The story begins in the heavens. Look towards the arrow of Sagittarius, the center of our galaxy.
Kinetic superwave event of ancient star charts, the zodiac tells the story of our cataclysmic cycle.
The wave carries with it a storm of space dust.
The space dust enters our solar system.
Our sun responds with increased activity and energy.
T-Tauri CODE YELLOW. Coronal mass ejections, increased UV levels, Gamma Radiation, UV-C, UV-B, weather changes, tidal upheavals, tectonic activation.
The catastrophic reality of our current generation.
The cycle of destruction is undeniable.
Our time is now.
Attention Citizens. It’s THE END.
Earth Under Fire by Paul A. LaViolette
This book in simpatico: The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye.
My highlights:
Earth Under Fire by Paul A. LaViolette
Book last read: 2023-08-20 21:23:10 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 5: Message from the Past Annotation Chapter progress: 2.17% Highlight: Stories tell of endless days of darkness; of murky forms in space occluding the stars, the moon, and even the sun; of temperatures high enough to ignite wooded hills; of vast deluges covering all but a few mountain peaks. Notes: Begin the destruction.
Chapter 5: Message from the Past Highlight Chapter progress: 2.17% Highlight: the ecliptic, the path followed by the Sun and planets,
Chapter 6: The Science of Cosmogenesis Annotation Chapter progress: 4.08% Highlight: it allows order to be spontaneously created and material particles to continuously emerge in “empty” space out of an ever-present zero point energy subquantum noise. Notes: Lol
Chapter 6: The Science of Cosmogenesis Highlight Chapter progress: 5.43% Highlight: positions of the Sun and planets has formed the central theme of a heated debate between astrologers and nonbelievers.
Chapter 8: The Encryption of the Cosmic Microwave Temperature Gradient Highlight Chapter progress: 6.79% Highlight: celestial spheres
Chapter 8: The Encryption of the Cosmic Microwave Temperature Gradient Annotation Chapter progress: 8.15% Highlight: In consideration of this, one begins to wonder whether the knowledge encoded in astrology really originated on this planet. Commenting Notes: Techno space religion
Chapter 10: The Galactic Center Indicators Annotation Chapter progress: 9.24% Highlight: He then assumed that this central point lay close to the Galaxy’s center. Notes: assumptions for asshole scientist.
Chapter 11: Was the Galactic Center Visible in Ancient Times? Annotation Chapter progress: 9.51% Highlight: Yet our ancient predecessors also knew its location by some means. Notes: Galactic center.
Chapter 11: Was the Galactic Center Visible in Ancient Times? Highlight Chapter progress: 10.05% Highlight: the zodiac’s accuracy in locating the Galactic center’s sky position
Chapter 11: Was the Galactic Center Visible in Ancient Times? Highlight Chapter progress: 10.05% Highlight: Galactic center is the brightest radio source in the sky.
Chapter 12: Cosmic Procreation Annotation Chapter progress: 11.41% Highlight: astrology was intentionally created in prehistoric times to record the occurrence of a Galactic core explosion, Notes: Basic claim so far.
Chapter 12: Cosmic Procreation Annotation Chapter progress: 11.96% Highlight: Moreover, the general relativity equations, which form the basis for considering the existence of black holes, have themselves run into problems. Notes: Einstein is a bumbling fool. Forced on us by the Synagogue of Satan.
Chapter 16: Galactic Superwaves Highlight Chapter progress: 14.67% Highlight: The zodiac cipher brings forth a very different picture. It indicates that explosions of our Galaxy’s core can very seriously affect Earth and its inhabitants and, in particular, that one such outburst arrived close to the end of the last ice age.
Chapter 16: Galactic Superwaves Annotation Chapter progress: 14.67% Highlight: This dust, in turn, substantially altered Earth’s climate Notes: Space dust climate change.
Chapter 16: Galactic Superwaves Highlight Chapter progress: 15.22% Highlight: Scorpio and Sagittarius “arrows” were intentionally pointing to the Galactic center.
