Arrange first class travel on your finest sailing vessel. I’ll take you to X Island.
The lady and I will stroll the decks, play guitars in our cabin, and eat like rabbits. Salad mostly. Red wine on full moons only. Several pounds of fresh coffee and freshly rolled Turkish cigars.
At the end of the journey I stand upon the forecastle, hand in hand with my lady. She points to the horizon and exclaims, “The Albatross.”
I know where X Island is located.
Home of Robur the engineer and his magnificent flying machine, the “Albatross.”
I will take you there.
X Island is marked by a black flag. Gold sun in center.
The “Albatross” is powered by magnetic vortex engines. A rotating helix.
Find the technology, find Robur, find zero point energy.
Northeast on a straight line from antipodes heading zero-two-seven.
Find the future.
Two secret society men are kidnapped and forced to undergo travel on advanced alien ship. Robur The Conqueror by Jules Verne Book Review
My highlights and annotations:
Chapter 307: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 9.47% Highlight: In every place of great resort the monster was the fashion. They sang of it in the cafes, ridiculed it in the papers, and represented it on the stage. All kinds of stories were circulated regarding it. There appeared in the papers caricatures of every gigantic and imaginary creature, Notes: Create spectacle. Send in jelly jars.
Chapter 357: CHAPTER I Highlight Chapter progress: 11.25% Highlight: aristocratic look which so distinguishes the English officer. Notes: Fuck You, Elon Musk
Chapter 1116: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 38.26% Highlight: extraordinary sounds had seemed to descend from the sky to the earth. Notes: Strange sounds from space.
Chapter 1116: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 38.27% Highlight: At one blow party politics dropped unheeded — and the affairs of the world went on none the worse for it. Notes: Alien invasion for the win.
Chapter 1116: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 38.27% Highlight: If astronomers, who doubled and tripled the stars a hundred thousand million miles away, could not explain a phenomenon occurring only a few miles off, what was the use of Notes: Good question.
Chapter 1116: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 38.27% Highlight: while they continued to disagree about it, and even to frighten the lowly and the ignorant, who, thanks to one of the wisest laws of nature, have formed, form, and will form the immense majority of the world’s inhabitants. Notes: Most people are ignorant.
Chapter 1116: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 38.29% Highlight: And the flag was black, dotted with stars, and it bore a golden sun in its center . Notes: Ask circe
Chapter 1117: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 38.3% Highlight: He was very rich, and that is no drawback even in the United States; and how could it be otherwise when he owned the greater part of the shares in Niagara Falls? Notes: Tartarian structure and power generation ownership.
Chapter 1117: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 38.31% Highlight: made glucose by treating rags with sulphuric acid. Notes: Insulin manufacture.
Chapter 1117: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 38.31% Highlight: elect the president “on the center point. Notes: Best man marks exact center of line. Considered to have compass in eye to guide.
Chapter 1118: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 38.32% Highlight: guidable aerostats Notes: Satteloons.
Chapter 1118: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 38.32% Highlight: steam horse in a watch case. Notes: Zero point energy.
Chapter 1118: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 38.34% Highlight: Three hundred thousand dollars came into the club’s account Notes: reverse transaction
Chapter 1118: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 38.34% Highlight: hundred thousand paper dollars he had paid for his invention. Notes: 99% purchase power lost in space.
Chapter 1118: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 38.34% Highlight: But in the United States the government meddles with private affairs as little as it possibly can. Notes: Lol. FBI at door for face mask infractions.
Chapter 1119: CHAPTER IV Highlight Chapter progress: 38.36% Highlight: When I have decided on a thing, all America, all the world, may strive in vain to keep me from it.
Chapter 1120: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 38.39% Highlight: never had the intervention of the police been more necessary. Notes: Arrest all covid operators.
Chapter 1120: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 38.4% Highlight: Not in America, Sir; not in America. Notes: BDSM ritual to science.
Chapter 1121: CHAPTER VI Highlight Chapter progress: 38.42% Highlight: At last something happened.
