My Captivity by Fanny Kelly book review

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I enjoyed it very much.

The story is fake.

Fanny Kelly describes one of her fellow emigrants as a daguerro artist. Her alleged “emigration” and subsequent capture commencing on or about May 17, 1864.

I booted up circe machine to search FANNY KELLY – seeking to find daguerreotype of FANNY KELLY.

Daguerro was getting close to his “photography discovery” in 1835.
FANNY KELLY published this book in 1871, her “captivity” allegedly occurred in 1864, with a self-described daguerro artist in her company, and a wagon proscribed specifically for the purpose of carrying the many items of chemicals and plates required to succeed the dimmest glimpse of “photography” – the daguerrotype.

Amazing new technology, the images are reversed and reflected back to you in DEVILISH RAYS. Capturing the light.

This is the only image of “Fanny Kelly” I have found.
The excerpt included with this image is INCORRECT.
Her little daughter, Mary, was murdered by the Indians after FANNY left her alone on the plains of Montana.
Is the entire captivity story a disgusting fabrication by the GD commies?

  • Other implausible events include:
  • She left her daughter, Little Mary, in the middle of Montana.
  • All the men on FANNY’s wagon train managed to escape or be ‘killed’ including her husband.
  • She is forever praising the soldiers of ARMY and the beloved people of her race even though they had nothing to do with her release.
  • The Red Willow tree she describes (killikinnick) does not occur in her location. (Montana)
  • She is held by savages in all respect to her personal dignity, both within and without, during her “captivity”.

The story is presumed to be a commie tract securing emigrant allegiance to Army protection outfit in Frontierland.

Wham-bam-thank-you-maam, The Prince of Darkness runs this entire thing.


FANNY describes the birthing process of the native. The mother is left in a tipi to fend for herself, if the birthing process is successful, the mother and child are left in a tipi for thirty days to ensure they are strong enough to reenter tribal life. If the mother dies during childbirth, the crying child and dead mother are wrapped in buffalo robes and secured to the crotch of a sturdy tree.

Did I mention, FANNY KELLY left her poor child alone on a dark forest path in the middle of Montana?

The Indians found her and put many arrows into her small body.

Little Mary.

Great Captivity Story. The FANNY KELLY story.

Somebody go look at the documents that should be preserved by the (Department of the Treasury) – No shit, it’s in this book.

Also, General Fisk is supposed to have correspondence concerning “her” captivity.

There are many affidavits included in this book that should be collected somewhere.

Where are the documents? The PCR Test is a lie, you GD doctors know it.

I was unable to return any official documents referenced in this “Captivity” story by FANNY KELLY.

This history is fake.

My Captivity by Fanny Kelly

Thanks to Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn by Evan S. Connell for referencing this book.

My annotations and highlights:

My Captivity by Fanny Kelly

Book last read: 2024-03-21 20:32:51
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 4: Introduction
Chapter progress: 4.06%
Highlight: On her liberation she offers the traditional paean of Thanksgiving, not to the Almighty, but to the Flag of the Republic,

Chapter 8: Chapter I.
Chapter progress: 8.63%
Highlight: The atmosphere, which during the day was hot and stifling, became cool, and was laden with the odor of prairie flowers, the night dews filling their beautiful cups with the waters of heaven.

Chapter 8: Chapter I.
Chapter progress: 9.64%
Highlight: As a rule, the emigrants travel without tents, sleeping in and under wagons, without removing their clothing.
Notes: Apocalypse science.

Chapter 8: Chapter I.
Chapter progress: 9.64%
Highlight: The sky is of wonderful clearness and transparency.
Notes: Sky spray program still many years in future.

Chapter 9: Chapter II.
Chapter progress: 11.68%
Highlight: They look so cross at me and they have knives and tomahawks, and I fear they will kill me.
Notes: Indians

Chapter 9: Chapter II.
Chapter progress: 13.2%
Highlight: but I could only live and endure.
Notes: Commies everywhere.

Chapter 10: Chapter III.
Chapter progress: 14.72%
Highlight: In breathless silence he crouched close to the ground, fearing each instant the descent of the tomahawk and the gleam of the scalping-knife,

Chapter 11: Chapter IV.
Chapter progress: 17.26%
Highlight: Daguerrean art. She had indulged in high hopes of fortune from the prosecution of this art among the mining towns of Idaho.
Notes: Capturing light. New technology.

Chapter 11: Chapter IV.
Chapter progress: 17.26%
Highlight: I now return to the narration of my own terrible experiences.

Chapter 11: Chapter IV.
Chapter progress: 17.26%
Highlight: The men have all escaped, and left us to the mercy of the savages.
Notes: the men left the women.

Chapter 11: Chapter IV.
Chapter progress: 17.77%
Highlight: all the horrors of Indian captivity that we had ever heard crowded on our minds with a new and fearful meaning

Chapter 13: Chapter VI.
Chapter progress: 21.32%
Highlight: North Platte.

