The New Earth Being Born. Make ready your plans to separate from their system. This link CENSURED, BANNED, UNALLOWED in NIGHTMARE SYSTEM sponsored by: Google, Youtube, Alphabet and ESSENTIAL WORKFORCE. More info here…
Hallelujah Babylon is FALLING! Rejoice! The artificial Sun they were pointing at us is being replaced by the TRUE SUN. Their wicked lies are being revealed under THE NEW LIGHT. The old world will descend into HELL. Only the chosen ones that separate themselves from the SHEEP will be allowed to proceed into the NEW… Continue reading The Awakening. To The Chosen Ones. Hallelujah Babylon is FALLING
Many of you are going to hell. Pray this Prayer NOW! AWAY FROM HERE YOU DEMON!!! THIS IS NO PLACE FOR YOU AND YOUR KIND! YOU ARE BANISHED! AMEN! Pray this prayer NOW!!!!! Now is the time for thoughts and prayers, cause a lot of you are going to HELL.
What did you do today? Iām telling people about the awakening. There will be a choice that must be made soon. You will be threatened, coerced and conned into selecting their program. If you continue with them, it will be a living hell. If you select The New World, you are with us to Peace,… Continue reading THE CHOICE