Chapter 1121: CHAPTER VI Highlight Chapter progress: 38.42% Highlight: An American who has not a bowie-knife in his pocket is no longer an American.
Chapter 1121: CHAPTER VI Highlight Chapter progress: 38.43% Highlight: It is always wrong not to be right,
Chapter 1121: CHAPTER VI Annotation Chapter progress: 38.46% Highlight: It appeared as though the pane was made of glass toughened on the Siemens system Notes: the Siemens company.
Chapter 1122: CHAPTER VII Annotation Chapter progress: 38.48% Highlight: experiments of M. Renard in 1884 Notes: Ornithopter.
Chapter 1122: CHAPTER VII Annotation Chapter progress: 38.49% Highlight: He employed electricity, that agent which one day will be the soul of the industrial world. Notes: Smartphone death cult.
Chapter 1122: CHAPTER VII Annotation Chapter progress: 38.5% Highlight: Unsized paper, with the sheets impregnated with dextrin and starch and squeezed in hydraulic presses, Notes: Fibre glass.
Chapter 1123: CHAPTER VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 38.51% Highlight: do you believe in the possibility of aerial locomotion by machines heavier than air? Notes: Shoes off, remove belt, enter square portal for scan. Slave airways.
Chapter 1123: CHAPTER VIII Highlight Chapter progress: 38.53% Highlight: It is not worth while to conquer space if we cannot devour it.
Chapter 1124: CHAPTER IX Highlight Chapter progress: 38.55% Highlight: These terrestrial beings felt the aeronef glide over them, and uttered cries of terror as it passed.
Chapter 1124: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 38.55% Highlight: To what series of experiments had they been invited? Notes: Vaccine sterilization, face mask humiliation programming.
Chapter 1124: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 38.55% Highlight: Sherman Hotel , Notes: Chicago old construction. Ask Circe.
Chapter 1124: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 38.56% Highlight: It would be the explanation of the astonishing phenomenon which the whole world had been wondering over for some time. Notes: CIA/DOD pharmaceutical information embargo.
Chapter 1124: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 38.57% Highlight: And in truth these Bad Lands are an immense ossuary where lie bleaching in the sun myriads of fragments of pachyderms, chelonians, and even, some would have us believe, fossil men, overwhelmed by unknown Notes: Reset on repeat.
Chapter 1125: CHAPTER X Annotation Chapter progress: 38.59% Highlight: the Faithful Friend, with her plume crowned with the rainbows, the Giant, spurting forth a vertical torrent twenty feet round and more than two Notes: Old faithful.
Chapter 1128: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 38.69% Highlight: Terrestrial interests were nothing to him who had made the air his domain. Notes: See u in heaven.
Chapter 1129: CHAPTER XIV Annotation Chapter progress: 38.73% Highlight: The propellers spun round so swiftly that they seemed immovable, and it was with irresistible power that they screwed themselves through the air. Notes: Helicopter parents.
Chapter 1130: CHAPTER XV Annotation Chapter progress: 38.77% Highlight: The most powerful flyers have always an eyrie or nest somewhere. Notes: Bat cave wizard fortress.
Chapter 1130: CHAPTER XV Highlight Chapter progress: 38.79% Highlight: our arrival in an aeronef might prejudice them against you.
Chapter 1130: CHAPTER XV Annotation Chapter progress: 38.79% Highlight: You are at liberty to think as you like, and to complain to those who have the power to help you — if Notes: Google won’t let them facebook about it.
Chapter 1130: CHAPTER XV Annotation Chapter progress: 38.82% Highlight: recognize the power of the aeronef and the services it could render to humanity. Notes: Flying chariot alien tech.
Chapter 1131: CHAPTER XVI Annotation Chapter progress: 38.84% Highlight: electrical tension of the atmosphere was considerable. Notes: Banking collapse.
Chapter 1131: CHAPTER XVI Annotation Chapter progress: 38.85% Highlight: razzias Notes: Raid for conquest.
