Froissart’s Chronicles by Jean Froissart book review

Views: 438

This chronicle, if true, sets precedent for purge style retribution by enslaved peasants.
Burn, rape, and pillage.
England, France, and Spain.
Kings, queens, and barons.
Castles, knights, and squires.
Fiefdom, serf, and noble.
Ransom, rest, and relaxation.

It’s the year 1300s. You own a castle. You didn’t die during childbirth.

Besides subsistence farming, trapping, water fetching, hunting with falcons, and other questionable histories.

France vs England vs Spain vs Portugal, vs Saracens, vs Romans, vs.

Plus growing enough oats to feed a regiment of calvary, men, horses, archers, commoners.

Troops, knights, and squires.

I don’t buy it.

Fake History.

Froissart’s Chronicles by Jean Froissart book review.
Mentioned by Sir Walter Scott in Waverley.

My highlights and annotations:

Froissart’s Chronicles: Edited and Translated by John Jolliffe by Jean Froissart

Book last read: 2024-02-18 18:26:51
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 5: Introduction
Chapter progress: 3.14%
Highlight: They mow down the peasants in thousands, killing them ‘like cattle’, as they no doubt regarded them.
Notes: Fema UN troops

Chapter 5: Introduction
Chapter progress: 3.14%
Highlight: Froissart’s most revealing phrase, underlining intentionally or not a physical difference between the races, is this: ‘There they faced the villeins, small and dark and very poorly armed,

Chapter 5: Introduction
Chapter progress: 3.14%
Highlight: sympathy with them would have been exceptional in a writer of his century,
Notes: Sympathy w peasants.

Chapter 5: Introduction
Chapter progress: 3.32%
Highlight: The greatest evils were disorder and anarchy, and in the context of the age this is understandable because the worst sufferings came from such sources – from peasant revolts, civil wars and bands of unemployed mercenaries.
Notes: Get ready America.

Chapter 10: Prologue
Chapter progress: 5.24%
Highlight: though nothing is unknown if one seeks far enough.
Notes: False.

Chapter progress: 6.46%
Highlight: When he had been tied up, his member and his testicles were first cut off, because he was a heretic and a sodomite, even, it was said, with the King, and this was why the King had driven away the Queen on his suggestion.

Chapter 13: The Scots Invade England (1327)
Chapter progress: 6.81%
Highlight: At that time they had little love or respect for the English, and the same is true today.
Notes: The Scots

Chapter 13: The Scots Invade England (1327)
Chapter progress: 6.98%
Highlight: mixing a little of their oatmeal with water, they sprinkle the thin paste on the hot stone and make a small cake, rather like a wafer, which they eat to help their digestion.
Notes: Apocalypse science. Oat cakes.

Chapter 13: The Scots Invade England (1327)
Chapter progress: 8.03%
Highlight: At this price peace was established for a few years.
Notes: Face mask death cult retreat.

Chapter 18: The Campaign of Crécy (1346)
Chapter progress: 11.17%
Highlight: So be it then, and God be with us. If you fight, I and my men will fight with you.
Notes: War against the covid commies.

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.31%
Highlight: His new town had everything that an army could need and more, including a place to hold markets on Wednesdays and Saturdays. There were haberdashers and butchers’ shops, stalls selling cloth and bread and all other necessities, so that almost anything could be bought there.

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.31%
Highlight: Desiring to spare his men and artillery, he said that he would starve the place out,
Notes: DOD domestic warfare.

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.31%
Highlight: he gave orders for all the poorer people, who had no stocks of provisions, to leave the town immediately.
Notes: GTFO

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.49%
Highlight: As can be imagined, she was welcomed with joy and she and all her ladies were soon lodged as honourably and comfortably as if they had been in London.
Notes: Queen of English

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.49%
Highlight: They were often pursued and nearly caught between Boulogne and Calais, but they always escaped.
Notes: Totally fake war.

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.49%
Highlight: Since they could not be reduced in these ways, the only course was to starve them out.