Chapter 23: Arrival Annotation Chapter progress: 20.11% Highlight: However, upon its arrival, a superwave cosmic ray volley would have countered the solar wind’s expelling action and would have begun to push this Notes: Sahara dust clouds of intersteller origin.
Chapter 24: The Age of Darkness Highlight Chapter progress: 22.01% Highlight: The climatic cooling associated with this event was so sudden that live plants growing in the Peruvian Andes were flash frozen and buried in ice in a matter of hours.
Chapter 25: The Battle of Horus and Set Highlight Chapter progress: 22.83% Highlight: Orion would stand as a metaphor for mankind’s survival of the superwave onslaught, consistent with myths about the Orion constellation
Chapter 25: The Battle of Horus and Set Highlight Chapter progress: 23.37% Highlight: This appears to have been brought about by a solar event, possibly a nova-like outburst, triggered by the incursion of cosmic dust.
Chapter 27: Validation Annotation Chapter progress: 23.91% Highlight: Fortunately, at the time, I was enrolled in the Portland State University Systems Science Ph.D. program, one of the few doctoral programs in the United States that emphasized an interdisciplinary approach to research and problem solving. Notes: Face mask endowment collapse.
Chapter 27: Validation Annotation Chapter progress: 25.27% Highlight: Gold is normally found to be about 35 times more abundant in meteorites as compared with terrestrial sediments; Notes: Mine asteroids with fake secret space program.
Chapter 32: Thermal Freeze Annotation Chapter progress: 28.53% Highlight: Consequently, a dark infrared Sun would have produced global warming rather than global cooling. Notes: Extiction rebellion.
Chapter 34: Ragnarok (Twilight of the Gods) Annotation Chapter progress: 31.52% Highlight: This also accords with certain modern cosmological theories which propose that galactic cores are primordial sites for matter and energy creation Notes: Galactic core obscured. Contact SNAKE for more info.
Chapter 35: Fierce Winds Highlight Chapter progress: 33.42% Highlight: interplanetary cosmic dust
Chapter 37: The T Tauri Effect Highlight Chapter progress: 34.24% Highlight: solar flare particle radiation tends to destroy the Earth’s UV-absorbing ozone layer.
Chapter 37: The T Tauri Effect Highlight Chapter progress: 34.51% Highlight: Sun; hence,
Chapter 37: The T Tauri Effect Highlight Chapter progress: 34.51% Highlight: During a superwave-induced cosmic dust incursion, this dust shell would have become dense
Chapter 37: The T Tauri Effect Annotation Chapter progress: 34.78% Highlight: The tropics would have become unbearably hot while high-latitude regions would have been flooded by meltwater issuing from the rapidly melting ice sheets. Notes: The cycle. For profit “climate change” schmucks.
Chapter 38: Lunar Evidence of an Active Ice Age Sun Annotation Chapter progress: 34.78% Highlight: A number of these rocks were collected on the Apollo mission and were brought back to a repository at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, for subsequent analysis. Notes: Snake alert.
Chapter 39: The Canyons of Mars Annotation Chapter progress: 35.6% Highlight: space scientists Notes: Lol
Chapter 39: The Canyons of Mars Annotation Chapter progress: 35.6% Highlight: present conditions on Mars do not permit water to exist in liquid form. Notes: Fuck you, Elon Musk.
Chapter 39: The Canyons of Mars Annotation Chapter progress: 36.14% Highlight: William Feldman, one of the Odyssey team investigators, has speculated that the depth of the Martian permafrost could range anywhere from one meter to a kilometer or more. Notes: Lol
Chapter 41: Other Myths about the Burning of the World Highlight Chapter progress: 38.32% Highlight: the Sun gave them passage to the Earth, allowing them to descend along his sun-ray eyelashes. As
Chapter 41: Other Myths about the Burning of the World Annotation Chapter progress: 39.67% Highlight: The full force of the Sun’s increased intensity was then able to reach the ground to cause rapid melting of the ice sheets. Notes: Gretta Thunfake
Chapter 42: Terrestrial Evidence for a Prehistoric Global Warming and Solar Outburst Annotation Chapter progress: 40.76% Highlight: In Chile, summer temperatures warmed by 12 degrees centigrade, reaching a level significantly higher than the average temperatures Notes: Climate has and always will change. Do not allow lizard people to use climate for total domination.
