– Clif High Rejects Descartes, Accepts Salami Pinwheel Vortex Theory of Descartes.
The facts are these: Clif High accepts orbital salami pinwheel of particle physics, but rejects Descartes. I cannot see how this is done. Descartes’s vortex is the orbital salami pinwheel, of which our first orbital neighbor, the moon, contradicts.
The face on the moon looms at us in all epochs.
The orbits incalculably advantageous for rotational synchronization, allowing for perfect eclipses and earth facing moon.
Statistical coincidences approach the impossible.
The possibility of earth facing moon (tidal locked), perfectly aligned to reveal corona spectrum during full eclipse, always in perfect rotational synchronization to only show her waxing, waning, and full light, and always the same face. Always the same face. Always and forever the same face of the moon.

In a constant-motion, salami-pinwheel, orbital-system of Heliocentric particle mass; I guess it could happen. (It could never happen.)
The vortex of Descartes DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE FACTS. For the moon to always face us, always the same side, always the same face, always the same light. The discontinuity of the facts, that the grit model of particle physics constructed from the vortex of Descartes, so closely evolving around heliocentric mass, reveals PARTICLE PHYSICS IS A LIE. – Clif High Rejects Descartes, Accepts Salami Pinwheel Vortex Theory of Descartes. Techno Space Religion – Apocalypse Science
Clif High enjoys Walter Russel, a self described GOD OF LIGHT.
We are all LIGHT.
We are all GODS.
We all got shit stains in our drawers, infections in our cracks, gonna die of uncontrolled growths.
Go for it!
Techno Space Religion Heliocentric Mass and Particle Physics.
Me and the Marquise
in a country garden
looking at the moon.
Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds by Fontenelle Book Review.
“I’m sure we should shoot the moon.” Replied the NASA people. See also Jules Verne