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.49%
Highlight: Sometimes one side would come off best, sometimes the other, as is usual in this type of fighting.
Notes: Fake civil war for commie simps.

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 14.66%
Highlight: The Flemings therefore invited the King and Queen, who were outside Calais, to come to the Abbey of Bergues and bring her with them. They would bring their young lord, and the marriage would be
Notes: Great story about leaving English princess at alter for France.

Chapter 19: The Siege of Calais (1346–7)
Chapter progress: 16.23%
Highlight: for I wish to repopulate Calais with pure-blooded English.

Chapter 20: Black Death, Flagellants and Jews 1 (1349)
Chapter progress: 16.4%
Highlight: and at least a third of all the people in the world died then.
Notes: Vaccine carnage.

Chapter 21: Sea Battle off Winchelsea (1350)
Chapter progress: 17.1%
Highlight: He stood in the bows of his own ship, wearing a black velvet jerkin and a black beaverskin cap which greatly suited him.
Notes: Looking good.

Chapter 21: Sea Battle off Winchelsea (1350)
Chapter progress: 17.1%
Highlight: so powerful and splendid that they made a beautiful sight.
Notes: 40 tall sailing ships together w top gallants unfurrled.

Chapter 22: The Siege of Breteuil and the Poitiers Campaign (1356)
Chapter progress: 18.15%
Highlight: exacting ransom-money from towns and castles,
Notes: Proof of financial responsibility, Warren’s GEICO Buffet.

Chapter 22: The Siege of Breteuil and the Poitiers Campaign (1356)
Chapter progress: 19.72%
Highlight: You can never think of anything new yourselves, but when you see something good you just take it!
Notes: Ish people.

Chapter 22: The Siege of Breteuil and the Poitiers Campaign (1356)
Chapter progress: 21.47%
Highlight: All fighting men kept very quiet indeed and stayed inside their fortresses.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.64%
Highlight: As a first measure, the Three Estates stopped the coining of the money then being minted and took possession of the dies.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.64%
Highlight: They also wanted to find out what had happened to the vast sums which had been raised in the past through tithes, levies on capital, forced loans, coinings of new money and all the other extortionate measures
Notes: Covid corporate extortion scam.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.64%
Highlight: Their sovereign was a prisoner and all the best of their knights were also in prison or dead,
Notes: Face mask on child for health and safety.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.64%
Highlight: until some of the wiser ones realized that things could not be allowed to go on in this way, but that something must be done about it.
Notes: Commies in America

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.64%
Highlight: in order that they should render a true account of all the funds which had been levied and collected on their advice.
Notes: Arrest the money printers and covid commies.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.64%
Highlight: But of these matters no one was able to give an account.

Notes: Commie covid scam.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.99%
Highlight: who had himself made a knight and became so powerful and rich that his wealth was uncountable.
Notes: Bill Warren Gates Buffet

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.99%
Highlight: At that time also there arose another company of men-at-arms and irregulars from various countries, who subdued and plundered the whole region between the Seine and the Loire.
Notes: Prepare for chaos.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.99%
Highlight: They ranged the country in troops of twenty, thirty or forty and they met no one capable of putting up a resistance to them.
Notes: Elect men of God.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.99%
Highlight: No place was safe from being attacked and pillaged

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 21.99%
Highlight: He had a large number of mercenaries at his command and paid them so well that they
Notes: Pentagram people.

Chapter 24: The Three Estates; the Free Companies
Chapter progress: 22.16%
Highlight: should be properly protected from the depredations of the Free Companies.
Notes: Corporate jurisdiction sticker checks.

Chapter 25: The Jacquerie (1358)
Chapter progress: 22.16%
Highlight: there were very strange and terrible happenings in several parts of the kingdom
Notes: Deep state chaos magicians.

Chapter 25: The Jacquerie (1358)
Chapter progress: 22.34%
Highlight: After about a dozen of them had violated the lady, they tried to force her and the children to eat the knight’s flesh before putting them cruelly to death.

