Sanctimonious Commies Telling Me What To Say and Think. Alphabet

Views: 28GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your idiot box wants me dead. My slightest mention of truth astonishes you. Your offense is desperate cover for their FAILING COMMIE SYSTEM. The secret is out- YOUR SYSTEM is revealed. TOTAL COMMIE, lockdown, facemask, owned, controlled, fraud. Incomprehensible corporate capital, fake money, commie system from hell. And you love it.… Continue reading Sanctimonious Commies Telling Me What To Say and Think. Alphabet

THE TRUTH IS OFFENSIVE TO THEM. Alphabet – Corporate Science

Views: 43FAKE MONEY FORCE COME KNOckin’they come knockin’they come knockin’ FAKE MONEY FORCE COME KNOckin’What you gonna do? THE TRUTH IS OFFENSIVE TO THEM The commies hate US.They will kill US. Father,Forgive them for they know not what they do.They believe everything on their idiot box.Their world is FAKE MONEY FORCE. That’s why they have… Continue reading THE TRUTH IS OFFENSIVE TO THEM. Alphabet – Corporate Science

Escape From Nightmare Hell World Prison Planet – Apocalypse Science

Views: 42I was called by dispatch to get to the airport ASAP. VIP flight to secret location. When I arrived, the maintenance guys were unusually excited, prepping the 402 for departure. “The left engine is gonna need oil when you arrive. Extra quarts in your nacelles.” I saw strange cars in the hanger parking lot.… Continue reading Escape From Nightmare Hell World Prison Planet – Apocalypse Science

Quitting Coffee. Apocalypse Science

Views: 49Getting out of bed has lost all meaning. Everything is crepuscular. Nothing is fun. I’ve been off coffee for 72 hours. The first 24 were manageable. Slight pain in the joints. The next 24 began a screaming lower back problem, manageable with asprin. Sleeping in starts and fits. Kidneys exploding. Lower extremities feel distant… Continue reading Quitting Coffee. Apocalypse Science


Views: 50They’re going to shut our servers down.They have a list of them.They will turn our network off.They own all the servers.The internet is a lie.Help Us.This place $UCK$.They own everything.They’ve already canceled and banned us everywhere.They already sent their goon squad to our door.Their spooks will hunt us down.They will kill us all.They own… Continue reading THE INTERNET IS A LIE – THEY OWN IT. Alphabet