Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco book review

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The androgynous virgin prostitute wears a muslin veil standing on a stone alter. The men of (insert impotent secret society name here) await their turn with Sophia.

Sick, disgusting, sad, weak, men; like faggots of wood burning in a fire.

Kissing each other’s ass to release The Kundalini, diddling each other’s lower chakras in the name of initiation.

I love ALL secret society people, but your order has failed. The secret has long been forgotten. You did nothing to help the people, you let the Corporate State inject everybody, you allowed the children to be used in their face mask extortion scheme. You are part of the problem, and the Lord and all his angels are going to get you.

You are weak, lost sheep of the flock. You are faggots of wood burning in a fire.

God be with you.

Your ancient order, your secrets and rites, your windowless buildings– all property of the “chosen people”.

Attention secret society people: Your secret is out.

The Templars rode two-up on horseback, prick to ass style.

What the hell is this? Your symbols are a jumbled mess of checkered floors and pentagrams. Who the fuck do you think you are?

Your literature is fodder for the ignorant. Your entire lodge is injected with snake oil, you are the same men that put your children in S&M face mask. Totally impotent masonic, templar, hermetic, rose cross garbage.



Paracelsus has poisoned you. St. Germain is sucking your blood. Albert Pike is turning in his grave. You failed to avenge Molay.

I enjoyed this fantastic book.

All gnostic, hermetic, rose cross, mason, templars are faggots of wood burning in a fire.


I hope your homunculus doesn’t strangle you in your sleep.

The only characters that make sense in this book are the women.

We love women. Secret society men are… you guessed it, faggots of wood burning in a fire.


On the fake secret and Great Work:

“The Jews” are NOT a race of people.

The “chosen people” are self-selecting (religioso).

Why do commies insist “The Jews” are a race of people?

Because commies believe in magick.

Because commies are a secret society.

Because commies are occult faggots.

Some of my highlights and annotations:

Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco

Book last read: 2023-12-16 15:53:43
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 0.93%
Highlight: pentaculum,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 1.11%
Highlight: Neither darkness nor light, neither error nor truth.
Notes: Nothing equals zero.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 1.3%
Highlight: Numinous

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 1.3%
Highlight: How could you fail to kneel down before this altar of certitude?

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 2.59%
Highlight: Then suddenly I saw myself upside down in a mirror.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 2.78%
Highlight: athanor
Notes: Wizard furnace.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 2.96%
Highlight: Astronomy and clocks and robots.
Notes: Techno space religion.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 3.33%
Highlight: So many things run through your mind when you’re hiding alone inside a periscope.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 8.33%
Highlight: Do not expect too much of the end of the world.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 8.52%
Highlight: I came to the conclusion that for many of my companions political activism was a sexual thing.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 10.37%
Highlight: If somebody brings up the Templars, he’s almost always a lunatic.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 10.37%
Highlight: What about geniuses? Einstein, for example?
Notes: Lol

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 10.37%
Highlight: There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 10.93%
Highlight: Morons can even win the Nobel prize.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 10.93%
Highlight: Every great thinker is someone else’s moron.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 12.22%
Highlight: A School of Comparative Irrelevance, where useless or impossible courses are given. The school’s aim is to turn out scholars capable of endlessly increasing the number of unnecessary subjects.
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled. Endowment collapse.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 12.41%
Highlight: Diotallevi, a person can’t just decide to be a Jew the way he might decide to be a stamp collector or a Jehovah’s Witness. Jews are born. Admit it! You’re a gentile like the rest of us.
Notes: Chosen people for the win.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 12.41%
Highlight: The blood in me says that my thoughts are exquisitely Talmudic, and it would be racist for you to claim that a gentile can be as exquisitely Talmudic as I am.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 12.96%
Highlight: What do you do if you’re in trouble? You join the Templars, see the world, have some fun, do a little fighting. They feed you and clothe you, and in the end, as a bonus, you save your soul.
Notes: DOD

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 13.15%
Highlight: they fought in a spirit of chivalry and with mutual respect.
Notes: Fake vaccine.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 13.33%
Highlight: meat three times a week;

