Bought 12 gallons of petroleum based lubricants today. We must keep our machinery in top shape for imminent societal collapse. All hands on deck. When the time is right we’ll melt our rifles into farm equipment. DO NOT TRADE YOUR RIFLES FOR PLOWSHARES. The demise of vaccine beast system people only a few weeks away.… Continue reading I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY
Category: News
Credible news from the other side
Father in high heaven. Please, if it is your will, exterminate all Pharmakia freaks. They are making the children wear face mask and demanding Beast system implementation. We know that you gave us free will to make righteous decisions and choices. I choose your kingdom, and not the kingdom of Bill Gates, nightmare vaccine corporate… Continue reading CORPORATE STIMULUS AT WAR
Carrying Dead Weight
Bought roofing materials yesterday. Three tab composite shingles of the brown variety. Thirty packages that must weigh a million pounds. It was a real pleasure directing the box store people to set the massive pallet down inside my badass box truck and drive it to my property. You can reduce man’s achievement to carrying massive… Continue reading Carrying Dead Weight
Perelandra by C.S. Lewis book review
Is C.S. Lewis a sexless eunuch? Let’s find out. In this too long of a story about Ransom going to Venus, we all get bowled over by the Holy Spirit and/or the asexual aliens. Here is a book about the gospel of trans-asexual C.S. Lewis, a prudish Christian “writer” of great fantasy. I mean, what… Continue reading Perelandra by C.S. Lewis book review
Do you feel safe with Child in Face Mask?
Fake Weather USA
S. stop T. think E. evaluate P. proceed good results smart decisions.
C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream
Here is an article by C.S. Lewis entitled A Dream where he describes the eternal revocation of our rights through emergency powers enacted by Federal Government cretins. A Dream by C.S. Lewis I still think (with all respect to the Freudians) that it was the concourse of irritations during the day which was responsible for my dream.… Continue reading C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream
Keep The Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell book review
I respect Gordon Comstock for fighting the good fight. The fight against money worship. The fight against this horrible system. The wicked Bolshevik/capital/socialist/bourgeois system of sickness that has people running in circles for their very survival. The hamster wheel for humans. Corporate stimulus for the morons Sick and dying for fake money It was a… Continue reading Keep The Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell book review