Weird Cases Dropping Offline. Alphabet – Techno Space – Corporate Science The graph indicates “Weird cases” at steady state “zero” for the last hour of “time“. Weird Cases Dropping Offline. Alphabet – Techno Space – Corporate Science
Allow me to play Devil’s Advocate Consider the fact: At this very moment, with a market cap of thirteen hundred billions of USD FED notes, $ 1345.94 Billion, the alleged creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakomoto, holds private key(s) to one million of the twenty one million BTC. Consider the fact: Bitcoin’s cryptography for public private… Continue reading Is DARPA/NSA/DOD Alphabet Bitcoin’s Satoshi Nakomoto? Techno Space – Devil’s Advocate
Modify .config file to exercise more daemon capabilities. Consider config option -prune or, -prune-blockchain The option -prune, removes certain parts of the chain, making the overall space/money required to run the node less costly. A pruned node requires less disk space. You may say, “See I told you, techno software wizards have blockchain technology shored… Continue reading Techno Space – Bitcoin and Monero -prune Function
I accept Monero and Bitcoin. Don’t think I haven’t thought about the deadly consequences of blockchain assets. In fact, WE cyberphunks have been testing your blockchain tech for the last TEN YEARS. Hear me out: The SNAKE doesn’t like to be told WHAT TIME IT IS. The SNAKE wants to control time. A time to… Continue reading Blockchain as TIME ORACLE. Techno Space – Apocalypse Science
It’s time to release the metaphysical knowledge I have gained through my travails on this material plane. Listen when I tell you. I have been through the ringer on internet money. You must listen to what I say. THE MONEY IS FAKE. If your propaganda doesn’t include daily reminders of infinite money for LIZARDz ONLY;… Continue reading Credulity, Commies, and Fake Money at Maximum. Alphabet – Apocalypse Science
I ask two vendors on for Philosophy and Rant. This is the question: “Please offer your insights on Fake Covid, NASA Moon Landing, and Heliocentric Mystery Schools. Thank you.” Fighting Robots for our DIGNITY. DELIVER US FROM TECHNO FAKE PEOPLE. Answer One: Philosophy Covid I believe was real (I had it myself) but I… Continue reading Shopping Philosophy and RANTS on
I’m over here, building a site that accepts Monero, using technology without permission. That’s the point. But really, I don’t WANT TO BUILD SITES THAT REQUIRE ALL KINDS OF FUCKED UP PERMISSIONS. GO FUCK YOURSELF, Alphabet Inc.govCEASE AND DESIST.Malfeasance.Corruption.FRAUD.Collusion.Extortion.Murder.Malpractice.Unlawful Information Embargo.Treason.
The setup is this: Make it illegal to do business (exchange) with anybody but Coinbase (Blackrock, government sanctioned exchanges). Force everybody to comply with “identification” procedures (KYC, BSA, nightmare Patriot Act AML requirements for the homeland (IRS)). Dominate you and your family into the foreseeable future. I hope you have your double face mask at… Continue reading Coinbase and Blackrock – The whore of Babylon making deals.