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 13.52%
Highlight: stylite
Notes: Hermit living on pillar.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 13.7%
Highlight: There’s nothing worse than an army when the war is over.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 14.07%
Highlight: Let’s say someone has to go to Palestine. He needs money, and he’s afraid to travel with jewels and gold, so he leaves his fortune with the Templars in France, or in Spain, or in Italy. They give him a receipt, and he gets cash for it in the East.
Notes: Travelers cheques.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 15.19%
Highlight: The Templars are richer, more numerous, more powerful than ever, but they were born to fight in the Holy Land,
Notes: Ish people enter stage left.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 15.56%
Highlight: The Templars were the trustees, proxies, and administrators
Notes: Begin covid scam.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 15.56%
Highlight: they acted like a great private bank but enjoyed all the privileges and exemptions of a state institution.
Notes: Federal Reserve

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 16.67%
Highlight: cabalists don’t believe in history.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 16.67%
Highlight: Everything is repeated, in a circle.
Notes: Incoherent matrix loop.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 16.85%
Highlight: there’s a whole tradition claiming that the Templars were steeped in Catharism.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 17.78%
Highlight: you must never flee in a straight line.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 19.07%
Highlight: bad literature brings no redemption. *

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 19.63%
Highlight: Suppose the Templars had a plan to conquer the world, and they knew the secret of an immense source of power, a secret whose preservation was worth the sacrifice of the whole

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 19.81%
Highlight: they held so many of his promissory notes that they could have bankrupted him in a week.
Notes: Chinese.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 23.33%
Highlight: the Templars were the guardians of an energy secret,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 25.74%
Highlight: I had learned in school that when you deal with the police, you lie. As a matter of principle.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 26.48%
Highlight: completely unaware of the Establishment, which wanted to keep them in a state of ecstatic enthusiasm,
Notes: Bread and circus for the morons. Also emergency injection mandates.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 26.85%
Highlight: if something is real, then it’s real and
Notes: Covid is fake.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 28.52%
Highlight: It’s quite possible that mortality is simply the result of poor education.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 28.89%
Highlight: The wise man does not discriminate; he gathers together all the shreds of light, from wherever they may come…

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 30.19%
Highlight: Do you yourselves not also worship a cosmic force in the form of virgins?

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 31.48%
Highlight: Abracadabra.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 33.7%
Highlight: strangle the last priest with the entrails of the last Rosicrucian.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 33.89%
Highlight: Poor Teuton, sick from too many well-tempered clavichords.
Notes: Germans

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 36.67%
Highlight: proletariat,
Notes: Lowest class citizen in Rome.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 37.41%
Highlight: The triumph of the machine, housed in a Gothic church…