Chapter 1133: CHAPTER XVIII Annotation Chapter progress: 38.91% Highlight: The tempest in Connecticut on the 22nd of March, 1882, could only have been compared to it, and the speed of that was more than three hundred miles an hour. Notes: Fact check.
Chapter 1133: CHAPTER XVIII Annotation Chapter progress: 38.92% Highlight: Is the domain of the southern pole a continent or an archipelago? Notes: Good question.
Chapter 1133: CHAPTER XVIII Highlight Chapter progress: 38.93% Highlight: The figures on board stood out in the bright light as if come from another world.
Chapter 1134: CHAPTER XIX Annotation Chapter progress: 38.95% Highlight: In X Island, Robur, a man of immense wealth, had established a shipyard in which he built his aeronef. There he could repair it, and even rebuild it. In his warehouses were materials and provisions of all sorts stored for the fifty inhabitants who lived on the island. Notes: prepare x island.
Chapter 1134: CHAPTER XIX Annotation Chapter progress: 38.96% Highlight: five weeks of anger Notes: Forced voyagers on the albatross.
Chapter 1135: CHAPTER XX Annotation Chapter progress: 38.99% Highlight: If a passing ship had sighted the aerial machine as she sunk through the air, with her electric lights in full blaze, with what terror would she have Notes: UFO terror op.
Chapter 1135: CHAPTER XX Annotation Chapter progress: 39.0% Highlight: Was it not necessary that he should again become absolute master of his invention? Notes: The Engineer.
Chapter 1135: CHAPTER XX Annotation Chapter progress: 39.02% Highlight: Eighty seconds after the explosion, all that remained of the “Albatross” plunged into the waves! Notes: under the sea.
Chapter 1136: CHAPTER XXI Annotation Chapter progress: 39.02% Highlight: A stranger calling himself an engineer, and answering to the name of Robur, a person of unknown origin, of anonymous nationality, had unexpectedly presented himself in the club-room, insulted the balloonists, made fun of the aeronauts, boasted of the marvels of machines heavier than air, and raised a frightful tumult by the remarks with which he greeted the menaces of his adversaries. Notes: The engineer.
Chapter 1136: CHAPTER XXI Annotation Chapter progress: 39.02% Highlight: Never had a Negro since Toussaint L’Ouverture , Soulouque , or Dessaline had so much talked about him. Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 1136: CHAPTER XXI Annotation Chapter progress: 39.04% Highlight: whose theories had been so brutally thrown in the face of the Weldon Institute the day he led the attack against the utopia of guidable balloons? Notes: Utopia of guidable balloons.
Chapter 1136: CHAPTER XXI Annotation Chapter progress: 39.04% Highlight: At least until some means were found of constructing an engine capable of contending with this powerful machine Notes: DoD contract racket.
Chapter 1136: CHAPTER XXI Annotation Chapter progress: 39.06% Highlight: but as they had paid full price for their berths no American captain would trouble them further. Notes: TSA imprisonment and DHS humiliation procedures.
Chapter 1136: CHAPTER XXI Highlight Chapter progress: 39.06% Highlight: After all, there might be in all this some secret which would not yet be divulged.
Chapter 1137: CHAPTER XXII Highlight Chapter progress: 39.07% Highlight: The secret of the “Albatross” was buried in the depths of the Pacific!
Chapter 1137: CHAPTER XXII Annotation Chapter progress: 39.08% Highlight: A hundred thousand hands were placed in answer on a hundred thousand hearts, and a hundred thousand other hands were lifted to the sky. Notes: Ritual.
Chapter 1138: CHAPTER XXIII Annotation Chapter progress: 39.12% Highlight: It will belong to you the day you are educated enough to profit by it and wise enough not to abuse it. Citizens of the United States — Good-by!” Notes: Helix power generator.
We forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation.
Deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory.
Forever and ever. Amen.
Congratulations. You carried out their plan. Now what? Where is your glorious lucifer? Why haven’t we solved the crisis? How many does it require? The system is false. I have to let go.