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Views: 77RELIGION of CORPORATE SCIENCE  Your high priest of LIES, TERROR, and DECEPTION has been found dead. Splayed from head to cloven hoof with a fiery sword. All of you hiding on CORPORATE CAMPUSES and underground government bunkers, YOU ARE NEXT. (unless you repent) No more shall you rule the SHEEP. No more shall you… Continue reading CORPORATE SCIENCE

Nimrod Tower of Death – CORPORATE SCIENCE

Views: 90Building scaffold for security light access. Twenty feet high. Too high for my ladder. I must construct a galvanized steel scaffold to safely access the wires from the conduit. I believe the connextion is corrupted/corroded. I am not Nimrod, nor am I a Babylonian god attempting to tower the heavens through the cult of… Continue reading Nimrod Tower of Death – CORPORATE SCIENCE

Take Me To The Asylum. Corporate Apocalypse Science

Views: 511Prepare my limousine. Bring the beautiful people. The official administrators. Take me to the asylum, ancient construction in wooded grove of old oaks and equestrian trails. Take me from the commies, where I can be with other asylum seekers. USA A four hundred room geodesic dome. Seven hundred thousand acres of private, non-incorporated, privately… Continue reading Take Me To The Asylum. Corporate Apocalypse Science

Credulity, Commies, and Fake Money at Maximum. Alphabet Inc.gov – Apocalypse Science

Views: 163It’s time to release the metaphysical knowledge I have gained through my travails on this material plane. Listen when I tell you. I have been through the ringer on internet money. You must listen to what I say. THE MONEY IS FAKE. If your propaganda doesn’t include daily reminders of infinite money for LIZARDz… Continue reading Credulity, Commies, and Fake Money at Maximum. Alphabet Inc.gov – Apocalypse Science


Views: 34This EASEMENT is for authorized individuals only. YOU came here to see what you needed to see. NOW, STAY AWAY! Unless your goon force is prepared to offer the NAME of “OFFICIAL” who authorized EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT, I will consider you a DOMESTIC TERRORIST, and assume you are attacking my neighbor’s electric power. YOU MUST… Continue reading EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT. Apocalypse Science. ARE YOU A DOMESTIC TERRORIST?

What Will The Collapse Look Like? Apocalypse Science

Views: 116I hope they still sell necessaries at local haberdashery (without requiring microchip in rectum – digital ID bio activated ELON MUSK brain LOBOTOMY network credits). We’ll all be indebted to them, on little hand written notes that keep our accounts. They will Love God and their neighbors, and understand they were selected by the… Continue reading What Will The Collapse Look Like? Apocalypse Science

What is Happening? Apocalypse Science

Views: 108Central Bank(s) are facing imminent destruction at the hands of decentralized networks. They must destroy all foundations of alternative networks that derive value from -their- UNACCOUNTABLE SYSTEM. They must destroy ANY MEASURE OF ACCOUNTABILITY. I remind you of our subservient population in S&M face mask with failing health through GMO procedure. (PROOF OF ZERO… Continue reading What is Happening? Apocalypse Science

Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review

Views: 281Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review. Doctor Jason Tennyson is on the run from planet Gut Check. He’s a stowaway on the Wayfarer, a ship full of pilgrims. Destination: The Vatican. The End of Nothing houses the electronic pope. The listeners are astral travelers, revealing mysteries about other luminaries, employs of robot… Continue reading Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review