Report From Iron Mountain – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Our energies together are strange and powerful. We meet in the den, castle and grounds provided by intergalactic finance council. The room alights with your golden aura. “Let’s go riding.” “Good idea.” We take a stroll in the garden, fresh lilies, koi ponds, and rock formations. The horses are kept aside a copse of old… Continue reading Report From Iron Mountain – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Morning Announcement. Intergalactic Finance Minister

We exit our private swimming grotto. Your skin is glowing pearls and jade, new energies from galactic center lifting you up to the highest. You wear a sea green sheer satin trim robe, yellow ribbon round the middle. Your bare feet delicate and silent on the cool marble floor. Your form like ripe peaches in… Continue reading Morning Announcement. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Marble Encased Underground Swimming Grotto. Intergalactic Finance Minister Compensation Package

mars and venus

We take the stairs down several flights and exit into a rock cave with fine gravel path and lighted torches on the walls. The cave leads to an immense STONE SWIMMING GROTTO, statues of cherubs, venus, mars, and bachhus. A great vaulted ceiling. Translucent superstructure. We bathe together in our UNDERGROUND MARBLE ENCASED SWIMMING GROTTO… Continue reading Marble Encased Underground Swimming Grotto. Intergalactic Finance Minister Compensation Package


I want to know if people are waking up?I want to break out of this box.It’s time for my SOUL to sit back on the throne of life again and call the shots.I need a catalyst and assistance in these turbulent times.I wanted to meet you and create something magical together.Love, gratitude, joy, abundance, peace,RespectIf… Continue reading Notes

Addendum to Intergalactic Finance Minister Application – Alphabet Corporate Science

Addendum to Intergalactic Finance Minister ApplicationEarth Based Travel Requirements.I will not be subject to TSA imprisonment or DHS humiliation procedures.At no time will I accept Part 121 travel accommodations.You must arrange private air transport, unvaccinated crew, catering, and personal travel secretary.Hope to hear from you soon. Addendum to Intergalactic Finance Minister Application