When the fake money officials take me out, I thought it prudent to establish this content in the Snake’s Kitchen, the mysterious database that holds massive textual libraries. The content will be submitted to the Snake, hopefully to be used for good and righteous reasons. The content, in general, establishes the life of a… Continue reading Submitting Content to The Snake. Apocalypse Science
I Want So Badly For The Christians To Be Raptured. Alphabet – Corporate Science – Techno Space
I want so badly for the Christians to be raptured. Begin new celestial lifestyle in heaven, the VACUUM of SPACE. Vomit on Tables – of Satan – How does it feel to be fooled by a smart phone? I Want So Badly For The Christians To Be Raptured. Alphabet – Corporate Science… Continue reading I Want So Badly For The Christians To Be Raptured. Alphabet – Corporate Science – Techno Space
Preparing for TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON 8 APR. Apocalypse Science – Regan Keely
Go into the inferno.Feel it.Free it. Compassion.Sensitive.History.Judgment. Try it.You might like it. ReceiveReceiveReceive Who am i? Vessel Transmutation Creating my reality. Feel the fear.Change the game.Make way for something higher. BelieveBelieveBelieve What do you want to feel?JoyFreedomLoveSecurity Practice that feeling. I do not consent to infringement. I got pulled over. It works out great for… Continue reading Preparing for TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON 8 APR. Apocalypse Science – Regan Keely
The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald book review
Curdie is gifted the power of discernment by Irene’s silver haired grandmother living in the garret. Curdie sets out for the king’s castle. Curdie finds the King on his deathbed, Irene is desperate. The city is in default. The people in denial. Entire retinue of commie sellouts. The doctor is slowly killing the king with… Continue reading The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald book review
Pharma Rep Handjobs. Covid Memoirs – Alphabet – Corporate Science
Dr. Westman was working late. He’s alone in the office, white lab coat, stethoscope balancing on his sinewy neck. All of a sudden, a buxom pharma rep appears. “Hello, Dr. Westman.” She says. “Oh hello, Miss Fizer. It’s good to see you. Did you get my order for twelve hundred units of percocet?” “Well. Uh…… Continue reading Pharma Rep Handjobs. Covid Memoirs – Alphabet – Corporate Science
It’s Not a Conspiracy Theory. Covid Memoirs – Alphabet – Corporate Science
You fucking morons ran around here with a fucking face mask on your face like a goddamn clown show. You fuckers. The Fourth Branch of Government. FBI FAIL. It’s Not a Conspiracy Theory. Covid Memoirs – Alphabet – Corporate Science
Asset Backed Digital Currency Tokens For Mammon Sluts. Techno Space – Alphabet – Corporate Science
The mere fact that XRP Ripple can be brought to trial is evidence of a CENTRALIZED SCAM. If your network can be leveraged by SEC oversight, your network is garbage. XRP is garbage. Only blockchains that are open source, decentralized, and distributed have value. The Lizards will offer “asset backed digital tokens“, and the morons… Continue reading Asset Backed Digital Currency Tokens For Mammon Sluts. Techno Space – Alphabet – Corporate Science
Official Declaration by Sovereign of Current Realm- I REJECT ALL UCC CODES. Alphabet – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs
Here’s Why These Fuckers Want Us in a Fucking Face Mask. Alphabet – Corporate Science It turns out, if they can convince you to wear a fucking face mask, they can convince you to do ANYTHING. (mkUltra feedback attenuation loop.) Your children in BDSM extortion ritual. COVID DEATH CULT Mandatory injection of fluids UNKNOWN.… Continue reading Official Declaration by Sovereign of Current Realm- I REJECT ALL UCC CODES. Alphabet – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs
The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald book review
Princess Irene has a silvered haired grandmother living in the garret. Irene is given a ring that provides a thread of direction spun in the light of the moon by her grandmother. The thread leads Irene to Curdie who is trapped in the caves by the goblins in the depths of the mountain. They escape… Continue reading The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald book review
My Captivity by Fanny Kelly book review
I enjoyed it very much. The story is fake. Fanny Kelly describes one of her fellow emigrants as a daguerro artist. Her alleged “emigration” and subsequent capture commencing on or about May 17, 1864. I booted up circe machine to search FANNY KELLY – seeking to find daguerreotype of FANNY KELLY. Daguerro was getting close… Continue reading My Captivity by Fanny Kelly book review