From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review

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From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne Book Review.

Great book from 1865 that NASA copied to perpetrate the moon landing hoax.

The book goes into great detail on creating “moon mission” spectacle.

The announcement of “moon shot”. The planning, funding, building, and launching of “the capsule”.

“Gun Club” president and Navy hairdo, “JFK”, proclaims the stunt.

It’s all in the book.

Jules Verne describes the Columbiad, a giant gun that launches a three person capsule to lunar orbit.

Jules Verne describes the location of launch and mission control in chapter called, “Florida and Texas”.

Jules Verne lists the Joos who embezzled newly minted Masonic money of the United States and their friends at the pentagram church.

In addition, subscriptions were received at the following banks in the different states of the two continents:

  • At Vienna, with S. M. de Rothschild.
  • At Petersburg, Stieglitz and Co.
  • At Paris, The Credit Mobilier.
  • At Stockholm, Tottie and Arfuredson.
  • At London, N. M. Rothschild and Son.
  • At Turin, Ardouin and Co.
  • At Berlin, Mendelssohn.
  • At Geneva, Lombard, Odier and Co.
  • At Constantinople, The Ottoman Bank.
  • At Brussels, J. Lambert.
  • At Madrid, Daniel Weisweller.
  • At Amsterdam, Netherlands Credit Co.
  • At Rome, Torlonia and Co.
  • At Lisbon, Lecesne.
  • At Copenhagen, Private Bank.
  • At Rio de Janeiro, Private Bank.
  • At Montevideo, Private Bank.
  • At Valparaiso and Lima, Thomas la Chambre and Co.
  • At Mexico, Martin Daran and Co.

Jules Verne describes the single observatory constructed to affirm moon shot. Single point dispensary for moon landing broadcast hoax.

Jules Verne calculates and describes the Neutral Point of gravity between Earth and Moon.

NASA Masons copy every conceivable detail found in this book, right down to the the names and locations of their “moon mission”.

How to create dramatic story for world wide deception.

From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne

My annotations and highlights:

Chapter 110: CHAPTER I
Chapter progress: 3.13%
Highlight: The Yankees, the first mechanicians in the world, are engineers — just as the Italians are musicians and the Germans metaphysicians — by right of birth.

Chapter 110: CHAPTER I
Chapter progress: 3.15%
Highlight: Tribune predicts some approaching catastrophes arising out of this scandalous increase of population.
Notes: Predictive program.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.17%
Highlight: and the city magnates, municipal councilors, and “select men” were compelled to mingle with the mere townspeople in order to catch stray bits of news from the interior.
Notes: Arrest all covid operators.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.18%
Highlight: Yankee to the backbone.

Notes: New Englander.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.18%
Highlight: sang-froid.

Notes: Composure and coolness in trying circumstances.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.18%
Highlight: too long already a paralyzing peace has plunged the members of the Gun Club in deplorable inactivity.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.19%
Highlight: become the Columbuses of this unknown world.
Notes: Fake moon landing.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.19%
Highlight: enterprise which to any other country would appear wholly impracticable.
Notes: Nasa moon hoax.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.19%
Highlight: Three cheers for the Moon!” roared the Gun Club, with one voice.
Notes: Gun Club equals NASA.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.19%
Highlight: Fontenelle, wrote `The Plurality of Worlds,’ a chef-d’oeuvre of its time.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.19%
Highlight: In 1649 a Frenchman, one Jean Baudoin, published a `Journey performed from the Earth to the Moon by Domingo Gonzalez,’ a Spanish adventurer.

Chapter 111: CHAPTER II
Chapter progress: 3.2%
Highlight: It is reserved for the practical genius of Americans to establish a communication with the sidereal world. The means of arriving thither are simple, easy, certain, infallible — and that is the purpose of my present proposal.
Notes: We are go for fake moon launch.

Chapter 112: CHAPTER III
Chapter progress: 3.21%
Highlight: A thing with them is no sooner said than done.

Notes: USA fake moon landing.

