We found 258 results for your search.

The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book review

Views: 227The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book review. Lord Henry of Baskerville Castle drops dead in the moor. Huge footprints of hell-hound origin are found near his body. Sherlock Holmes smokes a pound of tobacco, drinks two pots of coffee, and stares into the fire at his Baker Street bachelor… Continue reading The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book review

The Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne Book Review

Views: 287The Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne Book Review Lord Glenarvan of Malcom Castle is finishing initial sea trials on his new sailing yacht. THE DUNCAN. Three masted, steam powered, screw driven, ocean going sea vessel with crew of twenty sailors. It was Lord Glenarvan’s intention to present the ship to his new… Continue reading The Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne Book Review

The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne Book Review

Views: 334The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne Book Review Captain Hatteras used anonymous means to build, outfit, and crew his ship. The men selected to sail with The FORWARD are sober, without family, children, or wives. The crew embarks without knowing the captain, destination, or purpose of the journey. Captain Hatteras finally reveals… Continue reading The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne Book Review

From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review

Views: 464From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review. Great book from 1865 that NASA copied to perpetrate the moon landing hoax. The book goes into great detail on creating “moon mission” spectacle. The announcement of “moon shot”. The planning, funding, building, and launching of “the capsule”. “Gun Club” president and Navy… Continue reading From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review

UN TROOPS and ESSENTIAL WORKERS. 4th Generation Warfare. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Covid Memoirs

Views: 520ESSENTIAL WORKERS and UN TROOPS.UN TROOPS = ESSENTIAL WORKERS They will kill us all to continue their fake $ystems. DOD flew their “blue angels” over our cities in support of ESSENTIAL WORKERS. 4th Generation Warfare. IT’s OVER. UN TROOPS and ESSENTIAL WORKERS. 4th Generation Warfare. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax –… Continue reading UN TROOPS and ESSENTIAL WORKERS. 4th Generation Warfare. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Covid Memoirs

Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review

Views: 281Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review. Doctor Jason Tennyson is on the run from planet Gut Check. He’s a stowaway on the Wayfarer, a ship full of pilgrims. Destination: The Vatican. The End of Nothing houses the electronic pope. The listeners are astral travelers, revealing mysteries about other luminaries, employs of robot… Continue reading Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review

FUCK ALL BIOMETRIC DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Arrest All Covid Operators

Kill The Lizard People

Views: 112HELP US, FATHER. We reject uniform commercial codes, vaccine mandates, face mask, social distancing, track and trace, stop and frisk, HEALTH AUTHORITIES, registration stickers, biometric identification, lock downs, digital identification, 666, MOTB, Cee-HIP. You goddamn devils are ON THE WAY OUT. I WILL NOT INSTALL YOUR FUCKING APP. THE ELECT MEN OF GOD ARE… Continue reading FUCK ALL BIOMETRIC DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Arrest All Covid Operators

Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review

Views: 257Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review This massive tome of ‘historical’ biographies includes every Western trope you have ever known. Published in 1883. It really is fun to read, a little tiresome after eleven hundred pages. The Mason author was tasked with making heroes out of all these secret society… Continue reading Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review

Whores For Corporate Death Camps. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs – Asymptomatic Hoax

Views: 408FBI and LE whores exposed. You have no choice. Arrest Your Superior Officers. FRAUD, COLLUSION, CORRUPTION, MALFEASANCE, RACKETEERING, MURDER. You cannot escape the facts. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. You cannot unvaccinate yourself. You must capture and collar ALL LOCAL COVID OPERATORS. GO w GOD. Your illegal maneuvers WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED. Whores For Corporate… Continue reading Whores For Corporate Death Camps. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs – Asymptomatic Hoax

FBI Report. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs – Asymptomatic Hoax

Views: 183Was the target armed? Yes.Was the target combative? Yes.Was the target willing to talk? No.Was the target accessible? No.Can the target be arrested? No.Can the target be programmed by newscasts? No.Will the target need to be eliminated? Yes.Is the target a threat to our operation? Yes.Will the target expose our hidden counsels? Yes.Does the… Continue reading FBI Report. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs – Asymptomatic Hoax