Chapter 25: The Jacquerie (1358)
Chapter progress: 22.34%
Highlight: Their barbarous acts were worse than anything that ever took place between Christians and Saracens.
Notes: Face mask science.

Chapter 25: The Jacquerie (1358)
Chapter progress: 22.34%
Highlight: it would be a good thing if they were all destroyed.

Chapter 25: The Jacquerie (1358)
Chapter progress: 22.51%
Highlight: When they were asked why they did these things, they replied that they did not know; it was because they saw others doing them and they copied them.
Notes: Face mask lock down injection death cult.

Chapter 26: The Last Days of Etienne Marcel (1358)
Chapter progress: 23.04%
Highlight: , I would advise you to make provision for the future by building up a fund of gold and silver in some place where you can lay hands on it in case of need.

Chapter 26: The Last Days of Etienne Marcel (1358)
Chapter progress: 23.39%
Highlight: Finally they concluded that if the choice lay between remaining alive and prosperous and being destroyed, it would be better for them to kill than to be killed.

Chapter 26: The Last Days of Etienne Marcel (1358)
Chapter progress: 23.39%
Highlight: They began to murmur and be suspicious of everyone.
Notes: Vaccinated people cannot be trusted.

Chapter 26: The Last Days of Etienne Marcel (1358)
Chapter progress: 23.56%
Highlight: were executed as traitors
Notes: Covid injectors.

Chapter 27: Brigandry, Warfare and Predictions
Chapter progress: 23.73%
Highlight: so-called English, bands maintain a reign of terror, virtually paralysing trade and agriculture.

Notes: FBI and patsies.

Chapter 27: Brigandry, Warfare and Predictions
Chapter progress: 23.73%
Highlight: No one was able to travel, either merchants or others, or venture out from the cities and towns without his authority.
Notes: CDC Fema traitors.

Chapter 27: Brigandry, Warfare and Predictions
Chapter progress: 23.91%
Highlight: until at last they fell in a heap with their necks broken and were immediately turned to dust and ashes.
Notes: Covid commies

Chapter 27: Brigandry, Warfare and Predictions
Chapter progress: 24.26%
Highlight: That was how the garrison of Cormicy was captured and the castle demolished.
Notes: By digging under and collapsing main tower.

Chapter 27: Brigandry, Warfare and Predictions
Chapter progress: 24.43%
Highlight: Brother Jean de la Rochetaillade.
Notes: Prophet destruction of France.

Chapter 27: Brigandry, Warfare and Predictions
Chapter progress: 24.43%
Highlight: because of the way in which they oppressed the common people.
Notes: American commies.

Chapter 30: The Sack of Limoges (1370)
Chapter progress: 26.18%
Highlight: The knights inside and the townspeople, who knew what was going on, started a countermine in the hope of killing the English miners, but it was a failure.
Notes: Mine wars.

Chapter 30: The Sack of Limoges (1370)
Chapter progress: 26.18%
Highlight: the miners started a fire in their mine. In the morning, just as the Prince had specified, a great section of the wall collapsed, filling the moat at the place where it fell.

Chapter 30: The Sack of Limoges (1370)
Chapter progress: 26.35%
Highlight: More than three thousand persons, men, women and children, were dragged out to have their throats cut.
Notes: English siege.

Chapter 33: La Rochelle Goes Over to the French (1372)
Chapter progress: 27.05%
Highlight: Money is what they need.’

Notes: Soldiers

Chapter 33: La Rochelle Goes Over to the French (1372)
Chapter progress: 27.4%
Highlight: Thirdly, they requested the King to have minted in their town coinage of exactly the same value and alloy as that minted in Paris.
Notes: reHypothecation.

Chapter 37: Papal Affairs and the Great Schism (1376–7)
Chapter progress: 29.49%
Highlight: nearly seventy years the Popes used Avignon as their sole official seat,
Notes: Romans too much to bare.

Chapter 37: Papal Affairs and the Great Schism (1376–7)
Chapter progress: 29.67%
Highlight: the Romans, who are strange and treacherous people, will become lords and masters of all the cardinals and will force a pope of their own choosing to be
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Notes: Voted most valuable lizard.