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 37.59%
Highlight: Intellectuals felt good contemplating the handsome worker, healthy, strong, ready to remake the world.
Notes: Face mask on face fully vaccinated.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 37.59%
Highlight: Some quit their jobs rather than serve the Establishment…
Notes: Vaccine schedule must be complete.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 37.78%
Highlight: there’s one in New York, in the UN building,
Notes: Ritual sacrifice.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 37.78%
Highlight: That’s why I like this machine: it’s stupid, it doesn’t
Notes: Smartphone scrying screen killing everything.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 38.33%
Highlight: Science, realism, passion.
Notes: Face mask, lock down, vaccine.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 38.33%
Highlight: With science you can grab the reader by the throat.
Notes: Vaccine mandates for chattel.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 38.7%
Highlight: this onionskin might as well be paper money.
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 40.19%
Highlight: The only one who admired me was me.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 40.37%
Highlight: Science and magic going arm in arm,
Notes: Covid scam by warlocks.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 41.11%
Highlight: gnostic novel.
Notes: Regurgitated garbage on infinte loop.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 41.3%
Highlight: these people will gobble up anything that’s hermetic,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 41.48%
Highlight: Isis Unveiled,” I said. “
Notes: Blavatsky reference for hermetics.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 41.48%
Highlight: cabala, and the lottery, and tea leaves.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 41.67%
Highlight: you know I’m open to criticism, suggestions, objections, as all cultured people are.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 41.85%
Highlight: Knights of the Templar Alliance of Toulouse, Druidic College of Gaul, Couvent Spiritualiste de Jericho, the Cosmic Church of Truth in Florida, Traditionalist Seminar of Econe in Switzerland, the Mormons (I read about them in a detective story, too, but maybe they don’t exist anymore), the Church of Mithra in London and Brussels, the Church of Satan in Los Angeles, the United Lu-ciferan Church of France, the Apostolic Rosicrucian Church in Brussels, Children of Darkness and Green Order on the Ivory Coast (let’s forget that one; God knows what language they write in), Escuela Hermetista Occidental of Montevideo, the National Institute of Cabala in Manhattan, the Central Ohio Temple of Hermetic Science, Tetra-Gnosis of Chicago, Ancient Brethren of the Rosie-Cross of Saint Cyr-sur-Mer, Johannite Fraternity for the Templar Resurrection in Kassel, International Fraternity of Isis in Grenoble, Ancient Bavarian Illuminati of San Francisco, the Sanctuary of Gnosis of Sherman Oaks, the Grail Foundation of America, Sociedade do Graal do Brasil, Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, Lectorium Rosicrucianum in Holland, the Grail Movement of Strasbourg, Order of Anubis in New York, Temple of the Black Pentacle in Manchester, Odinist Fellowship in Florida,
Notes: And so much more… Lol!

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 42.04%
Highlight: Do all those really exist?

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 42.59%
Highlight: My sole concern, also to ward off evil influences, is that my work be published before the winter solstice.
Notes: Lol

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 42.96%
Highlight: “Who hasn’t worshiped the serpent?” Diotallevi said.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 43.15%
Highlight: Charles Hoy Fort,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 43.15%
Highlight: ancient Mexican manuscript shows the earth as a square surrounded by sea,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 43.15%
Highlight: error of Einstein and the mystical secret of energy. The illusion of Galileo and the immaterial nature of the moon and the sun.”

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 43.33%
Highlight: A German engineer placed in charge of the sewers of Baghdad discovered electric batteries still operating that dated back to the Sassanids. In the excavations of Babylon, accumulators were found that had been made four thousand years ago. And, finally, the Ark of the Covenant (which contained the Tables of the Law, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna from the desert) was a kind of electric strongbox capable of producing discharges on the order of five hundred

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 43.52%
Highlight: The Isis Unveiled books must deal with the exact same subjects as all the others. They confirm one another; therefore they’re true. Never trust originality.
Notes: Hehe

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 43.89%
Highlight: We practice Dogma and the Ritual of High Magic: we are not witch doctors!”
Notes: Jeje

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 43.89%
Highlight: psychopompe,
Notes: A guide of souls to the place of the dead.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 44.26%
Highlight: How very childish! Come, come, these are occultists’ tales. You are behaving like vulgar Freemasons.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 44.26%
Highlight: Even those merchants of the Great Orient, who believe in nothing, have a ceremony.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 45.0%
Highlight: another copy of Khunrath,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 46.3%
Highlight: he was naturally on the side of the government, which happened to be the Fascist dictatorship.
Notes: It’s you.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 48.52%
Highlight: Agarttha, the underground headquarters of the King of the World,
Notes: Show your face you dirty cave beast.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 48.89%
Highlight: spiritual power—the Church and the scientists, in other words. An enlightened oligarchy that would eliminate class
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 49.07%
Highlight: history is a bloodstained and senseless riddle?

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 49.63%
Highlight: Jewish-Masonic-Bolshevik plot.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 50.0%
Highlight: Synarchy is a plot of the international technocrats.
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 50.19%
Highlight: Tell him I’m not keeping tabs on any of you. The fact is, I have a dirty job, and my misfortune is that I enjoy it.”
Notes: FBI. Law enforcement wellness checks.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 53.52%
Highlight: True esotericism does not fear contradiction.”

