We found 128 results for your search.

The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp by W.H. Davies book review

Views: 157Working for fake money is not recommended. Back in the day, it used to be an honest living, tramping around, building fires, riding trains, working on ships, knowing the hospitable places to bed down. SLEEPING IN PUBLIC IS ILLEGAL The thing is, only the downrighters made an issue of NO WORK. They refused it… Continue reading The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp by W.H. Davies book review

Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Book Review

Views: 148Thirty and Three Cheers to Victor Hugo and Les Misérables. Not unlike Dickens’s, A Tale of Two Cities, Les Misérables examines the FAILURE of THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. You know the one, it’s the revolution where the The French People allegedly chopped the heads off their pitiful leaders. (Antoinette Marbles) Les Misérables plays out in… Continue reading Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Book Review

The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Rudolf Erich Raspe book review

Views: 98Is the Baron making fun of sportsmen? Yes.Is the Baron a liar? Yes.Is the Baron a German? Yes.Is the Baron a lizard? Yes.Is the Baron a swindler? Yes.Is this book a joy? Yes. Does this book occupy your time during tribulation? Yes.How many people took the experimental injection? All of the people.Do the people… Continue reading The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Rudolf Erich Raspe book review

Our Children’s Children by Clifford D. Simak book review

Views: 81This alien invasion story was published in 1974. Predictive programs include: References to teletypes and news wire.Film cameras.Washington DC secretary hussies. When they arrive from the future with a trillion dollars worth of jewels, only the US and British governments can be trusted to wash the funds, slowly incorporating diamonds into market so as… Continue reading Our Children’s Children by Clifford D. Simak book review

Lost Horizon by James Hilton book review

Views: 67Jolly good story about Shangri-La Monastery in Tibet mountains. Communal living in moderation. Away from all VACKED PEOPLE, away from incomprehensible CORPORATE CAPITAL system of fake money, away from FBI, away from corrupt LE, away from paid-off goon squad, away from stalker spook assassins, away from fake money forces of all kinds. A great… Continue reading Lost Horizon by James Hilton book review

The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges book review

Views: 76I speak the language of the birds. Nobody understands what I’m saying. Why did gnostic men encode alchemical magick in stone carvings from the dark ages? The carvings are inferior to anything the Renaissance produced. Yet, Fulcanelli assures us the meaning is superior. Gothique is the shit. Is this true? Who cares? Secret Snake… Continue reading The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges book review

Earth Under Fire by Paul A. LaViolette book review

Views: 53The story begins in the heavens. Look towards the arrow of Sagittarius, the center of our galaxy. Kinetic superwave event of ancient star charts, the zodiac tells the story of our cataclysmic cycle. The wave carries with it a storm of space dust. The space dust enters our solar system. Our sun responds with… Continue reading Earth Under Fire by Paul A. LaViolette book review

Hunger (Sverre Lyngstad 1998 Translation) by Knut Hamsun book review

Views: 59Is your miserable artistic lifestyle making you sick? Take the correct drugs. Straighten up your act. Even if you eat out of gutters, making miserable passes at the house maids, fumbling with their underclothes, amusing THE COMMANDER, that bastard can’t even loan me ten kroner. Being poor is an artistic choice. Sponsored by Lizard… Continue reading Hunger (Sverre Lyngstad 1998 Translation) by Knut Hamsun book review

Capturing the Light by Roger Watson book review

Views: 136I wanted to know about photography and the discovery thereof. Fixing light to film, the perfect medium for programming and deceit. The Camera Obscura, the Camera Lucida, and tools used to control our fucked up reality. How were the “masters” able to achieve perfect scales and perspectives? My original thesis: Capturing the light was… Continue reading Capturing the Light by Roger Watson book review