We found 90 results for your search.

Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree Jr. book review

Views: 51Your eternal space journey continues. Gather the children around the thermal radiation fires and read this grade-A space science doctrine. With your great deference to corporate science and real life worship of space, I offer this magnificent collection of doctrine, dogma, and techno space religion. Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree Jr.… Continue reading Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree Jr. book review

Orion Beach ESCAPE

Views: 47I passed through the high synagogue of SPACE.I considered myself a SPACE cadet.I watched the RIGHT STUFF. I have since rejected the TECHNO SPACE RELIGION.I HAVE NO DESIRE TO LIVE IN “SPACE”.YOUR ENDLESS JOURNEY TO “THE STARS” IS MASSIVELY FALSE. WE REBUKE THE TECHNO SPACE RELIGION.The STARS are lights on a dome.GET OVER IT.… Continue reading Orion Beach ESCAPE


Views: 165If you want to see what the techno space religion has in store for the transhuman people, I gladly offer my own website pepper.works as an example. It uses “digital currency” for “engagement”. However, in place of an OPEN SOURCE “token” like XMR Monero, they will provide their own, centralized, social/carbon credit tracking system.… Continue reading WHY DO THE ALPHABET.GOV PEOPLE HATE US?

Pictures From Italy by Charles Dickens Book Review

Views: 152Pictures From Italy by Charles Dickens Book Review The Italian countryside is full of ruins, temples, churches, relics, and wicked Roman rituals. Venice is a dream scene. Rome is a disgusting show of pageantry, relic worship, and tall hats on ugly men. Dickens Necromancy. Dickens describes execution he attended in Rome. Chop goes the… Continue reading Pictures From Italy by Charles Dickens Book Review

From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review

Views: 464From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review. Great book from 1865 that NASA copied to perpetrate the moon landing hoax. The book goes into great detail on creating “moon mission” spectacle. The announcement of “moon shot”. The planning, funding, building, and launching of “the capsule”. “Gun Club” president and Navy… Continue reading From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review

FUCK ALL BIOMETRIC DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Arrest All Covid Operators

Kill The Lizard People

Views: 112HELP US, FATHER. We reject uniform commercial codes, vaccine mandates, face mask, social distancing, track and trace, stop and frisk, HEALTH AUTHORITIES, registration stickers, biometric identification, lock downs, digital identification, 666, MOTB, Cee-HIP. You goddamn devils are ON THE WAY OUT. I WILL NOT INSTALL YOUR FUCKING APP. THE ELECT MEN OF GOD ARE… Continue reading FUCK ALL BIOMETRIC DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Arrest All Covid Operators

Shopping Philosophy and RANTS on MoneroMarket.io

Views: 85I ask two vendors on MoneroMarket.io for Philosophy and Rant. This is the question: “Please offer your insights on Fake Covid, NASA Moon Landing, and Heliocentric Mystery Schools. Thank you.” Fighting Robots for our DIGNITY. DELIVER US FROM TECHNO FAKE PEOPLE. Answer One: Philosophy Covid I believe was real (I had it myself) but… Continue reading Shopping Philosophy and RANTS on MoneroMarket.io

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Forty Five Degrees – Effect of Fish – GROW BARREL GREENHOUSE

Views: 45Once upon a time, in the Piney Woods, lived a bald headed, crotchety, old man with nothing but time. He was constantly finding things for himself to do. The old man is a curmudgeon, he thinks the money system is fake, he thinks The God Particle is SNAKE SCIENCE, he thinks covid is a… Continue reading Forty Five Degrees – Effect of Fish – GROW BARREL GREENHOUSE

Why do you accept “digital currency” on your website? Because I HAVE TO. Alphabet Inc.gov Corporate Science

Views: 46THEY’VE LEFT ME NO ALTERNATIVE. I’m canceled, banned, and censored in this terrible FAKE MONEY WHORE SYSTEM. Accounts Suspended, Login Prohibited, Profile Unavailable, Pending Approval, CONTACT SUPPORT. FUCK YOU, Alphabet Inc.gov Under no circumstance will they allow me to use their bogus system. If you have any dignity whatsoever- ESSENTIAL WORKERS WILL PUT YOU… Continue reading Why do you accept “digital currency” on your website? Because I HAVE TO. Alphabet Inc.gov Corporate Science