Chapter progress: 30.19%
Highlight: for those who favoured a new election dared not act openly for fear of the Romans.
Notes: Romans are going to kill me.

Chapter progress: 30.37%
Highlight: For this reason the then Bishop of Cambrai, called John, lost all his temporal revenues.

Notes: Temporal revenue.

Chapter progress: 30.72%
Highlight: people who were not to blame for it paid the penalty every day.

Notes: Vaccine face mask death ritual.

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 32.81%
Highlight: If we go in good earnest and all together, very many people who are called serfs and are held in subjection will follow us to get their freedom. And when the King sees and hears us, he will remedy the evil, either willingly or otherwise.

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 32.81%
Highlight: These began saying that the country was badly governed and was being robbed of its wealth by those who called themselves noblemen.

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 32.98%
Highlight: They drew in all the people from the villages they went near, and they passed by like a tornado, levelling and gutting the houses of lawyers and judges

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 32.98%
Highlight: Soon he will have to render us an account of the revenue

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 33.16%
Highlight: still relentlessly pursuing their course of destroying the houses of lawyers and judges whenever they passed near them.

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 33.51%
Highlight: ransacking and destroying the houses of abbots, lawyers and court officials,

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 33.51%
Highlight: They also said that they wanted to have an account from the Chancellor of all the sums of money which had been raised in the kingdom during the past five years,
Notes: Where did the money go?

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 33.68%
Highlight: If we begin something that we are unable to finish, there will be no stopping things before we and our heirs are destroyed and all England is laid in ruins.
Notes: Covid scam

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 33.86%
Highlight: There were many whose only object was to destroy the nobles and seize their wealth and to loot and ransack London.

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 34.21%
Highlight: were chiefly intent on spreading such unrest through the town that the rich and noble would be killed and their houses looted.

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 34.38%
Highlight: I would rather see you all hanged, as you will be, for that’s the only end you

Chapter 39: The Peasants’ Revolt in England (1381)
Chapter progress: 35.43%
Highlight: Over fifteen hundred were put to death by beheading and

Chapter 40: Affairs of Flanders (1381–2)
Chapter progress: 35.6%
Highlight: accused of treason.
Notes: Face mask lock down commies.

Chapter 40: Affairs of Flanders (1381–2)
Chapter progress: 36.13%
Highlight: Sell your lives dearly and courageously and die, if you must, with honour.

Chapter 40: Affairs of Flanders (1381–2)
Chapter progress: 36.13%
Highlight: They would rather die

Chapter 40: Affairs of Flanders (1381–2)
Chapter progress: 36.3%
Highlight: they broke like cowards, puffed up with nothing but false courage.

Chapter 41: Battle of Roosebeke (1382)
Chapter progress: 37.7%
Highlight: gauntlets of whaleskin.

Chapter 41: Battle of Roosebeke (1382)
Chapter progress: 38.22%
Highlight: gonfalon.
Notes: Banner or pennant.

Chapter 41: Battle of Roosebeke (1382)
Chapter progress: 38.39%
Highlight: Some had sharp axes with which they split helmets and knocked out brains,

Chapter 41: Battle of Roosebeke (1382)
Chapter progress: 38.39%
Highlight: The men-at-arms began thrusting at their flanks with their stout, long-bladed lances of hard Bordeaux steel which penetrated their coats of mail to the flesh.

Chapter 42: Charles VI Marries Isabella of Bavaria (1385)
Chapter progress: 38.92%
Highlight: It is the custom in France for any lady, however great her family may be, whom it is intended to marry to the King, to be seen and examined by ladies in a completely naked state, to decide whether she is fit and properly formed to bear children.
Notes: Atlantean Bacon Mason reference.

Chapter 42: Charles VI Marries Isabella of Bavaria (1385)
Chapter progress: 39.27%
Highlight: the Germans are much given to going on pilgrimages and it is an established custom with them.

Notes: Lock down face mask test and injection requirements to travel abroad.

