COVID-19 Memoirs. Driving to The State Line for Supplies.

Views: 127Made it to the store. Was told by the manager that I should be wearing a mask. She allowed me to buy beans, even overriding the two-can per person ration. Thanks lady. Everyone in masks now. Statewide lock-down order in effect. My motorcycle is full of fuel. I have beans for 10-14 days. I… Continue reading COVID-19 Memoirs. Driving to The State Line for Supplies.

Is this child abuse?

Views: 100Yes. Covering your child’s mouth with a mask to satisfy your political signaling is sick. Remove yourself from their system or die. Electoral politics is an illusion. Think about the future you are creating for your children. They should be outside in the sun, learning how to swim in public pools. You want them… Continue reading Is this child abuse?