In the Land of Time: And Other Fantasy Tales by Lord Dunsany book review

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This great phantasy book has a difficult stumbling block at the beginning. The first few stories are so fantastic, you may be tempted to put it away forever, but if you keep up your work, you will be rewarded with many fine phantasy tales.

I especially enjoyed the Jorkens stories.

In my research, and some strange event of synchronicity that certainly was born from the Holy Spirit, I found this GREAT PHANTASY SPACE RELIGION artifact.

Several HIGH SPACE WIZARDS communicating in the open, kept in HIGH REGARD by their SPACE CHURCH -> The Smithsonian Institution.

Correspondence to/from Arthur C Clarke, Stanley Kubrick, Wernher von Braun, and Lord Dunsany.

It’s clear that Arthur C. Clarke was a brilliant story teller, his “science fiction” conscripted by our evil-e government and alien operatives to feed the moronic sheep. Building the structure of our modern day slavery and deception. NASA/CIA overlords.


Thank you, Father.

Some of my highlights:

In the Land of Time: And Other Fantasy Tales by Lord Dunsany

Book last read: 2022-12-30 21:19:24
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 4: Introduction
Chapter progress: 2.71%
Highlight: H. P. Lovecraft, J. R. R. Tolkien, Fritz Leiber, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Moore herself
Notes: C.L. Moore.

Chapter 4: Introduction
Chapter progress: 3.25%
Highlight: incalculable vortices of space and time that modern science had uncovered.
Notes: Particle and quantum physics. DEAD END SCIENCE.

Chapter 4: Introduction
Chapter progress: 5.15%
Highlight: Another play, Lord Adrian (written in 1922-23 but not published until 1933), comes close to misanthropy. Here an elderly nobleman is injected with the glands from an ape and, rejuvenated, produces an offspring, Lord Adrian; but Adrian’s partial animal ancestry leads him to plan an overthrow of the human race, since “I regard the domination of all life by man as the greatest evil that ever befell the earth.

Chapter 4: Introduction
Chapter progress: 7.32%
Highlight: Arthur C. Clarke and Lord Dunsany: A Correspondence, ed. Keith Allen Daniels (Anamnesis Press, 1998

Chapter 6: The Gods of Pegāna
Chapter progress: 11.92%
Highlight: Seeing that wisdom is not in cities nor happiness in wisdom,
Notes: Boy howdy. Aint it the truth.

Chapter 6: The Gods of Pegāna
Chapter progress: 13.55%
Highlight: For three years there had been pestilence, and in the last of the three a famine; moreover, there was imminence of war.
Notes: USA

Chapter 6: The Gods of Pegāna
Chapter progress: 14.09%
Highlight: And after that did men slay men with mists.
Notes: Chemtrails.

Chapter 6: The Gods of Pegāna
Chapter progress: 15.45%
Highlight: Do bullocks goad one another on whom the same yoke rests?
Notes: We’re all in it together?

Chapter 9: In the Land of Time
Chapter progress: 20.6%
Highlight: and this is all that may be told of those adventurous armies that went to war with Time to save the world and the gods, and were overwhelmed by the hours and the years.
Notes: UxSA dod eternal war for profit. Alphabet

Chapter 13: The Sword of Welleran
Chapter progress: 25.47%
Highlight: Nothing now remained to Merimna’s men save their inviolate city and the glory of the remembrance of their ancient fame.
Notes: USA

Chapter 13: The Sword of Welleran
Chapter progress: 25.75%
Highlight: Hear us, ye whose wisdom has discerned so much, and discern for us how a man may escape death when two score horsemen assail him with their swords, all of them sworn to kill him,
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 13: The Sword of Welleran
Chapter progress: 25.75%
Highlight: Or discern for us how two men alone may enter a walled city by night, and bring away from it that city’s king,
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 13: The Sword of Welleran
Chapter progress: 26.83%
Highlight: See how red the dawn is and how red the spires of Merimna. They are angry with Merimna in Paradise and they bode its doom.
Notes: USA

Chapter 13: The Sword of Welleran
Chapter progress: 26.83%
Highlight: “Ay, you may sing of Welleran, but Welleran is dead and a doom is on your city.
Notes: USA

Chapter 14: The Kith of the Elf-Folk
Chapter progress: 28.73%
Highlight: I want to have a soul to worship God, and to know the meaning of music, and to see the inner beauty of the marshlands and to imagine Paradise.”

Chapter 14: The Kith of the Elf-Folk
Chapter progress: 29.0%
Highlight: most of the humans have a soul already.
Notes: Not all humans have souls.

