The swashbuckling adventure and delights of: Rescuing women. Feeding women. Clothing women, Bathing women. Having sex w women.
Blue Horizon.
Mount your steed. You are a well-to-do colonial prince Living on The Cape. Table Mountain Harbor South Africa. Dutch Invasion.
You spot a flaxen-haired nymph.
You rescue the downtrodden princess. She’s got hair down to her ass, she is full of life.
You make way for the deep woods, escaping the Colonel and his men.
The yellow haired woman alights to your advances. She is completely dependent on you and your supplies. A match made in heaven.
Colonial woman and man in wilderness with army of savage slaves to assist.
Thank you, indigenous peoples everywhere.
Mansur loves his cousin Verity.
Kissing Cousins.
What’s going to happen?
Will it all end in full spectrum pharma/DOD death-cult ? Alphabet Emergency experimental injection mandates on idiot box? USA
Let’s find out.
Wilbur Smith, Blue Horizon
Above average adventure writing.
The carnal delights herewith DO NOT represent praise and/or worship on my part.
Enough is enough.
Wilbur Smith is cocaine for the soul. My annotations and highlights:
Blue Horizon by Wilbur Smith
Book last read: 2023-12-03 20:26:07 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 2.66% Highlight: pederast Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 6.31% Highlight: She had heard that in the city starving pigs and dogs had broken into the houses where people lay too sick to defend themselves. Notes: CDC
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 6.48% Highlight: Those who survive do not scour their bowels.” “ Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 6.98% Highlight: I think I’m the only person left alive in the world. All the others are dead. Notes: Deliverance and refuge.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 7.14% Highlight: The doors had been smashed open, and the shattered panels hung drunkenly on their hinges. Notes: CDC
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 7.14% Highlight: all the trappings of civilized government had been swept away by the plague. Notes: Deliverance and refuge
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 7.31% Highlight: She did not know what he would do to her if he discovered her, but she sensed that it would be beyond her worst nightmares. Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 7.48% Highlight: In Darkest Africa.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 7.97% Highlight: She knew that if she tried to pit herself against his dictates her suffering would be endless. Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 11.13% Highlight: Would he have a girl with golden hair and blue eyes riding at his side?
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 12.62% Highlight: For them this was a Roman circus, with the prospect of profit from salvaging the wreckage as it washed ashore. Notes: Covid scam
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 12.62% Highlight: The wet cloth emphasized the thrust of her breasts, Notes: Of course.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 16.94% Highlight: Women don’t wear trousers.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 17.77% Highlight: His jubilation was gradually replaced by the melancholy of the true hunter, caught up in the beauty and tragedy of the kill.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 18.27% Highlight: Once there had been a girl, with skin as bright as the plumage of a weaver bird and a face shaped like a heart. Her lips were as full as the fruit of the ripe mar ula her buttocks were like ostrich eggs and her breasts as round as two yellow Tsama melons warming in the Kalahari sun. Notes: Exotics.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 19.44% Highlight: In Xhia’s estimation monumental buttocks and dangling labia were signs of true feminine beauty.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 20.76% Highlight: “I am not sulking. I never sulk,” he said sulkily.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 23.59% Highlight: Each brew of coffee became progressively weaker but it restored his spirits and he was cheerful and ebullient again. Notes: Caffeine is the best.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 26.41% Highlight: She was weeping slow, silent tears, which sparkled like jewels in the sunlight.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 26.58% Highlight: They were drinking coffee, and Tom had laced their mugs with a liberal dram of Hollands gin. Notes: Mmm
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 26.74% Highlight: I give you instead a golden Dutch daffodil. She Notes: Open lily in dawning sun.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 26.91% Highlight: While Louisa laid rows of sausages to splutter and hiss on the grill, Sarah poured batter on to the flat iron griddle and watched it brown into pancakes. Notes: Good women making breakfast.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 37.38% Highlight: They splashed through the green waters belly deep and rode up the steep cut of the far bank. Notes: Horseplay.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 37.38% Highlight: It is an empty land,” Jim agreed, ‘and I love it so, for it and everything in it belongs to me. It makes me feel like a god. Notes: Dutch invasion.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 37.54% Highlight: Beads like these have been common currency in Africa for a hundred years or more.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 37.87% Highlight: “I do not parley with wizards or crocodile spirits, Notes: Lizard people need not apply.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 37.87% Highlight: I will use my witchcraft not to destroy your people but to feed them. Notes: Snake alert.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 38.21% Highlight: Although they were still as chaste as brother and sister,
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 39.87% Highlight: Vasco da Gama
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 40.03% Highlight: The spoils of war!” he said, with righteous indignation. “Of course it would be mine. Notes: Crocodile wizard.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 41.69% Highlight: Children make fine soldiers, he thought. They have no fear for they think it is a game, and they obey orders.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 43.19% Highlight: “I defecate on your heads, I piss on your seed. May your sons be born with two heads. May your wives grow beards, and fire-ants eat your testicles. Notes: Excellent insults.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 43.36% Highlight: My sweet hedgehog, there are some things of which a man can never have too much: love, money and cattle to name just a few.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 43.52% Highlight: he said, with solemn formality, “I am at last a rich man.”