Chapter 13: Chapter VI.
Chapter progress: 22.34%
Highlight: desolate white woman in the power of revengeful savages,

Chapter 13: Chapter VI.
Chapter progress: 23.86%
Highlight: They laid their weapons on the ground, seemingly pleased, and anxious to understand, requesting me to explain the worth of each note clearly, by holding up my fingers.
Notes: This story is fake. Just like the money.

Chapter 13: Chapter VI.
Chapter progress: 24.37%
Highlight: Drunkenness, profanity, and dissolute habits are the lessons of civilization to the red men, and when the weapons we furnish are turned against ourselves, their edge is keen indeed.

Chapter 14: Chapter VII.
Chapter progress: 25.38%
Highlight: fine hunting grounds, abounding in noble orchards of wild fruit of various kinds, and grapes, as well as game of the choicest kind for the huntsman.
Notes: Milk and honey.

Chapter 14: Chapter VII.
Chapter progress: 25.38%
Highlight: delicious wild fruits in great variety, some of which can not be surpassed by cultivated orchard products in the richness and flavor they possess,
Notes: Abundance

Chapter 14: Chapter VII.
Chapter progress: 25.89%
Highlight: The scenes of natural beauty, and the charms that have endeared this country to the savage, will in the future lure the emigrant seeking a home in this new and undeveloped land.

Notes: This book is some weird form of savage rape fantasy plus western expansion commercial.

Chapter 15: Chapter VIII.
Chapter progress: 29.95%
Highlight: thinking then it would never be possible for me to eat uncooked meat.

Chapter 15: Chapter VIII.
Chapter progress: 30.46%
Highlight: Wild fruits were abundant, and I plucked roses and fruit for food, while my savage companions feasted on raw meat.
Notes: Apocalypse science.

Chapter 15: Chapter VIII.
Chapter progress: 31.98%
Highlight: I had so hoped to find sympathy and pity among these artless women of the forest, but instead, cowed and trembling, I sat, scarcely daring to breathe.

Chapter 15: Chapter VIII.
Chapter progress: 31.98%
Highlight: forest belles,
Notes: Squaws.

Chapter 15: Chapter VIII.
Chapter progress: 32.99%
Highlight: barbarous ignorance,
Notes: Face mask BDSM ritual.

Chapter 16: Chapter IX.
Chapter progress: 36.55%
Highlight: sage hen, and the prairie- chicken are nearly trodden down
Notes: Animals now forgotten.

Chapter 16: Chapter IX.
Chapter progress: 38.58%
Highlight: discover toads, snakes, birds, and a variety of insects, together with plants, trees, and many curiosities, all petrified and having the appearance of stone.
Notes: All is turned to stone.

Chapter 18: Chapter XI.
Chapter progress: 42.13%
Highlight: I dreaded to recall the possible fate of my Mary,
Notes: She left her small child alone on dark prairie copse.

Chapter 18: Chapter XI.
Chapter progress: 42.64%
Highlight: I long to lie down and die, if God’s mercy will only permit me to escape from this hopeless imprisonment.
Notes: Howdy doody commies in squad car going to arrest you for rejecting corporate government.

Chapter 18: Chapter XI.
Chapter progress: 42.64%
Highlight: unwilling wife of a brutal savage,

Chapter 18: Chapter XI.
Chapter progress: 42.64%
Highlight: The Yanktons, who hold me, are friendly by pretense, and go to the agencies for supplies and annuities, but at heart they are bitterly hostile.
Notes: Roman banking religion funding both sides of conflict.

Chapter 18: Chapter XI.
Chapter progress: 43.15%
Highlight: I was told that she was sent to the lunatic asylum,
Notes: Take me to the asylum.

Chapter 19: Chapter XII.
Chapter progress: 46.19%
Highlight: He is now living in the forts along the Missouri River, gladly claiming support from the Government.
Notes: Section 8.

Chapter 21: Chapter XIV.
Chapter progress: 49.75%
Highlight: once again with civilized people,
Notes: Lockdown, face mask, vaccine.

Chapter 21: Chapter XIV.
Chapter progress: 50.76%
Highlight: When the Indians went to obtain their annuities,
Notes: Ridiculous.

Chapter 21: Chapter XIV.
Chapter progress: 51.78%
Highlight: clasping the part that represented the white soldier to my heart, and throwing the other in the fire.
Notes: Gag me w spoon.

Chapter 21: Chapter XIV.
Chapter progress: 51.78%
Highlight: I feel, now, that I must have been convinced of her death, yet I could not then help hoping that she had
Notes: Left child alone in Montana wilderness.

Chapter 22: Chapter XV.
Chapter progress: 52.79%
Highlight: prepare the bark of a red willow called killikinnick, for smoking

Chapter 23: Chapter XVI.
Chapter progress: 55.33%
Highlight: thousands of acres lay spread before me like a mighty ocean, bounded by nothing but the deep blue sky.