Chapter 112: CHAPTER III
Chapter progress: 3.21%
Highlight: The Yankees all turned their gaze toward her resplendent orb, kissed their hands, called her by all kinds of endearing names.

Chapter 112: CHAPTER III
Chapter progress: 3.21%
Highlight: Nothing can astound an American.
Notes: Children in face mask.

Chapter 112: CHAPTER III
Chapter progress: 3.21%
Highlight: A national enterprise was at stake.
Notes: NASA moon hoax.

Chapter 112: CHAPTER III
Chapter progress: 3.21%
Highlight: heterogeneous population to the four corners of the United States,
Notes: Homogeneous commies in face mask.

Chapter 113: CHAPTER IV
Chapter progress: 3.23%
Highlight: There are to be found assembled all the most eminent men of science.
Notes: Fake people w fake jobs.

Chapter 113: CHAPTER IV
Chapter progress: 3.23%
Highlight: At that instant the projectile will have no weight whatever; and, if it passes that point, it will fall into the moon by the sole effect of the lunar attraction.
Notes: Apogee. Lunar middle earth.

Chapter 114: CHAPTER V
Chapter progress: 3.26%
Highlight: Thus, then, advancing from atom to molecule, from molecule to nebulous mass, from that to principal star, from star to sun, from sun to planet, and hence to satellite, we have the whole series of transformations undergone by the heavenly bodies during the first days of the world.
Notes: Creation myth.

Chapter 114: CHAPTER V
Chapter progress: 3.26%
Highlight: we call the Moon; and it is she whom the daring genius of the Americans professed their intention of conquering.

Notes: By shooting her w heavy artilary.

Chapter 115: CHAPTER VI
Chapter progress: 3.28%
Highlight: all America was seized with selenomania, or had become moon-mad.

Notes: Ticker tape perade of liars.

Chapter 115: CHAPTER VI
Chapter progress: 3.3%
Highlight: As for the Yankees, they had no other ambition than to take possession of this new continent of the sky, and to plant upon the summit of its highest elevation the star- spangled banner of the United States of America.

Notes: Fake moon pictures from NASA studio.

Chapter 116: CHAPTER VII
Chapter progress: 3.33%
Highlight: Aluminum?” cried his three colleagues in chorus.

Notes: aluminum oxide dust in chem trail ejaculate.

Chapter 117: CHAPTER VII
Chapter progress: 3.35%
Highlight: a shot quits a rifled gun less rapidly than it does a smooth-bore.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.36%
Highlight: Greek fire, which, like itself, was composed of sulfur and saltpeter.
Notes: Stolen tech. Chinese fireworks. Gunpowder.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.36%
Highlight: The old 24-pounder shot required for its discharge sixteen pounds of powder.”
Notes: 4 liters of powder.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.36%
Highlight: director of the gunpowder factories during the war.
Notes: lizards only.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.37%
Highlight: Now cotton, combined with cold nitric acid, become transformed into a substance eminently insoluble, combustible, and explosive.
Notes: Apocalypse science.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.37%
Highlight: plunging cotton for fifteen minutes in nitric acid, then washing it in water, then drying it, and it is ready for use.
Notes: Apocalypse science.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.38%
Highlight: if we mix it with one-eighth of its own weight of nitrate of potassium, its expansive force is again considerably augmented.
Notes: Apocalypse science.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.38%
Highlight: Barbicane and his bold colleagues, to whom nothing seemed impossible, had succeeding in solving the complex problems of projectile,
Notes: NASA lost the moon technology.

Chapter 118: CHAPTER IX
Chapter progress: 3.38%
Highlight: bagatelle,
Notes: Too unimportant to be worth consideration.

Chapter 119: CHAPTER X
Chapter progress: 3.38%
Highlight: The American public took a lively interest in the smallest details of the enterprise of the Gun Club.
Notes: Insert NASA everywhere it says Gun Club.

Chapter 119: CHAPTER X
Chapter progress: 3.38%
Highlight: fiery, daring, and violent disposition; a pure Yankee.
Notes: Fake money carpetbaggers.