Chapter 44: At the Court of the Count of Foix (1388)
Chapter progress: 40.14%
Highlight: When he saw me, he welcomed me warmly and made me a member of his household, where I stayed for over twelve weeks, with my horses fed and well looked after in every way.

Chapter 44: At the Court of the Count of Foix (1388)
Chapter progress: 40.31%
Highlight: He knew exactly from whom it was proper to take and to whom to give. He loved dogs more than all other animals and was very fond of hunting, both in summer and winter. He took great pleasure in arms and love.

Chapter 44: At the Court of the Count of Foix (1388)
Chapter progress: 40.31%
Highlight: He was always increasing his wealth, as a precaution against the hazards of fortune which he feared.

Chapter 44: At the Court of the Count of Foix (1388)
Chapter progress: 40.49%
Highlight: He usually ate much poultry – but only the wings and the legs – and drank little.

Chapter 44: At the Court of the Count of Foix (1388)
Chapter progress: 40.84%
Highlight: But I am the master of this money. I am holding it on your behalf, but it shall never leave
Notes: Debt based money end of life.

Chapter 45: The Haunting of Sir Peter
Chapter progress: 42.41%
Highlight: You hunt me although I mean you no harm. You will come to an evil end.
Notes: FBI

Chapter 47: The Tale of the Familiar
Chapter progress: 45.03%
Highlight: The battle was fought on a Saturday (14 August 1385).

Chapter 47: The Tale of the Familiar
Chapter progress: 45.38%
Highlight: You might as well be dead for all the effect you have on me.
Notes: Covid commies.

Chapter 47: The Tale of the Familiar
Chapter progress: 45.38%
Highlight: Now go and look somewhere else for a benefice.
Notes: I don’t answer questions.

Chapter 48: Preparations for a French Invasion of England (1386)
Chapter progress: 46.42%
Highlight: To pay for the expedition and have sufficient ships, the rich in France were taxed a quarter or a third of their fortunes, while many smaller men were taxed at more than they possessed to provide the pay of the
Notes: Death and tax.

Chapter 48: Preparations for a French Invasion of England (1386)
Chapter progress: 46.77%
Highlight: They were kept on at high wages

Chapter 48: Preparations for a French Invasion of England (1386)
Chapter progress: 46.77%
Highlight: The great lords did everything that could possibly be thought of to beautify their ships, and it was all paid for by poor people throughout France, for the taxes levied for this expedition were so great that the richest complained bitterly and the poor tried
Notes: Put face mask on and shut up.

Chapter 49: Trial by Combat (1386–7)
Chapter progress: 47.99%
Highlight: the matter should be settled by a duel to the death.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.52%
Highlight: Madam Isabella who, as you know, was a good and beautiful lady, of the highest and noblest descent possible.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.52%
Highlight: A base man has no idea of what honour means, but wants to grab everything and gobble it up, just like an otter in a pond destroying all the fish it finds there.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.52%
Highlight: All this was allowed by King Richard, who was so blinkered by the Duke of Ireland that even if he said black was white the King did not contradict him

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.52%
Highlight: As long as he has his present council things cannot go right, for a kingdom can never be well governed nor a sovereign properly advised by bad people.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.69%
Highlight: an account should be demanded

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.69%
Highlight: And in the long run the King is supreme. He will pardon you and remit the whole sum, because in the end it must come back to him and no one else.’

Notes: The money is fake.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.69%
Highlight: If there were any who could not give a good and honest account, they were punished either physically or financially, and some in both ways.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 48.87%
Highlight: Many deplored this, and said that gold and silver had become so difficult to acquire that trade was stagnating in consequence, and no other explanation of the scarcity could be

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 49.21%
Highlight: lay hands on him and make sure he doesn’t get away.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 49.39%
Highlight: Put your affairs in order, for I will touch neither food nor drink as long as you are alive.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 50.09%
Highlight: since all those whom they hated and wished to remove from the King’s council were dead or in exile, so that no new party could be formed, it was now necessary for the King and the kingdom to be put back on a sound footing.

