the huge old fantastic oaks; and he will repeat verses to his beautiful wife, who will hang upon his arm; — and he will be a happy man.’
Notes: To be a happy man.
Chapter 61: CHAPTER XXIV Annotation Chapter progress: 1.94% Highlight: I have as much affection for Miss Bradwardine, my good friend, as I think it necessary to have for the future mistress of my family and the mother of my children. Notes: Romance
Chapter 64: CHAPTER XXVII Highlight Chapter progress: 2.01% Highlight: I come here to war with men, but not to distress or endanger women.”’
Chapter 67: CHAPTER XXX Highlight Chapter progress: 2.11% Highlight: She loves you, and I believe you love her, though, perhaps, you have not found it out, for you are not celebrated for knowing your own mind very pointedly.
Chapter 68: CHAPTER XXXI Highlight Chapter progress: 2.16% Highlight: he acquired a more complete mastery of a spirit tamed by adversity than his former experience had given him; and that he felt himself entitled to say firmly, though perhaps with a sigh, that the romance of his life was ended, and that its real history had now commenced.
Chapter 69: CHAPTER XXXII Highlight Chapter progress: 2.17% Highlight: While these reflections passed like the stings of scorpions through Waverley’s sensorium,
Chapter 69: CHAPTER XXXII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.17% Highlight: it were distraction to entertain for a moment such a horrible idea. Notes: Alien gods on arrival.
Chapter 70: CHAPTER XXXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.2% Highlight: That gentleman, by the death of relations, had succeeded since his marriage to a large fortune, possessed considerable political interest, and lived in what is called great style. Notes: Next of lizard kin.
Chapter 70: CHAPTER XXXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.2% Highlight: ‘I wish to Heaven these scoundrels were condemned to be squeezed to death in their own presses, Notes: The commies.
Chapter 70: CHAPTER XXXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.22% Highlight: of all nations the English are least blood-thirsty by nature. Notes: Lol
Chapter 70: CHAPTER XXXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.22% Highlight: Where the guilty are so numerous, clemency must be extended to far the greater number; Notes: False for covid commies
Chapter 70: CHAPTER XXXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.23% Highlight: restored, though but for a moment, to the society of his own rank, Notes: Snakes on a plane.
Chapter 70: CHAPTER XXXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.23% Highlight: And now (taking out a morocco case), let me put you in funds for the campaign.’
Notes: Splendid.
Chapter 70: CHAPTER XXXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.24% Highlight: whistling a pibroch, dancing a strathspey, and singing a Highland song. Notes: Things of Scottish.
Chapter 71: CHAPTER XXXIV Highlight Chapter progress: 2.26% Highlight: resolving to make the rest of his journey on foot;
Chapter 71: CHAPTER XXXIV Annotation Chapter progress: 2.26% Highlight: the inhabitants were seen gliding about, with fear, sorrow, Notes: USA commies.
Notes: Fake money. Fake pandemic.
Chapter 71: CHAPTER XXXIV Highlight Chapter progress: 2.27% Highlight: Ariosto,
Chapter 76: CHAPTER XXXIX Annotation Chapter progress: 2.43% Highlight: you, and each of you, stand attainted of high treason. Notes: CDC
Chapter 76: CHAPTER XXXIX Annotation Chapter progress: 2.44% Highlight: The Judge then pronounced upon both prisoners the sentence of the law of high treason, with all its horrible accompaniments. The execution was appointed for the ensuing day. Notes: Fauci CDC and co.
Chapter 76: CHAPTER XXXIX Annotation Chapter progress: 2.46% Highlight: He that striketh with the sword shall die by the sword Notes: DOD fake money forces.
Chapter 76: CHAPTER XXXIX Annotation Chapter progress: 2.46% Highlight: Do not attempt to see me again; Notes: FBI
Chapter 76: CHAPTER XXXIX Highlight Chapter progress: 2.46% Highlight: Sorrow is selfish and engrossing,
Chapter 77: CHAPTER XL Highlight Chapter progress: 2.47% Highlight: But what a dying man can suffer firmly may kill a living friend to look upon.
Chapter 78: CHAPTER XLI Annotation Chapter progress: 2.5% Highlight: beheld at length the towers of the venerable hall arise above the woods which embowered it, and finally threw himself into the arms of the venerable relations to whom he owed so Notes: Lizards own everything.
Chapter 78: CHAPTER XLI Annotation Chapter progress: 2.5% Highlight: The appearance of Waverley, embrowned by exercise and dignified by the habits of military discipline, had acquired an athletic and hardy character, which not only verified the Colonel’s narration, but surprised and delighted all the inhabitants of Waverley-Honour. Notes: Enlist for health, happiness, and heredity.
Chapter 79: CHAPTER XLII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.53% Highlight: renewed or repaired with so much care that they bore no tokens of the violence which had so lately descended upon them. Notes: Reformation and rebuild for maximum profit. ordo ab chao
Chapter 79: CHAPTER XLII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.55% Highlight: When his first pause of joy and astonishment was over, his thoughts turned to the unworthy heir-male, who, he pronounced, had sold his birthright, like Esau, for a mess o’ pottage.
Notes: He came out red w hair all over. Esau.
Chapter 79: CHAPTER XLII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.57% Highlight: The Prosperity of the united Houses of Waverley-Honour and Bradwardine! Notes: Heredity toast of snake town.
Chapter 79: CHAPTER XLII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.57% Highlight: It only remains for me to say that, as no wish was ever uttered with more affectionate sincerity, there are few which, allowing for the necessary mutability of human events, have been upon the whole more happily fulfilled.
Notes: Last sentence of book. Hehe.
Chapter 80: CHAPTER XLIII Highlight Chapter progress: 2.58% Highlight: HENRY MACKENZIE,
Chapter 80: CHAPTER XLIII Annotation Chapter progress: 2.62% Highlight: contended that they were lending the laws the assistance of their arms and swords, and affording a protection which could not be obtained from the magistracy in the disturbed state of the country. Notes: Black mail
Chapter 80: CHAPTER XLIII Highlight Chapter progress: 2.63% Highlight: James’s own proposed banquet for the Devil was a loin of pork and a poll of ling, with a pipe of tobacco for digestion.
Chapter 81: GLOSSARY Annotation Chapter progress: 2.73% Highlight: ADSCRIPTI GLEBAE, slaves, transferred with the land to which they are bound, from one possessor to another. Notes: Corporate controlled America