Chapter 119: CHAPTER X
Chapter progress: 3.39%
Highlight: artillerists who fight at six miles distance are substituting mathematical formulae for individual courage.
Notes: Drone wars.

Chapter 119: CHAPTER X
Chapter progress: 3.39%
Highlight: The captain had it conveyed to the Polygon at Washington,
Notes: Insert pentagram for polygon.

Chapter 119: CHAPTER X
Chapter progress: 3.4%
Highlight: Without touching upon its uselessness in all points of view, he regarded the experiment as fraught with extreme danger, both to the citizens, who might sanction by their presence so reprehensible a spectacle, and also to the towns in the neighborhood of this deplorable cannon.
Notes: NASA destroyed all original film from moon hoax.

Chapter 119: CHAPTER X
Chapter progress: 3.4%
Highlight: Government, which ought not to endanger the safety of all for the pleasure of one individual.

Notes: Experimental injection schedule.

Chapter 120: CHAPTER XI
Chapter progress: 3.41%
Highlight: It became, then, necessary to determine exactly that spot on the globe where the immense Columbiad should be cast.

Notes: Florida and Texas. NASA followed every chapter in this book.

Chapter 120: CHAPTER XI
Chapter progress: 3.42%
Highlight: Yes; because it was afraid of the Mexicans!” replied Florida.
Notes: To Texas.

Chapter 120: CHAPTER XI
Chapter progress: 3.43%
Highlight: sagacious.
Notes: Showing keen mental discernment.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.44%
Highlight: all persons of good will upon the face of the earth.
Notes: Cribbed by Niel go fuck yourself Armstrong.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.44%
Highlight: The sum required was far too great for any individual, or even any single State, to provide the requisite millions.
Notes: NASA laundered billions of dollars through moon mission hoax.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.44%
Highlight: It was a purely disinterested operation in the strictest sense of the term, and offered not the slightest chance of profit.
Notes: NASA

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.44%
Highlight: In addition, subscriptions were received at the following banks in the different states of the two continents:
At Vienna, with S. M. de Rothschild.
At Petersburg, Stieglitz and Co.
At Paris, The Credit Mobilier.
At Stockholm, Tottie and Arfuredson.
At London, N. M. Rothschild and Son.
At Turin, Ardouin and Co.
Notes: The following is a list of joos:

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.44%
Highlight: At Berlin, Mendelssohn.
At Geneva, Lombard, Odier and Co.
At Constantinople, The Ottoman Bank.
At Brussels, J. Lambert.
At Madrid, Daniel Weisweller.
At Amsterdam, Netherlands Credit Co.
At Rome, Torlonia and Co.
At Lisbon, Lecesne.
At Copenhagen, Private Bank.
At Rio de Janeiro, Private Bank.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.45%
Highlight: For some reason or other the Norwegians do not like to send their money to Sweden.
Notes: Lizard fracas. Swift.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.45%
Highlight: No one need be surprised at this, who bears in mind the scientific taste of the Russians, and the impetus which they have given to astronomical studies — thanks to their numerous observatories.

Notes: Russia is in on fake moon landing.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.46%
Highlight: Certain cannon-shots in the Federal war cost one thousand dollars apiece. This one of President Barbicane, unique in the annals of gunnery, might well cost five thousand times more.

Notes: Saturn five rockets to fake moon.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.46%
Highlight: The truth is, that science is not favorably regarded in that country,
Notes: Face mask science accepted everywhere.

Chapter 121: CHAPTER XII
Chapter progress: 3.46%
Highlight: The engagement of the workmen, their pay, and all the necessary details of the work, devolved upon the Coldspring Company.
Notes: Aerospace contracts for everyone. Lizards Only.

Chapter 122: CHAPTER XIII
Chapter progress: 3.47%
Highlight: Florida, discovered on Palm Sunday, in 1512, by Juan Ponce de Leon, was originally named Pascha Florida.
Notes: Columbus never touched mainland of America. Look it up.

