Perelandra by C.S. Lewis book review

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Is C.S. Lewis a sexless eunuch? Let’s find out.

In this too long of a story about Ransom going to Venus, we all get bowled over by the Holy Spirit and/or the asexual aliens. Here is a book about the gospel of trans-asexual C.S. Lewis, a prudish Christian “writer” of great fantasy. I mean, what is so wrong with sex that you would demand these asexual afterlife fantasies be your heaven?

Male and Female. The seed of Christ. C.S. Lewis is now in a sexless eunuch heaven of his own Venus desire.

Trans-asexual weirdo heaven. C.S. Lewis

Some of my highlights:

Book last read: 2022-01-08 16:40:22
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter progress: 2.73%
Highlight: I suppose everyone knows this fear of getting ‘drawn in’—the moment at which a man realises that what had seemed mere speculations are on the point of landing him in the Communist Party
Notes: Drawn in

Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter progress: 3.64%
Highlight: Like the bacteria on the microscopic level, so these co-inhabiting pests on the macroscopic permeate our whole life invisibly and are the real explanation of that fatal bent which is the main lesson of history.
Notes: Aliens making life hell.

Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter progress: 10.45%
Highlight: I think I feel as a man who believes in the future life feels when he is taken out to face a
firing party. Perhaps it’s good practice.
Notes: Sacrifice

Chapter 2: Chapter Two
Chapter progress: 12.73%
Highlight: . I don’t somehow feel like bacon or eggs or anything of that kind. No fruit, you say? Oh well, no matter. Bread or porridge or something,” and “I’ll be down in five minutes now.
Notes: The fast

Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 13.18%
Highlight: What emerged was that in Ransom’s opinion the present functions and appetites of the
body would disappear, not because they were atrophied but because they were, as he said ‘engulfed’. He used the word ‘Transexual

Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 15.45%
Highlight: There was an exuberance or prodigality of sweetness about the mere act of living which our race finds it difficult not to associate with forbidden and extravagant actions.

Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 17.73%
Highlight: It was like the discovery of a totally new genus of pleasures,: something unheard of among men, out of all reckoning, beyond all covenant.

Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 18.18%
Highlight: It is difficult to suppose that this opposition came from desire, for what desire would turn from so much deliciousness?
Notes: Discipline

Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 18.18%
Highlight: Perhaps the experience had been so complete that repetition would be a vulgarity—like asking to hear the same symphony twice in a day.

Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 18.18%
Highlight: And yet to repeat a pleasure so intense and almost so spiritual seemed an obvious thing to do.

Chapter 3: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 18.64%
Highlight: Sleep came like a fruit which falls into the hand almost before you have touched the stem.

Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 20.45%
Highlight: This itch to have things over again, as if life were a film that could be unrolled twice or even made to work backwards … was it possibly the root of all evil? No: of course the love of money was called that. But money itself—perhaps one valued it chiefly as a defence against chance, a security for being able to have things over again, a means of arresting the unrolling of the film.
Notes: Living in a loop

Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 24.09%
Highlight: For dangers he had been prepared; but to be first a disappointment and then an absurdity … Hullo!

Chapter 4: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 24.09%
Highlight: Then an idea occurred to him which would have taken much longer, perhaps, to occur to me or you. It might not be she who was mad but he who was ridiculous.
Notes: Ridiculous

Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter progress: 25.91%
Highlight: This looking backward and forward along the line and seeing how a day has one appearance as it comes to you, and another when you are in it, and a third when it has gone past. Like the waves.
Notes: Time wave

Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter progress: 26.82%
Highlight: Those who have had a dream which is very beautiful but from which, nevertheless, they have ardently desired to awake, will understand his sensations.
Notes: left behind

Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter progress: 27.73%
Highlight: “I do not understand,” he said.
“Nor I,” answered the Lady. “Only my spirit praises Maleldil who comes down from Deep Heaven into this lowness and will make me to be blessed by all the times that are rolling towards us. It is He who is strong and makes me strong and fills empty worlds with good creatures.
Notes: C.s. Lewis prayer

Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter progress: 27.73%
Highlight: She was a queen sending a message to a queen through a commoner, and her manner
to him was henceforward more gracious.
Notes: Grace to the common people

Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter progress: 28.64%
Highlight: I have been so young till this moment that all my life now seems to have been a kind of sleep. I have thought that I was being carried, and behold, I was walking.

Chapter 5: Chapter Five
Chapter progress: 29.09%
Highlight: I thought we went along paths—but it seems there are no paths. The going itself is the path.”

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 37.73%
Highlight: The utility of the human race,” continued Weston, “in the long run depends rigidly on the possibility of interplanetary, and even inter-sidereal, travel. That problem I solved. The key of human destiny was placed in my hands.
Notes: Rich people with spaceship

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 38.64%
Highlight: To spread spirituality, not to spread the human race, is henceforth my mission.
Notes: Imperialism

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 39.55%
Highlight: Anthropomorphism is one of the childish diseases of popular religion
Notes: Walking talking animals

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 40.45%
Highlight: The people like me, who do the reaching forward, are always martyrs.

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 40.91%
Highlight: The world leaps forward through great men and greatness always transcends mere moralism.
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 8: Chapter Eight
Chapter progress: 43.64%
Highlight: They were more like human faces asleep, or faces in which humanity slept while some other life, neither bestial nor diabolic, but merely elvish, out of our orbit, was irrelevantly awake.
Notes: Walking zombie elf

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 47.73%
Highlight: It did not defy goodness, it ignored it to the point of annihilation.
Notes: CDC

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 47.73%
Highlight: The expressionless mouth, the unwinking stare of the eyes, something heavy and inorganic in the very folds of the cheek, said clearly: ‘I have features as you have, but there
is nothing in common between you and me.’
Notes: Nothing in common with zombie face mask people

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 48.18%
Highlight: It will drive us mad,’ ‘It will kill us outright,’ we say; and then it happens and we find ourselves neither mad nor dead, still held to the task.
Notes: This is war

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 50.0%
Highlight: Are you certain that He really wishes to be always obeyed?

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten
Chapter progress: 60.0%
Highlight: It will never go away if you do what he wishes. It is into more and more fear that he is leading you.”
Notes: Fauci Gates nightmare

Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter progress: 72.27%
Highlight: . How could it be made for them when most of it, in fact, was uninhabitable by them? Was not the very idea naive and anthropomorphic in the highest degree?
Notes: Doubt

Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter progress: 74.09%
Highlight: Well, the blacks know more about the universe than the white people.

Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter progress: 74.09%
Highlight: Every savage knows that all ghosts hate the living who are still enjoying the rind: just as old women hate girls who still have their good looks.

Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter progress: 75.91%
Highlight: Say a child’s prayer if you can’t say a man’s. Repent your sins. Take my hand. There are
hundreds of mere boys on Earth facing death this moment. We’ll do very well.”
Notes: Do not be frightened

Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter progress: 83.64%
Highlight: Wishing and fearing were modes of consciousness for which he seemed to have lost the

Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter progress: 90.0%
Highlight: The two white creatures were sexless.
Notes: Trans asexual C.S. Lewis

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