Chapter 14: The Kith of the Elf-Folk
Chapter progress: 29.0%
Highlight: And they said to her: “If you must have a soul and go and worship God, and become a mortal and die, place this to your left breast a little above the heart, and it will enter and you will become a human.

Chapter 14: The Kith of the Elf-Folk
Chapter progress: 30.62%
Highlight: All the poor have souls. It is all they have.

Chapter 14: The Kith of the Elf-Folk
Chapter progress: 30.89%
Highlight: I would like to be called Terrible North Wind,” said Mary Jane, “or Song of the Rushes.”

Chapter 15: The Ghosts
Chapter progress: 31.71%
Highlight: The great trade routes that littered the years with empty meat tins and cheap novels were far from here.

Chapter 15: The Ghosts
Chapter progress: 31.98%
Highlight: Within, a great damp log upon the fireplace began to squeak and sing, and struck up a whining tune, and a tall flame stood up over it and beat time, and all the shadows crowded round and began to dance.

Chapter 16: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth
Chapter progress: 33.06%
Highlight: Then the magician of that village made spells against those fell dreams; yet still the dreams came flitting through the trees as soon as the dark had fallen, and led men’s minds by night into terrible places and caused them to praise Satan openly with their lips.
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Chapter 16: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth
Chapter progress: 33.33%
Highlight: And a cold fear fell on the hearts of the villagers when they found that their magician had failed them.
Notes: Elon Musk will fail you.

Chapter 16: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth
Chapter progress: 34.69%
Highlight: Who are you that spoil the labour of years all done to the honour of Satan?”
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 16: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth
Chapter progress: 35.23%
Highlight: Outside he felt the night air on his face, and found that he stood upon a narrow way between two abysses.
Notes: Narrow path to salvation.

Chapter 16: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth
Chapter progress: 35.5%
Highlight: Heavily in the chamber hung the clammy odour of a large and deadly beast.
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 16: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth
Chapter progress: 36.59%
Highlight: And who shall say what hath befallen in the days of long ago?
Notes: Mostly lies.

Chapter 16: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth
Chapter progress: 36.59%
Highlight: only beside him lay an old man, wizened and evil and dead, whose head and hand were severed from his body.
Notes: U know who.

Chapter 18: Idle Days on the Yann
Chapter progress: 38.75%
Highlight: For when the people of this city wake the gods will die.

Chapter 18: Idle Days on the Yann
Chapter progress: 38.75%
Highlight: whether our great and sacred father the Sun shall bring up more life like us from the marshes, or whether all the world shall end to-night.
Notes: Evolution science. 33.3

Chapter 18: Idle Days on the Yann
Chapter progress: 40.92%
Highlight: And soon we saw her white and full of mists, and wreathed with rainbows delicate and small that she had plucked up near the mountain’s summit from some celestial garden of the Sun.

Chapter 19: A Shop in Go-by Street
Chapter progress: 42.55%
Highlight: Licensed to sell weasels and jade earrings.
Notes: in phantasy land.

Chapter 19: A Shop in Go-by Street
Chapter progress: 43.36%
Highlight: And I built myself a hut and roofed it over with the huge abundant leaves of a marvellous weed and ate the meat that grows on the targar-tree and waited there three days.
Notes: Apocalypse science.

Chapter 19: A Shop in Go-by Street
Chapter progress: 43.9%
Highlight: And do you know,” she said, “that Life is illusion?” “Of course it is not,” I said, “Life is real, Life is earnest—.” At that both the witch and her cat (who had not moved from her old place by the hearth) burst into laughter.

Chapter 21: The Bride of the Man-Horse
Chapter progress: 48.24%
Highlight: Her father had been half centaur and half god; her mother was the child of a desert lion and that sphinx that matches the pyramids;—
Notes: Halfbreeds.

Chapter 23: Where the Tides Ebb and Flow
Chapter progress: 49.86%
Highlight: Then I knew that the cause of Nature had triumphed, and London had passed away.

Chapter 30: The City
Chapter progress: 55.28%
Highlight: It must be some doom that is going to fall on the city, something has warned them and they have stolen away. Nothing may warn the people.

Chapter 33: The Coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap
Chapter progress: 57.99%
Highlight: He gave up reading the papers altogether, he lost all interest in politics, he cared less and less for things that were going on around him.
Notes: Be ye separate.

Chapter 34: The City on Mallington Moor
Chapter progress: 59.89%
Highlight: There was none of that hurry of which foolish cities boast, nothing ugly or sordid so far as I could see. I saw that it was a city of beauty and song.

