Forty Five Degrees – Effect of Fish – GROW BARREL GREENHOUSE

Views: 43Once upon a time, in the Piney Woods, lived a bald headed, crotchety, old man with nothing but time. He was constantly finding things for himself to do. The old man is a curmudgeon, he thinks the money system is fake, he thinks The God Particle is SNAKE SCIENCE, he thinks covid is a… Continue reading Forty Five Degrees – Effect of Fish – GROW BARREL GREENHOUSE

What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works

Views: 72The GROW BARREL is a design of my creation that incorporates hydro/aquaponics, auto bell-siphon, and deep grow-bed technologies. The sound of the bell siphon like a verdant waterfall. Nutrients in porous crags of pleasant pebbles, the music of moving water. The roots of your plants alive in oxidizing rivers, feeding from even tide of… Continue reading What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works