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Views: 165If you want to see what the techno space religion has in store for the transhuman people, I gladly offer my own website pepper.works as an example. It uses “digital currency” for “engagement”. However, in place of an OPEN SOURCE “token” like XMR Monero, they will provide their own, centralized, social/carbon credit tracking system.… Continue reading WHY DO THE ALPHABET.GOV PEOPLE HATE US?

Targeted Individual – A personal recollection. Alphabet Inc.gov

Views: 3793My voice is disallowed. Removed, canceled, shadow-banned, (try searching my channel name on Bitchute, senses, NOT LISTED) You’ll see what I say is true. I’m a targeted individual. (The FBI came to my home for speaking against WHO, the fake pandemic, and children in face mask.) They only allow the morons to have a… Continue reading Targeted Individual – A personal recollection. Alphabet Inc.gov


Views: 203Millions of Men died for your RIGHT/DUTY TO SAY IT. Put on the full armor of God and quit being a Google, Alphabet Inc.gov sycophant. It’s time to be fearless. It is your GOD GIVEN RIGHT and DUTY as AMERICANS TO SAY WHAT YOU MEAN. Stop telling your followers you “aren’t allowed to say… Continue reading 1ST AMENDMENT AUDIT DHS,DOJ,FBI,FEMA,CDC,FDA,CIA,NSA,DOD,NIH,WHO,WEF, ALPHABET INC.GOV, ET. AL.

A big THANK YOU to all lizards at the FBI. Alphabet Inc.gov

Views: 276Had it not been for your rookie goons appearing at my door on 20 Jan 2021 with their ridiculous N95 face mask upon their scaly heads, I would not be in my current location, with my current blessings. I would never have summoned the energy to move away from Tyrant County and their fat… Continue reading A big THANK YOU to all lizards at the FBI. Alphabet Inc.gov

Google Pay is Apple Pay is Walmart Pay is Youtube credits is Twitter credits is Instagram credits is Fakebook credits, is Netflix credit, is SOCIAL CREDIT PAYMENT NETWORK – Techno Space Religion – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Italy, Tuscany, Florence, Uffizi Gallery. Eight poplar-wood panels, of varying widths and uniform thickness of 3cm joined at the back by two firwood crosspieces. Whole artwork view. Allegory of Spring. Group of eight figures of adults and one child on a green and flowering lawn limited by a grove of fruit trees, oranges. From left to right Mercury, the Three Graces dancing, Venus and Cupid, Flora.

Views: 115DISCLAIMER ONE: I don’t want to sleep with the techno snake. Blockchain is a technological tool of accountability. POINT.BLANK.PERIOD DISCLAIMER TWO: I AM NOT A PROPONENT OF A CASHLESS SOCIETY. (Cash is already illegal, you dumb dolts.)(Ask me about BSA, FINCEN, MSB, KYC, SEC, IRS, Structured Payments, Compliance, Conformity, CONTROL – Accounts Closed –… Continue reading Google Pay is Apple Pay is Walmart Pay is Youtube credits is Twitter credits is Instagram credits is Fakebook credits, is Netflix credit, is SOCIAL CREDIT PAYMENT NETWORK – Techno Space Religion – Intergalactic Finance Minister

A Tour On The Prairies by Washington Irving Book Review

Views: 132A Tour On The Prairies by Washington Irving Book Review I’ll meet you at Fort Gibson in Oklahoma on October 28, 1832. We’ll hire a couple of indians and a creole. Their orders are to help provision our larder during a 30 day march into the Autumnal Pawnee hunting grounds. We meet the captain… Continue reading A Tour On The Prairies by Washington Irving Book Review