Chapter 25: Chapter XVIII.
Chapter progress: 58.88%
Highlight: The defenseless emigrants made an attempt to rush to the boat for arms, but were cut off, and their bleeding bodies dashed into the river as fast as they were slain. Then followed the torture of the women and children.

Notes: emigrants destroyed by natives.

Chapter 25: Chapter XVIII.
Chapter progress: 61.42%
Highlight: I had never suffered from any of them the slightest personal or unchaste insult.

Chapter 25: Chapter XVIII.
Chapter progress: 61.93%
Highlight: I knew what the courage and discipline of fort soldiers could accomplish,
Notes: Drunken detachment.

Chapter 26: Chapter XIX.
Chapter progress: 63.45%
Highlight: red-root (ceanothus canadensis

Chapter 26: Chapter XIX.
Chapter progress: 63.45%
Highlight: purgative, and is euphorbia corrallata,
Notes: Ask circe.

Chapter 26: Chapter XIX.
Chapter progress: 63.96%
Highlight: When the mother gives birth to her child, it is not uncommon for no other person to be present. She then lives in a hut or lodge by herself until the child is twenty-five or thirty days old, when she takes it to its father, who then sees his child for the first time.

Notes: Indian birth.

Chapter 26: Chapter XIX.
Chapter progress: 63.96%
Highlight: Indian females are less subject to what are termed female complaints than white women.
Notes: Face mask on face science.

Chapter 26: Chapter XIX.
Chapter progress: 64.47%
Highlight: They suppose the sun literally rises and sets, and that our present theory is an invention of the white man, and that he is not sincere when he says the
Notes: NASA means deception in Hebrew.

Chapter 26: Chapter XIX.
Chapter progress: 65.48%
Highlight: Polygamy is inconsistent with the female character, whether in barbarism or civilization.

Chapter 26: Chapter XIX.
Chapter progress: 67.51%
Highlight: they showed me nothing but civility and respect.

Chapter 27: Chapter XXI.
Chapter progress: 70.56%
Highlight: is on file in the Treasury Department at Washington. A certified copy is published in connection with this narrative.

Notes: check fraud.

Chapter 27: Chapter XXI.
Chapter progress: 73.1%
Highlight: when I beheld the precious emblem of liberty.
Notes: Face mask, lockdown, vaccines.

Chapter 27: Chapter XXI.
Chapter progress: 73.6%
Highlight: After a bondage lasting more than five months, during which I had endured every torture,
Notes: Excluding rape.

Chapter 30: Chapter XXIV.
Chapter progress: 78.17%
Highlight: Mr. Kelly offered a reward of nineteen horses,
Notes: Fanny Kelly equals nineteen horses.

Chapter 31: Chapter XXV.
Chapter progress: 79.19%
Highlight: with the happy-looking, kind, sympathetic faces of my own people around the board, filled me with a feeling of almost heavenly

Chapter 31: Chapter XXV.
Chapter progress: 79.7%
Highlight: Those living in frontier towns know what the nature of the Indian is, and could most heartily sympathize with one who had suffered from captivity among them.
Notes: Frontier town. see u at disneyland.

Chapter 31: Chapter XXV.
Chapter progress: 80.71%
Highlight: death from poison, while a soldier in the Union army,
Notes: Fanny’s brother.

Chapter 31: Chapter XXV.
Chapter progress: 81.22%
Highlight: became necessary to apply for military protection.
Notes: Homeland security attacks.

Chapter 31: Chapter XXV.
Chapter progress: 81.73%
Highlight: the hand so often grasped in tender love was palsied in death!

Chapter 32: Chapter XXVI.
Chapter progress: 82.74%
Highlight: proselytes of the ruling prophet of Salt Lake City,
Notes: When did they murder Joseph Smith?

Chapter 32: Chapter XXVI.
Chapter progress: 84.77%
Highlight: The men returned the fire for awhile, then fled, leaving their wounded, all their wagons, and the women and children in the hands of the relentless victors.

Chapter 33: Chapter XXVII.
Chapter progress: 86.29%
Highlight: The manuscript was surreptitiously taken, and a garbled, imperfect account of my captivity
Notes: Garbled mess of propaganda.

Chapter 33: Chapter XXVII.
Chapter progress: 86.29%
Highlight: Captain Fisk,
Notes: Where are the correspondence?

Chapter 33: Chapter XXVII.
Chapter progress: 87.82%
Highlight: It is inserted elsewhere, with other documents corroborative of the truth of this narrative. It is also signed by another delegation of chiefs I met in New
Notes: Fake story. Corroborating evidencd missing and incorrect.

Chapter 34: Chapter XXVIII.
Chapter progress: 89.34%
Highlight: emigrant train
Notes: Cabbage patch

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