Coinbase and Blackrock – The whore of Babylon making deals.

The setup is this: Make it illegal to do business (exchange) with anybody but Coinbase (Blackrock, government sanctioned exchanges). Force everybody to comply with “identification” procedures (KYC, BSA, nightmare Patriot Act AML requirements for the homeland (IRS)). Dominate you and your family into the foreseeable future. I hope you have your double face mask at… Continue reading Coinbase and Blackrock – The whore of Babylon making deals.

The Regression of Science. Secret space program. Dead end religion. Techno Space

Let’s make a list. Science is a failure. Academic garbage people, your endowment is over. Many of you will say, “The missing science is on the moon via their secret space program.” But No. There is nothing. There’s no third-way being developed behind our backs, no underground cities of Oz, no colony of space rangers… Continue reading The Regression of Science. Secret space program. Dead end religion. Techno Space

Do you think CERN is a real program? techno space

Or, a huge Apocalypto set-piece, with Church of Science priest at top, sacrificing virgins and proclaiming A GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM will save us from climate change? Do we really believe moron particle physics people are hard at work “deciphering the data”, fondling co-eds, and enjoying tenure? Put your face mask on when entering the particle… Continue reading Do you think CERN is a real program? techno space

ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young – Techno Space

ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young We’re NOT all in this together. You WILL NOT BE MY SPACE PRESIDENT. Nobody wants to go to Mars or connect to your “neural” network. GET OFF THE PLANET ELON MUSK. Take Bazos, Buffet, Gates and Fink w you. We saw your MASK LAUNCH… Continue reading ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young – Techno Space


[CDC] illegal monitor of the people to put on domestic terror list. [FBI] illegal monitor of the people to put on domestic terror list. [DHS] illegal monitor of the people to put on domestic terror list. [USA] totally sold out to SATAN. [COG] 911 emergency ‘power’ still in place. [DJI] Wall street reaping CIA chaos.… Continue reading DHS EXTRA-CONSTITUTIONAL BASTARDS – Techno Space

Interesting Story About NASA Moon Rocks – techno space

Interesting Story About NASA “Moonrocks” I was a Space Camp kid. My mother sent me to “Space Camp” when I was in middle school. My Mother was a teacher, part of NASA’s “Young Astronaut Program“. She would meet with kids at her school that showed interest in math, science, and space, with a curriculum provided… Continue reading Interesting Story About NASA Moon Rocks – techno space

The Bible and Your Annunaki Alien Lord book review. Techno Space Religion

The Annunaki created Adam to tend their garden of Eden and mine gold for their home planet Nibiru. Dr. Enqi, the Annunaki’s chief medical officer, genetically created Adam, mixing his blood with that of an ape-man. The Annunaki elite were displeased because birthing the Adam required goddess birth mothers, Annunaki women. So Dr. Enqi impregnated… Continue reading The Bible and Your Annunaki Alien Lord book review. Techno Space Religion