We are praying for all of the vaccinated individuals. It’s done. It’s finished. Complete. Run its course. It’s over. Good luck. God bless. IT IS FINISHED
There is a great chapter in this book entitled: Negrophobia. John Brown is described as a fanatic that helped foment discord between North and South by calling for, “death to the slave holder.” Rather than the much more benign, “free the slave.” It is reported that John Brown financed the printing and distribution of pamphlets… Continue reading I PREFER THE FANATICS
Give me a break. I’m reading a Civil War book, When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession by Charles Adams. The deep imperial implications on your life you are just now realizing. EMPIRE by Clifford Simak is a nice companion piece to a Civil War book. The writings in… Continue reading EMPIRE by Clifford Simak book review