Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal

Everything I want to do is against the law. Everything I want to do is illegal. But I Do it anyways! Yeah, I do it anyways! Hey! [crazy synth pop drum break] [repeat chorus] /end

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Please Use The Service Entrance

Hello Peter. Thanks for joining the team. Weโ€™re happy to have you. Please note: your contract requires that you ONLY use the SERVICE ENTRANCE when arriving or departing the office. Do not use the front gallery. Thank You. Thomas W. Sneddon Jr. is a cold man

Categorized as Charms

Falling In Love With a YouTube Creator and Realizing They Are Dead – STOBE THE HOBO

Some weird algorithmic confluence brought us together. Stobe The Hobo was in my YouTube feed. I binged all day and the next on his art…ย  and then a memorial post inserted itself into my playlist, complete shock and sadness. The art and majesty of his adventures and music will never be matched. I am now… Continue reading Falling In Love With a YouTube Creator and Realizing They Are Dead – STOBE THE HOBO

Categorized as Charms


Devil removed this post. PG

Categorized as Charms