The Most High will cut you down swift as lightning. You are already dead. You deserve to die. You’re going to beg for the mark and The Lord will kill you. Amen.
Orc beings will be destroyed. The new Aquarius energy will reactivate and ascend the chosen people. It is destined. It is happening now. Original dimensional realms are returning. White folks created in a laboratory by some brothers that defied the laws of the cosmos. They won’t know what to do in the new energy. Prepare… Continue reading PREPARE FOR THE REACTIVATION OF THE CHOSEN ONES. THE HOPEFUL ELECT
The Annunaki created Adam to tend their garden of Eden and mine gold for their home planet Nibiru. Dr. Enqi, the Annunaki’s chief medical officer, genetically created Adam, mixing his blood with that of an ape-man. The Annunaki elite were displeased because birthing the Adam required goddess birth mothers, Annunaki women. So Dr. Enqi impregnated… Continue reading The Bible and Your Annunaki Alien Lord book review. Techno Space Religion
[Zecharia Sitchin] Genesis Revisited(BookFi) (Unknown) – Your Highlight on page 163 | Location 2495-2497 | Added on Thursday, August 13, 2020 1:26:03 PM There is little doubt that the monsters of Greek mythology, including the famous Minotaur (half bull, half man) of Crete, were recollections of the tales transmitted to the Greeks by Berossus, the… Continue reading [Zecharia Sitchin] Genesis Revisited