Chapter 34: The City on Mallington Moor
Chapter progress: 59.89%
Highlight: When I tried to ask them by signs whence they had come with their city they would only point to the moon,

Chapter 34: The City on Mallington Moor
Chapter progress: 59.89%
Highlight: where there should have been crescents on the domes of the minarets there were golden suns with rays,

Chapter 34: The City on Mallington Moor
Chapter progress: 60.16%
Highlight: It was morning on Mallington Moor,
Notes: A better Utopia than Bacon’s Atlantis.

Chapter 35: The Bureau d’Echange de Maux
Chapter progress: 60.43%
Highlight: for there was so evil a look in that fattened man, in the hang of his fallen cheeks and his sinful eye, that you would have said he had had dealings with Hell and won the advantage
Notes: U know who.

Chapter 35: The Bureau d’Echange de Maux
Chapter progress: 60.7%
Highlight: What they exchanged with each other he did not care except that it had to be evils
Notes: Blackrock LLC

Chapter 36: The Exiles’ Club
Chapter progress: 62.87%
Highlight: I may have said “What are you?”

Chapter 37: Thirteen at Table
Chapter progress: 64.23%
Highlight: “I must tell you, sir, that I have led a wicked life. O, a very wicked life.
Notes: Larry Fink

Chapter 37: Thirteen at Table
Chapter progress: 65.04%
Highlight: like one that has ended weeping because it is vain and has not the consolation even of tears.
Notes: Broken heart contrite spirit.

Chapter 37: Thirteen at Table
Chapter progress: 65.31%
Highlight: And when we recalled that the hunting season was ended we turned our faces to Spring and thought of the new things that try to replace the old.

Chapter 40: The Tale of the Abu Laheeb
Chapter progress: 68.02%
Highlight: And one can’t easily believe in a white man living all alone in such a place as that,

Chapter 40: The Tale of the Abu Laheeb
Chapter progress: 69.65%
Highlight: If Truth cannot stand alone, she scorns the cheap aid of photography.
Notes: NASA moon landing.

Chapter 41: Our Distant Cousins
Chapter progress: 70.73%
Highlight: that it’s my theory, I don’t know what you think, that he actually experienced these, especially the trip to the moon,
Notes: Jules Verne.

Chapter 41: Our Distant Cousins
Chapter progress: 71.0%
Highlight: And if my calculations were wrong and I missed the red planet I shouldn’t want the cash.
Notes: Gtfo Elon Musk

Chapter 41: Our Distant Cousins
Chapter progress: 71.0%
Highlight: I hate to talk about things I am going to do.

Chapter 41: Our Distant Cousins
Chapter progress: 71.27%
Highlight: witch-doctors making spells, astrologers working out portents, reporters making their articles, and I alone looking at that distant neighbour with lonely thoughts unshared by anyone on our planet.

Chapter 41: Our Distant Cousins
Chapter progress: 75.34%
Highlight: But they were too busy with their learning to look at a new truth.
Notes: Academic garbage.

Chapter 42: The Walk to Lingham
Chapter progress: 76.96%
Highlight: but I knew what it looked like from the sound of its awful steps, coming up crab-like and elephantine and stumping grimly down, and I knew from the sigh in the leaves that the twigs were all bending back as it hurried after me.
Notes: Walking trees.

Chapter 43: The Development of the Rillswood Estate
Chapter progress: 80.22%
Highlight: There was only one convention in those days really; the convention that you did the thing that was done, and that nothing else was possible.

Chapter 43: The Development of the Rillswood Estate
Chapter progress: 81.57%
Highlight: I think it’s good for people to look at ruin sometimes, and then to turn away from the dark chasm to find all the world more radiant,

Chapter 46: The Policeman’s Prophecy
Chapter progress: 83.74%
Highlight: It would probably not be long before the traces of man’s supremacy began to grow indistinct, the outlines of all his work in steel or stone being blurred by weeds till they grew as vague as old footprints.

Chapter 46: The Policeman’s Prophecy
Chapter progress: 84.01%
Highlight: Don’t let us be too greatly elated at that reverence that may outlast us, for it will not come so much from our own deserts as from the depths of the fathomless loyalty that is in the heart of the dog.

Chapter 47: The Two Bottles of Relish
Chapter progress: 84.82%
Highlight: I mean you don’t have to quote the whole of the Inferno to show that you’ve read Milton;

Chapter 52: The Pirate of the Round Pond
Chapter progress: 94.58%
Highlight: and knew I must think of the glory of it, and not bother about what it ought to be worth in cash.

Chapter 53: Explanatory Notes
Chapter progress: 99.73%
Highlight: Baron Münchhausen’s Narrative of His Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia (1785), compiled by R. E. Raspe.

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