Chapter 50: Richard II’s First Struggle with his Uncles (1387–8)
Chapter progress: 50.26%
Highlight: They did homage in the customary way, with their hands clasped, kissing the King on the lips.
Notes: Wtf

Chapter 51: John of Gaunt’s Expedition to Spain (1386–7)
Chapter progress: 50.44%
Highlight: When the knights and squires saw how dangerous the situation might become, and the shortage of foodstuffs, and the increasing strength of the sun,

Chapter 51: John of Gaunt’s Expedition to Spain (1386–7)
Chapter progress: 50.44%
Highlight: They will defeat us without giving battle.

Chapter 51: John of Gaunt’s Expedition to Spain (1386–7)
Chapter progress: 51.13%
Highlight: He wants his men to guard the land he has conquered, but who will guard it when they are all dead?

Chapter 52: The Battle of Otterburn (Chevy Chase) (1388)
Chapter progress: 53.23%
Highlight: And when they surrender to each other according to the law of arms, they treat their prisoners well without pressing too hard for money, behaving chivalrously to one another, which the Germans do not.

Chapter 52: The Battle of Otterburn (Chevy Chase) (1388)
Chapter progress: 53.23%
Highlight: It would be better for a knight to be captured by infidels, out-and-out pagans or Saracens, than by the Germans.

Chapter 54: Queen Isabella’s Entry into Paris (1389)
Chapter progress: 53.93%
Highlight: From the fountain flowed streams of excellent honied and spiced wine, and all round it stood young girls very richly dressed, wearing handsome golden hats and singing very tunefully.
Notes: Queen Isabella arrives in Paris.

Chapter 54: Queen Isabella’s Entry into Paris (1389)
Chapter progress: 54.62%
Highlight: The great heat and the stink of the crowd almost caused the Queen to faint,

Chapter 54: Queen Isabella’s Entry into Paris (1389)
Chapter progress: 54.97%
Highlight: The whole, both gold and silver, weighed a hundred and fifty pounds.

Chapter 54: Queen Isabella’s Entry into Paris (1389)
Chapter progress: 54.97%
Highlight: The whole of this plate weighed seventy-five pounds in solid gold.

Chapter 55: A Royal Visitation (1389)
Chapter progress: 55.15%
Highlight: He gave splendid banquets and suppers for them and presented them with gold rings and clasps, to each according to his estimation of her worth.
Notes: Lively ladies.

Chapter 55: A Royal Visitation (1389)
Chapter progress: 55.15%
Highlight: and one object of the King’s visit is to investigate the complaints of extortion
Notes: Covid

Chapter 55: A Royal Visitation (1389)
Chapter progress: 56.02%
Highlight: It is our will that he should die. He is an evil man, a heretic and a robber.

Chapter 55: A Royal Visitation (1389)
Chapter progress: 56.2%
Highlight: so that when he thought he was most securely seated on top of her wheel, she spun him down into the mud – as she has done to thousands of others since the world began.

Chapter 55: A Royal Visitation (1389)
Chapter progress: 56.54%
Highlight: He relaxed there for three days, for this was the town which had pleased him so much, with its maids and its ladies;

Chapter 55: A Royal Visitation (1389)
Chapter progress: 56.72%
Highlight: I should add that the Duke of Touraine insisted on being paid in hard cash.
Notes: Lol

Chapter 56: Tournament at Saint-Inglevert (1390)
Chapter progress: 57.42%
Highlight: for he was one of the strongest and toughest jousters in France at that time and also he was truly in love with a gay and beautiful young lady, and this contributed greatly to his success in all his undertakings

Chapter 58: The Death of the Count of Foix (1391)
Chapter progress: 58.81%
Highlight: It should be said that of all the pleasures of this world he particularly loved hunting with hounds, and constantly maintained more than sixteen hundred of them for his use.

Chapter 59: Charles VI Goes Mad (1392)
Chapter progress: 60.38%
Highlight: He had lost all recollection of who people were and could not recognize his own brother or his uncles.
Notes: Adverse reaction.

