Three cheers for C.S. Lewis and the prophecy of That Hideous Strength, the final book in The Cosmic Trilogy. C.S. Lewis is here with us now. Let’s witness THE END in real time. Strange energies from space (The Awakening), mystery vaccines by immutable corporations, genetic manipulation inside chimera MRNA ‘technology’. This is the way the… Continue reading That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis book review
Is C.S. Lewis a sexless eunuch? Let’s find out. In this too long of a story about Ransom going to Venus, we all get bowled over by the Holy Spirit and/or the asexual aliens. Here is a book about the gospel of trans-asexual C.S. Lewis, a prudish Christian “writer” of great fantasy. I mean, what… Continue reading Perelandra by C.S. Lewis book review
Yesterday I went to town for three gallons of diesel. That’s ten dollars in today’s worthless money. I brought the diesel home and put it in the Kubota tractor parked in the barn. I say parked, but it could have been placed there by Abraham or Moses. The antiquity and patina of this tractor is… Continue reading Starting the Tractor – Fossil Fuel – Apocalypse Science
The secret meaning behind the off-world fiction of C.S. Lewis– Out of the Silent Planet I pretend to know what the hell is going on, how the lost tribes according to the ancient text are found in the writing of C.S. Lewis. How did the Sumerians learn to write? Where are the Hebrews? How did… Continue reading Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis book review