We found 103 results for your search.

Adding Roles

Views: 278Can you not see what is happening? The policies put into place by our corporate/government overlords will eliminate most of the issues you describe. IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE: “First-world” populations cannot access legacy banking refusing to take part in medical apartheid. Entire segments of working class people unable to engage with ‘transaction’ services… Continue reading Adding Roles

Measuring Decentralization and Distribution on a Network

Views: 111What is digital scarcity? How do you measure decentralization and distribution? What is the network signal/force of Hash Rate indicating to others? Do you perceive value in a form of accounting that transcends The Federal Reserve? Who are the like minded individuals who would lend their Daemon for the common good? Decent, law abiding… Continue reading Measuring Decentralization and Distribution on a Network

Inheritors of The Earth by Gordon Eklund and Poul Anderson – book review

Views: 139There are three types of people on the planet: The Robots, the Superiors, and the Inheritors. The NPCs, the HUMANS, and the ELITE The zombies, the humans, and the Orcs The normies, the humans, and the cave beast. The Edomites, the humans, and the Amolokites. The Gentiles, the humans, and the Jacobites. You see… Continue reading Inheritors of The Earth by Gordon Eklund and Poul Anderson – book review

Predictive Programming by CIA Counter Intelligence agent Lou Elizondo – Chains of the Sea – book review

Views: 247It’s not often you get to read a book recommended by a bloated CIA counter-intelligence agent. Lou Elizondo is the point-man for the UFO ‘alien threat’ operation. All ‘news’ outlets and social media overlords are inundating the populace with the UFO threat op. Mr. Elizondo recommends the book ‘Chains of the Sea’ according to… Continue reading Predictive Programming by CIA Counter Intelligence agent Lou Elizondo – Chains of the Sea – book review

America Before The Key To Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock – book review

Views: 104At this point in the game you should understand: ALL HISTORY the endowment enriched ‘academic’ organizations have shoveled into the debt-ridden student-plebes is complete BULLSHIT. None of it is true. Your history is FAKE AS FUCK. Just like the PCR test, just like this FAKE PANDEMIC, just like face mask wearing children— CDC, WHO… Continue reading America Before The Key To Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock – book review

The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain – book review

Views: 122I was fearful this book would be a terrible reminder of our Disney hellscape, croney crapitalism, changing places, freaky Friday, Cinderella garbage story. Even the fine vaccinated morons at Pixar couldn’t mess this up. Mark Twain is a master. His writing is transcendent. In this time of great revelations (of morons exposing themselves to… Continue reading The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain – book review

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay – book review

Views: 213I suppose you don’t need a book to drive home the point. Men have climbed the mountain of moron countless times in the past. Even if such a mole hill were made in the days of Charles Mackay (1814 – 1889), you can be sure man has figured a way to traverse the well… Continue reading Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay – book review

SS Brotherhood of the Bell by Joseph P. Farrell book review

Views: 92Just a few short months ago the revelations found in this book would have been more difficult, if not impossible, for me to accept. This book introduces the Two Space Program hypothesis and public consumption physics. One being appropriate for public disclosure and the other a deeply held secret of technology and alchemical science… Continue reading SS Brotherhood of the Bell by Joseph P. Farrell book review

Childhood’s End Book Review

Views: 109Soon the Overlords will reveal themselves. The Tall Whites living in Shasta Mountain or the City of Aragoth. They will subjugate the entire planet in the name of non-violence and peace. The people will follow their rule. The children of earth will become possessed by Satan.  They will leave their parents and transcend into… Continue reading Childhood’s End Book Review

Categorized as Charms


Views: 157For the sword and their destruction draweth nigh, and one people shall stand up and fight against another, and swords in their hands. 16For there shall be sedition among men, and invading one another; they shall not regard their kings nor princes, and the course of their actions shall stand in their power. 17A man… Continue reading do not KILL BILL GATES – MAKE HIM WEAR THE MASK – 2 Esdras 15