Chapter 59: Charles VI Goes Mad (1392)
Chapter progress: 60.91%
Highlight: for there must be government and administration. Otherwise there would be trouble.
Notes: Snake talk.

Chapter 59: Charles VI Goes Mad (1392)
Chapter progress: 61.26%
Highlight: Amusements, relaxations, sports and pastimes within reason are more beneficial to him
Notes: Face mask and vaccine not required.

Chapter 59: Charles VI Goes Mad (1392)
Chapter progress: 61.43%
Highlight: since that is the aim which doctors always pursue, to get large payments and profits from the lords and ladies they attend.
Notes: Pharma reps and hand jobs.

Chapter 60: Froissart Revisits England (1395)
Chapter progress: 61.61%
Highlight: and all the other French nobles who had been kept in London as hostages for the ransom of King John of France,
Notes: Next of lizard kin.

Chapter 60: Froissart Revisits England (1395)
Chapter progress: 61.78%
Highlight: In my enthusiasm for the journey I found all these preparations easy, for when one undertakes a thing gladly the effort seems to cost nothing.

Chapter 60: Froissart Revisits England (1395)
Chapter progress: 62.65%
Highlight: for the English do not find it agreeable for him to marry a Frenchwoman

Chapter 60: Froissart Revisits England (1395)
Chapter progress: 62.65%
Highlight: His answer was that God will provide, that she will grow older, and that he would much rather she was too young than too old.

Chapter 61: The English in Ireland (1394–5)
Chapter progress: 62.83%
Highlight: when he maintained himself on the Irish frontier for nine months at very great expense.
Notes: English King

Chapter 61: The English in Ireland (1394–5)
Chapter progress: 63.0%
Highlight: understanding the mentality of the Irish, who are very dour people, proud and uncouth, slow-thinking and hard to get to know or make friends with.

Chapter 61: The English in Ireland (1394–5)
Chapter progress: 63.7%
Highlight: they do not wear breeches.
Notes: Irish.

Chapter 62: Two Marriages (1395–6)
Chapter progress: 64.22%
Highlight: where they were very cordially received and lavishly entertained.

Chapter 62: Two Marriages (1395–6)
Chapter progress: 64.22%
Highlight: At that time, I was told, it was a pleasure to see her, young though she was, for she well knew how to behave as a queen.

Chapter progress: 64.75%
Highlight: They are so over-brimming with conceit that they never bring any of their enterprises to a successful conclusion.
Notes: DOD

Chapter progress: 64.92%
Highlight: and no one knows where the money goes to.
Notes: Trillions of debt dollars. Quadrillions of derivatives.

Chapter progress: 64.92%
Highlight: Ireland is not a place where there’s anything worth winning. The Irish are a poor and nasty people, with a miserable country that is quite uninhabitable.

Chapter progress: 65.1%
Highlight: tax of thirteen per cent should be levied on sellers of goods –

Chapter progress: 66.49%
Highlight: Such threats had imposed silence on many people who were in strong disagreement with his recent actions.

Notes: FBI

Chapter progress: 67.36%
Highlight: All the courts of justice were closed, to the dismay of honest men who asked only for tranquillity and fair dealing,

Chapter progress: 67.54%
Highlight: They began to be attacked by a class of people who roamed the country in troops and gangs.

Chapter progress: 68.06%
Highlight: the Earl stipulated that he and his heirs should assume responsibility for the government of the kingdom for all future time.

Chapter progress: 68.24%
Highlight: have risen against you in force and are evidently coming to seek you out,
Notes: Men.

Chapter progress: 69.28%
Highlight: Consider for a moment what it is like when the people are roused to revolt and get the upper hand of their master,
Notes: Delightful consideration.

Chapter progress: 69.98%
Highlight: such things have made peace and forgiveness impossible for me.
Notes: Covid scam

Chapter progress: 69.98%
Highlight: making himself very humble before him, like the frightened man he was,
Notes: King

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