Where’s My Monero?

Cool Graffiti Stencils Spray Paint Stencils - Best Graffiti Collection

Views: 472It’s fun! It’s exciting! Pepper.Works! Battling demons in support of righteous saints against prison planet hell.

Requesting Backup by Agent Redacted

Views: 100PLEASE FORWARD: Field House 6 Berth 17a MESSAGE: Encampment overrun with vermin. Ammunition running extremely low. All supplies at full ration. DO NOT send enlisted morons. Time sync: UTC0023443287 WARNING: 30.8 million PQE Paranoia Quotient Environment is failing to admin. Paranoia Quotient Environment is failing to admin. Paranoia Quotient Environment is failing to admin.… Continue reading Requesting Backup by Agent Redacted

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The Alpha/Omega Communique

Views: 67TO POSITION: ALPHA/OMEGA BE ADVISED: This communique is sent directly from the Ultimate Authority. The contents herein countermands ALL directions and orders you have received to date; or ever will receive until you are discharged. THE COMMAND FOLLOWS: DO NOT ENGAGE THE SYSTEM. DO NOT ENGAGE THE SYSTEM. DO NOT ENGAGE THE SYSTEM. //message… Continue reading The Alpha/Omega Communique

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