Coming Up For Air by George Orwell book review

Views: 96Coming Up For Air by George Orwell NOW THAT ALL OF THE GREATEST GENERATION IS DEAD we can admit. The Nazis won WW1 and WW2. The harvest cull. Death rituals to the bug. Are you a streamlined man? Setup for administrative functions at your beloved corporate institution? Do you have a mortgage, a car… Continue reading Coming Up For Air by George Orwell book review

Mark Twain Autobiography – book review

Views: 85Here’s a man at the peak of American liberty 1835 – 1910. Mark Twain, seduced by General Grant to help with his memoir, liberally using the ‘nigger‘ word in his novels. Canceled and censored forever, Mark Twain, a bona fide admitted liar, a humorist, excellent writer and loving father. Certainly the nigger slaves would… Continue reading Mark Twain Autobiography – book review

City by Clifford D Simak book review

Views: 51Leave the City. Don’t look back. You’ll be a pillar of salt for eternity. What is this book about? I was made to believe that TRANS-HUMAN is something new. COVID parishioners, solving pathetic lives with corporate fluids and perpetual injections. MRNA TRANS-HUMAN INOCULATION. It turns out the TRANS part of HUMAN is SATAN’S plan… Continue reading City by Clifford D Simak book review

It’s Time For Me To Leave Your Fake World

Views: 99HOW THE SPIRIT TALKS My mind is digesting the future. I’m frantically cleaning the entire house cause I know this place needs to be liquidated. I must leave but I don’t know where to go or how to get there. I’m confused and indecisive. That’s when I find an old dusty book in the… Continue reading It’s Time For Me To Leave Your Fake World