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Pepper.Works Search

Views: 760Book Reviews A note about empty Youtube links in many of the posts: These are links that Google, Youtube, Alphabet Inc.gov removed, banned, and censored. Interestingly, some of them include a banner with the text, “This channel has been removed for violating community guidelines”, and others, including links to my own Youtube channel, say… Continue reading Pepper.Works Search

Techno Space Religion is De-Effeminate Garbage for WEAK MEN Like Elon Musk. GiGi Young.

Views: 160The Alien God narrative is vomit on tables. No. You are NOT my SPACE PRESIDENT. Lovely GiGi telling it like it is. Synchronicity is flattering. Techno Space ReligionSee also: Techno Snake Religion I love you, Gigi. Further reference:Genesis Revisted – SitchinNaked Bible – Biglino Honest conversation on angels and aliens. GiGi Young More reference:

Clif High’s War Against The Elohim – Techno Space Religion

Views: 69Here’s the setup. The Gods of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, The Elohim, are an off-world space gang that require human sacrifice, tributes of wine, gold, frankincense, and myrh. They were stoned most of the time. Huffing massive amounts of smoked organ meat. Brutal bastards that bullied the Essenes around Judea, and messed with our… Continue reading Clif High’s War Against The Elohim – Techno Space Religion

Does Clif High Worship the Snake? Techno Space Religion

Views: 104Clif High, in his attempt to worship the snake, is proselytizing for the WEF, Khazarian Mafia, and Vatican Banking Religion. We all love Clif, but your Snake Religion is the very same religion Noah Harari – WEF acolyte – is foisting upon the good people of the firmament. “It is believed that it will… Continue reading Does Clif High Worship the Snake? Techno Space Religion

Covid Memoirs

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First of a kind review of the unprecedented COVID SCAM.

A middle aged man living through the COVID SCAM. USA.

Terror, lies, and fear.
Covid Memoirs, a marvelous historical offering.

Read Covid Memoirs Vol 2
by Peterldg

Front Matter

Views: 101This book contains valuable insights on history, prophecy, the endless loop of incoherent systems. Each section begins with a write-up by the author followed by highlights and notes from each text. The most valuable portion of the book can be found in the numerous highlights and contextual notes from author’s inner monologue. You’re not… Continue reading Front Matter