Chapter 42: Terrestrial Evidence for a Prehistoric Global Warming and Solar Outburst Annotation Chapter progress: 41.3% Highlight: It becomes quite difficult , then, to attribute major changes of the Earth’s climate to CO2. Notes: Illegal science! Youtube censors notified.
Chapter 42: Terrestrial Evidence for a Prehistoric Global Warming and Solar Outburst Highlight Chapter progress: 41.3% Highlight: Superwave-induced cosmic dust invasions appear to be the logical answer to this climate dilemma.
Chapter 42: Terrestrial Evidence for a Prehistoric Global Warming and Solar Outburst Annotation Chapter progress: 41.58% Highlight: the worst global extinction to occur since the demise of the dinosaurs. Notes: The lizards are dead!
Chapter 43: Solar Storms and Geomagnetic Flips Highlight Chapter progress: 43.21% Highlight: One sediment core, from Gothenburg, Sweden, records a 180degree flip in geomagnetic pole declination
Chapter 46: Glacier Waves Annotation Chapter progress: 46.2% Highlight: Each meter along this front would have packed a kinetic energy punch equal to as much as one Hiroshima A-bomb explosion. Notes: The Japanese death comparison. A favorite for snake science.
Chapter 47: The Mystery of the Frozen Mammoths Annotation Chapter progress: 47.83% Highlight: shrew, bear, dire wolf, coyote, wolf, fox, badger, wolverine, saber-toothed tiger, lion, lynx, mammoth, mastodon, horse, camel, antelope, bison, caribou, moose, elk, giant elk, sheep, musk ox, bovid, ground sloth, beaver, ground squirrel, vole, lemming, collared lemming, porcupine, hare, and pika. Notes: Good list of mammals.
Chapter 47: The Mystery of the Frozen Mammoths Annotation Chapter progress: 48.64% Highlight: range from about 11,000 carbon-14 years B.P. (equivalent to 12,700 calendar years B.P.) to about 70,000 carbon-14 years B.P. or more Notes: Lol. Carbon 14 years are different years. Fake science.
Chapter 47: The Mystery of the Frozen Mammoths Highlight Chapter progress: 49.18% Highlight: Such was the enormous quantity of mammoths’ remains that it seemed . . . that the island was actually composed of the bones and tusks of elephants, cemented together by icy sand.
Chapter 47: The Mystery of the Frozen Mammoths Highlight Chapter progress: 50.54% Highlight: this anomalous warming occurred when a superwave-induced cosmic dust incursion caused the Sun to become unusually active.
Chapter 49: Atlantis and the Flood Highlight Chapter progress: 50.82% Highlight: Thus, the Hindus regarded Manu as both their Adam and their Noah. The English word man, in fact, derives from this Sanskrit word.
Chapter 49: Atlantis and the Flood Highlight Chapter progress: 52.17% Highlight: It was the global conflagration, the warming of the Earth’s climate by the T Tauri Sun, that induced the melting and sinking of Atlantis and precipitated
Chapter 50: Thus Spake Zeus Highlight Chapter progress: 53.26% Highlight: Instead of symbolizing the glacial ice sheet, Atlantis here represents the first particle of matter that arose at the dawn of creation.
Chapter 50: Thus Spake Zeus Annotation Chapter progress: 54.35% Highlight: Scientific theories should be judged ultimately on the basis of observational data. Notes: Face mask snake science.