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 55.56%
Highlight: If what you saw has anything in common with the Masons, it’s the fact that Bramanti’s rite is also a pastime for provincial politicians and professional men.
Notes: Khudilini ass kissing and lower chakra activation. secret society commies.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 55.93%
Highlight: People you might run into tomorrow and not recognize.
Notes: Secret society sell outs.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 56.3%
Highlight: It was becoming harder for me to keep apart the world of magic and what today we call the world of facts.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 56.48%
Highlight: I had always thought that doubting was a scientific duty,
Notes: Experimental injections are safe, effective, and required.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 56.85%
Highlight: whatever returns is good,
Notes: Loop of incoherent systems NOT good.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 60.37%
Highlight: Anti-Semitic, the Archontics

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 65.74%
Highlight: Could Freemasonry be the answer?
Notes: No.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 69.07%
Highlight: he saw the seal of the Antichrist, in the form of two linked triangles.
Notes: Pentagram people.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 70.0%
Highlight: As usual, and this should be obvious to anyone whose eyes have not been blinded by the false light of Western science,
Notes: Face mask lock down experimental vaccines. Gfys.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 70.37%
Highlight: They wanted the secret of Kundalini; who cares about sodomy.
Notes: Activating lower chackra. The masons are gay.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 70.56%
Highlight: the Templars replaced the menhirs, poor Celtic valves, with Gothic cathedrals, far more sensitive and powerful, their subterranean crypts containing black virgins, in direct contact with the radioactive strata; and they covered Europe with a network of receiver-transmitter stations communicating to one another the power and the direction, the flow and the tension, of the telluric currents.
Notes: temple on ley lines for planetary power.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 72.96%
Highlight: Marx, a Jew,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 74.07%
Highlight: if you fear a plot, organize one yourself; that way, all those who join it come under your control.
Notes: Fake secret society.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 74.63%
Highlight: repeating Barruel almost word for word, he talks of a satanic sect that wants to conquer the world,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 74.81%
Highlight: Masonry had been founded by the Jews, and that the Jews had infiltrated all the existing secret societies.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 74.81%
Highlight: they all became scientists and bankers.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 75.56%
Highlight: everywhere it says Jews write Templars,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 75.74%
Highlight: Masonry…The doctrine, its hatred, and its sacrilegious practices, exactly those of the Cabala, of the Gnostics, and of the Manicheans, reveals to us the identity of the authors, namely the Jewish Cabalists.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 76.85%
Highlight: sometimes, to prove something, you have to die.”

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 78.89%
Highlight: The National Socialist party did not tolerate secret societies, because it was itself a secret society,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 78.89%
Highlight: Lorenza Pellegrini
Notes: Great name.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 79.26%
Highlight: the display of any passion was always staged,

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 79.81%
Highlight: Suppose you wanted to commit genocide…
Notes: Face mask injection death cult of fake science.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 80.19%
Highlight: and thank heaven this is a civilized country, whatever people may say; we have a public health system we can be proud of.”
Notes: Face mask on children, mystery injection mandates, fake science.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 80.37%
Highlight: Did you know that on Himm-ler’s desk, along with Mein Kampf, there was always the Koran?

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 80.93%
Highlight: Manicheanism
Notes: Dualism

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 82.04%
Highlight: When religion fails, art provides.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 89.44%
Highlight: every now and then someone would invent, say, a vaccine
Notes: Death and destruction to their lineage.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 94.44%
Highlight: One of Them, in other words. I ran from Them, yet kept finding Them around me. Little by little, in the space of a few hundred years, They had occupied all of Paris. And the rest of the world.
Notes: More about them.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 96.48%
Highlight: when men stop believing in God, it isn’t that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything.
Notes: Fake science, face mask, social distancing, mystery injections.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 96.67%
Highlight: They were assailed by two fears: that the secret would be a disappointment, and that once it was known to all, there would be no secret left. Which would be the end of Them.
Notes: Fake people.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 96.85%
Highlight: there’s no redemption; we are all slaves, give us a master, that’s what we deserve…
Notes: American boot lickers.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 99.63%
Highlight: You understand everything when there is no longer anything to understand.

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