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 43.69% Highlight: With Louisa held in the crook of one arm, and his other hand laid possessively on one of the stacks of ivory, he looked over his newly acquired herds, which filled half of the valley with their abundance. Notes: lizards win the day.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 45.68% Highlight: We thank the Lord for what we have had, but for a little more we would be glad.” Van Notes: colony prayer.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 45.68% Highlight: no slave or native may give evidence against a free burgher of the colony.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 46.35% Highlight: We pay our expenses in silver, and keep the profits in gold. Notes: Currency war.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 48.67% Highlight: Every Dutch port in this world will be closed to you.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 49.5% Highlight: I would rather shave off my beard and feast on pig flesh
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 53.65% Highlight: Then you will feel it walking in your eardrum. It will stroke the membrane of your inner ear with the sharp tips of its feelers. Then it will sting you. Notes: Fire ant in ear. Torture.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 55.48% Highlight: Boasts and brags are like debts and childhood sweethearts they often come back to plague the man who made them.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 55.98% Highlight: The death of kings!” he cried. “The destruction of tyrants!
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 55.98% Highlight: I am Nemesis, and I am coming for you.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 57.31% Highlight: I know it because I am clever and you are stupid,
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 58.64% Highlight: He placed the great Southern Cross squarely over his shoulder and rode into the north, Notes: Stars not visible from current realm.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 64.12% Highlight: If you can catch yourself a bit of poesje, well and good. But make sure all of the men are dead before you drop your pants. If not, you might get a cutlass up your arse end to help you along while you’re pumping cream.” They had all laughed. At times Koots could show the common touch
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 64.12% Highlight: fallible light of the moon Notes: Infallible sun.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 64.12% Highlight: They had told their companions and all were fired by the promise of pillage Notes: CDC FDA DOD Alphabet
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 65.28% Highlight: I have never heard him prate such bigoted and venomous nonsense before. Notes: Fake science.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 65.78% Highlight: Any stranger in the wilderness might be a deadly threat.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 66.11% Highlight: By God, you saucy knave!
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 66.78% Highlight: Now we will be able to range through this land and claim it as our own. Notes: “Nativity Bay”
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 70.27% Highlight: She was one of those unusual Englishwomen who flourish in the tropics.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 71.76% Highlight: she shook out her hair. Notes: A woman’s hair is her glory.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 73.92% Highlight: The English king will hold his shield over you, and protect you from your enemies. Notes: Red shield.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 80.07% Highlight: Verity’s tall slim figure.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 80.9% Highlight: but only twice before had he struck her with his fist.
Chapter 0: Start Annotation Chapter progress: 81.56% Highlight: We Courtneys are a hardy lot,” she said. He kissed her, but softly. It Notes: Kissing cousins.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 85.55% Highlight: bhang smoker.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 90.03% Highlight: Like most good
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 93.36% Highlight: It is not about honour, it is about love,” she replied.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 98.17% Highlight: They marvelled over James Thomson’s Seasons and giggled together like schoolgirls over Rage on Rage.
Chapter 0: Start Highlight Chapter progress: 98.34% Highlight: read Henry Fielding