We found 128 results for your search.

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne Book Review

Views: 334The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne Book Review Captain Hatteras used anonymous means to build, outfit, and crew his ship. The men selected to sail with The FORWARD are sober, without family, children, or wives. The crew embarks without knowing the captain, destination, or purpose of the journey. Captain Hatteras finally reveals… Continue reading The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne Book Review

From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review

Views: 464From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review. Great book from 1865 that NASA copied to perpetrate the moon landing hoax. The book goes into great detail on creating “moon mission” spectacle. The announcement of “moon shot”. The planning, funding, building, and launching of “the capsule”. “Gun Club” president and Navy… Continue reading From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review

Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review

Views: 279Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review. Doctor Jason Tennyson is on the run from planet Gut Check. He’s a stowaway on the Wayfarer, a ship full of pilgrims. Destination: The Vatican. The End of Nothing houses the electronic pope. The listeners are astral travelers, revealing mysteries about other luminaries, employs of robot… Continue reading Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review

Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review

Views: 257Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review This massive tome of ‘historical’ biographies includes every Western trope you have ever known. Published in 1883. It really is fun to read, a little tiresome after eleven hundred pages. The Mason author was tasked with making heroes out of all these secret society… Continue reading Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review

Thiaoouba Prophecy: The Golden Planet. : A True Report by the Author Who Was PHYSICALLY ABDUCTED to Another Planet by Michel Desmarquet book review – techno space

Views: 343Abduction to the 9th Planet Book Review Regurgitated star trek corn chowder. Techno circus of universal materialism. Chosen people from category higher than you. Welcome to the golden planet. So bright, you gotta wear shades. I’m serious. The golden ninth planet is so bright, the epicene space gods require all visitors wear a face… Continue reading Thiaoouba Prophecy: The Golden Planet. : A True Report by the Author Who Was PHYSICALLY ABDUCTED to Another Planet by Michel Desmarquet book review – techno space

The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald book review

Views: 347Curdie is gifted the power of discernment by Irene’s silver haired grandmother living in the garret. Curdie sets out for the king’s castle. Curdie finds the King on his deathbed, Irene is desperate. The city is in default. The people in denial. Entire retinue of commie sellouts. The doctor is slowly killing the king… Continue reading The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald book review

The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald book review

Views: 318Princess Irene has a silvered haired grandmother living in the garret. Irene is given a ring that provides a thread of direction spun in the light of the moon by her grandmother. The thread leads Irene to Curdie who is trapped in the caves by the goblins in the depths of the mountain. They… Continue reading The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald book review

My Captivity by Fanny Kelly book review

Views: 314I enjoyed it very much. The story is fake. Fanny Kelly describes one of her fellow emigrants as a daguerro artist. Her alleged “emigration” and subsequent capture commencing on or about May 17, 1864. I booted up circe machine to search FANNY KELLY – seeking to find daguerreotype of FANNY KELLY. Daguerro was getting… Continue reading My Captivity by Fanny Kelly book review

Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn by Evan S. Connell book review

Views: 472Damn good book about G.A.C. George Armstrong Custer. Son of the Morning Star – glorious light of Lucifer. Roman flame cult – Secret society theater presents – Civil War followed by Indian removal. Native problem solver, Custer. A man at the bottom of his West Point class, given starring roll in war episode, Civil… Continue reading Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn by Evan S. Connell book review