You were made for moreLet the light inYou haven’t met everyone who will love you!Trust the rivers of lifeListen to your soulRemember, this is your life.When it’s timeYou’ll know.It hurts to grow.You were made for more. hurts to grow
It’s time once again to redouble our efforts, Prayers to the millstone,experience to next level. We are the cause.We are the effect. They cannot stop us.It’s ours for the taking. What we’ve always known,is what we’re doing. You are the light.I am the shepherd. You help me see it.So clearly do i hear it. We… Continue reading Praise – Intergalactic Finance Minister
Comprehensive review of ongoing operation: Intergalactic Finance Minister Examine the results of your inputs carefully. See how they are being manifested back to you, make small adjustments and note the changes. Keep the sample clean. Don’t continue with failed experiments. Let the results speak independently of your bias. (easier said than done.) When you have… Continue reading Stir It Up. Intergalactic Finance Minister
To his majesty the king, I would like to propose a simple business opportunity. I’m certain it will greatly increase his majesties’ treasuries. We provide debit/credit banking cards to crypto-backed accounts. Members only access. We ensure seamless integration with current vi$a/m@sterc@rd transactional systems. I can direct the details. Please provide me with money, power, and… Continue reading Business Plan For Total Domination – Corporate Science – Alphabet – Turnkey Crypto Systems For Sale
They’re going to say the Pedo Networks are irrevocably bound to current financial scam, that we must have a new system that better controls the way we spend our monies. One that tracks all transactions and can be used to combat Pedos. For peace and safety. 1 Thessalonians 5:33 For when they shall say, Peace… Continue reading The Pedo Op. Alphabet – Corporate Science – Techno Space
I will never be allowed to go to Nice. DHS/TSA humiliation protocols forbid it. Biometric Registration Stickers in arrears. Stopped on the way to the airport. Credit card declined. However, I feel I’ve been there with you. Riding in your car, having a picnic and a swim. Your platinum beauty forever marked on my medulla… Continue reading Dearest Grace – Intergalactic Finance Minister