Chapter 53: Flood Legends from Asia, Oceania, and the Near East Highlight Chapter progress: 56.79% Highlight: The fish, now full grown, returned to assist him by towing the ship to the safety
Chapter 56: The Barasana Star Lore Highlight Chapter progress: 62.77% Highlight: An account of this global cataclysm may be found in chapter 5 of the Chilam Balams, an unusual book conveyed in the Mayan language but written in Roman script.
Chapter 60: Supernova Remnant Signposts Highlight Chapter progress: 64.95% Highlight: synchrotron radio wave emission
Chapter 61: Do Superwaves Trigger Supernovae? Annotation Chapter progress: 66.3% Highlight: 14,000±60 years B.P., Notes: Lol. Plus minus sixty.
Chapter 64: Geocosmic Cycles Highlight Chapter progress: 68.21% Highlight: The Galactic core explosion cycle is another important cycle that Earth must reckon with.
Chapter 65: The Days of Brahma Highlight Chapter progress: 69.02% Highlight: The geologic record shows that this was a time of excessive warmth, substantial glacial meltwater flooding, and severe extinction of large mammal species.
Chapter 65: The Days of Brahma Highlight Chapter progress: 70.11% Highlight: In his book The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar
Chapter 66: The Journey of the Hopi Highlight Chapter progress: 70.65% Highlight: This abrupt cooling probably refers to the sudden onset of the Younger Dryas, which began about 12,700 years B.P.
Chapter 69: The Revelation of Saint John Highlight Chapter progress: 73.37% Highlight: Cosmic bodies do hit the Earth from time to time, but it is more likely that future climatic catastrophes will be instigated by superwave-induced cosmic dust incursions.
Chapter 69: The Revelation of Saint John Annotation Chapter progress: 73.64% Highlight: The “grievous sore” could be a reference to irritation from the acidic dust or to skin cancer inflicted by the increased UV radiation. Notes: Sun blood. Sun blood. Sun blood.
Chapter 70: The Fátima Prophecy Highlight Chapter progress: 74.73% Highlight: Recall that the electromagnetic emission beamed toward the Earth by the superwave cosmic rays would appear in the sky as a pointlike
Chapter 70: The Fátima Prophecy Highlight Chapter progress: 75.0% Highlight: You each must repent of materialistic ways, and according to your own concept of God and religion, must devote yourself fully and diligently to it, praising the Lord daily. You must go into your own closet of consciousness and meet the Lord and receive His Holy Spirit, at whatever level you know it.
Chapter 70: The Fátima Prophecy Highlight Chapter progress: 75.54% Highlight: It will be important in those periods that they would aid, for there will be the disposal of the bodies of from one-third to two-thirds of the Earth’s population.
Chapter 71: Future Vision Highlight Chapter progress: 75.82% Highlight: In their book The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye, Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges decipher an inscription engraved in the base of the Cross at Hendaye, an enigmatic monument found in a churchyard in the French coastal town of Hendaye, and find that it foretells of a celestial disaster launched from the
Chapter 71: Future Vision Highlight Chapter progress: 76.63% Highlight: the Starburst Foundation ,
Chapter 71: Future Vision Highlight Chapter progress: 76.9% Highlight: Perhaps a safe way to generate a “star shield” is to set up an electrostatic force field in space that would deflect cosmic rays as they passed through it.
Chapter 72: Chapter 13: Requiem Annotation Chapter progress: 77.45% Highlight: After all, science essentially involves the ability to observe accurately a natural phenomenon and record those observations so that they may be communicated to others. Notes: The vaccine is deadly.
Chapter 76: Getting the Word Out Annotation Chapter progress: 79.62% Highlight: The scientific community is generally conservative. Notes: Cover the face of children for health and long life.
Chapter 76: Getting the Word Out Highlight Chapter progress: 80.98% Highlight: superwave hypothesis and the zodiac cryptogram message?
Chapter 77: Subsequent Investigation Attempts Annotation Chapter progress: 81.52% Highlight: ultrasensitive gamma ray coincidence counter, Notes: Hehe