We found 258 results for your search.

Froissart’s Chronicles by Jean Froissart book review

Views: 437This chronicle, if true, sets precedent for purge style retribution by enslaved peasants.Burn, rape, and pillage.England, France, and Spain.Kings, queens, and barons.Castles, knights, and squires.Fiefdom, serf, and noble.Ransom, rest, and relaxation. It’s the year 1300s. You own a castle. You didn’t die during childbirth. Besides subsistence farming, trapping, water fetching, hunting with falcons, and… Continue reading Froissart’s Chronicles by Jean Froissart book review

Protect Border Injection Mandates, BDSM Pedo Hypochondria Fantasies and Fake Money. Alphabet Inc.gov

Views: 313All employees at CDC/FDA must be trained to protect face mask, social distancing, lockdown, and vaccine commie mandates. Give them bank accounts filled with Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDC All employees CDC/FDA/Alphabet Inc.gov et al, please make your way to the border. You are being attacked. You fucking commies are going to pay. Constitutional… Continue reading Protect Border Injection Mandates, BDSM Pedo Hypochondria Fantasies and Fake Money. Alphabet Inc.gov

Cutting Commies Deep. Lizards Take Down Site. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Views: 218Pepper.Works was attacked (again) after posting article about Texas Commie Border War. At about 2300 local 24 JAN the lizards came with their techno forces. The site remained down until I awoke out of a deep and pleasant slumber, dreams of covid commies rotting away in FEMA camps, the burning remains of large Alphabet… Continue reading Cutting Commies Deep. Lizards Take Down Site. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Track and Trace the Food Not the People. You Dumb Commie Fucks FDA/CDC/HHS/DHS/FBI/CIA/SEC/FinCEN. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Views: 198I want to track a bunch of apples from Government issued Walmart store back to origin. If you know how to track and trace domestic food supply, please contact me here. I’m serious. I want to know where the so-called “fruits” come from. Also interested in knowing where the beef comes from, but not… Continue reading Track and Trace the Food Not the People. You Dumb Commie Fucks FDA/CDC/HHS/DHS/FBI/CIA/SEC/FinCEN. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Waverley by Sir Walter Scott book review

Views: 331Rich people are the best. This book is one of my favorite. The way they talk, fight battles, and present their fortune to familiar heirs, the three ermines passant. It’s true, these rich bastards have everything except experience, which can be purchased through officer entitlements in the King’s service, the dragoons. You get caught… Continue reading Waverley by Sir Walter Scott book review

The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley book review

Views: 297When the witches speak you better listen. Especially if you’re a philandering priest, impregnating the buxom duchess who you seduce during Latin lessons. The witches will shriek and scream, strike a pose and expose themselves to their exorcists and onlookers who come from all around to see the Devils of Loudun. The witches will… Continue reading The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley book review

Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco book review

Views: 275The androgynous virgin prostitute wears a muslin veil standing on a stone alter. The men of (insert impotent secret society name here) await their turn with Sophia. Sick, disgusting, sad, weak, men; like faggots of wood burning in a fire. Kissing each other’s ass to release The Kundalini, diddling each other’s lower chakras in… Continue reading Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco book review