Our Children’s Children by Clifford D. Simak book review

This alien invasion story was published in 1974. Predictive programs include: References to teletypes and news wire.Film cameras.Washington DC secretary hussies. When they arrive from the future with a trillion dollars worth of jewels, only the US and British governments can be trusted to wash the funds, slowly incorporating diamonds into market so as not… Continue reading Our Children’s Children by Clifford D. Simak book review

Father God in Heaven. Bring Enemy to Knees. Alphabet Inc.gov

Father, They are spraying the skies bad today. Hash marks across your firmament. Please protect The Saints. Protect the women and children. Bring our enemy to his knees. This terrible system is over. The yes-men are going to parish. Thank you, Father.

Categorized as Charms

Escape From Nightmare Hell World Prison Planet – Apocalypse Science

I was called by dispatch to get to the airport ASAP. VIP flight to secret location. When I arrived, the maintenance guys were unusually excited, prepping the 402 for departure. “The left engine is gonna need oil when you arrive. Extra quarts in your nacelles.” I saw strange cars in the hanger parking lot. I… Continue reading Escape From Nightmare Hell World Prison Planet – Apocalypse Science

Quitting Coffee. Apocalypse Science

Getting out of bed has lost all meaning. Everything is crepuscular. Nothing is fun. I’ve been off coffee for 72 hours. The first 24 were manageable. Slight pain in the joints. The next 24 began a screaming lower back problem, manageable with asprin. Sleeping in starts and fits. Kidneys exploding. Lower extremities feel distant and… Continue reading Quitting Coffee. Apocalypse Science