Chapter 122: CHAPTER XIII
Chapter progress: 3.49%
Highlight: On that plain will be raised our magazines, workshops, furnaces, and workmen’s huts; and here, from this very spot,” said he, stamping his foot on the summit of Stones Hill, “hence shall our projectile take its flight into the regions of the Solar World.
Notes: Make work for NASA contractors.

Chapter 123: CHAPTER XIV
Chapter progress: 3.51%
Highlight: They have in fact more regard for human nature in general than for the individual in particular.

Notes: Face mask, lock down, experimental injections.

Chapter 126: CHAPTER XVII
Chapter progress: 3.57%
Highlight: Hitherto the smallest details of the operation had been daily chronicled by the journals, which the public devoured with eager eyes.

Notes: NASA bilks billions from moon hoax.

Chapter 127: CHAPTER XVIII
Chapter progress: 3.58%
Highlight: What human being would ever have conceived the idea of such a journey? and, if such a person really existed, he must be an idiot, whom one would shut up in a lunatic ward, rather than within the walls of the projectile.
Notes: Go fuck yourself Buzz Aldrin.

Chapter 127: CHAPTER XVIII
Chapter progress: 3.58%
Highlight: This telegram might be a cover for some jest, especially as it came from a Frenchman.
Notes: Lol.

Chapter 128: CHAPTER XIX
Chapter progress: 3.61%
Highlight: Now pray do not forget that you see before you a perfect ignoramus whose ignorance goes so far that he cannot even understand the difficulties!
Notes: Fags in face mask for health and safety.

Chapter 128: CHAPTER XIX
Chapter progress: 3.62%
Highlight: Yes, gentlemen,” continued the orator, “in spite of the opinions of certain narrow-minded people, who would shut up the human race upon this globe, as within some magic circle which it must never outstep, we shall one day travel to the moon, the planets, and the stars, with the same facility, rapidity, and certainty as we now make the voyage from Liverpool to New York! Distance is but a relative expression, and must end by being reduced to zero.
Notes: Science people trapped under dome. All dead from fake vaccines.

Chapter 128: CHAPTER XIX
Chapter progress: 3.64%
Highlight: let us unite our efforts, invent the necessary machines, and rectify the earth’s axis!
Notes: Tower of babel is burning down. The Titanic is sunk.

Chapter 129: CHAPTER XX
Chapter progress: 3.65%
Highlight: I have a profound respect for men of science who do possess science, but a profound contempt for men of science who do not.
Notes: All spacecraft schematics destroyed by NASA.

Chapter 129: CHAPTER XX
Chapter progress: 3.65%
Highlight: I know nothing, it is true; but it is precisely my very weakness which constitutes my strength.
Notes: Idiot Americans know nothing. Nasa faked the moon landing.

Chapter 129: CHAPTER XX
Chapter progress: 3.67%
Highlight: What is to prevent my retarding the shock by means of rockets conveniently placed, and lighted at the right moment?”
Notes: NASA cribbed this entire book.

Chapter 130: CHAPTER XXI
Chapter progress: 3.69%
Highlight: Nothing is more dreadful than private duels in America. The two adversaries attack each other like wild beasts. Then it is that they might well covet those wonderful properties of the Indians of the prairies — their quick intelligence, their ingenious cunning, their scent of the enemy. A single mistake, a moment’s hesitation, a single false step may cause death. On these occasions Yankees are often accompanied by their dogs, and keep up the struggle for hours.

Chapter 132: CHAPTER XXIII
Chapter progress: 3.76%
On the completion of the Columbiad the public interest centered in the projectile itself, the vehicle which was destined to carry the three hardy adventurers into space.

Notes: NASA copied this entire story.

Chapter 134: CHAPTER XXV
Chapter progress: 3.8%
Highlight: pyroxyle
Notes: Gun-cotton.

Chapter 134: CHAPTER XXV
Chapter progress: 3.81%
Highlight: Boeer and Moeller’s excellent Mappa Selenographica,
Notes: Ask Circe.

Chapter 135: CHAPTER XXVI
Chapter progress: 3.83%
Highlight: Women, children, and servants, in equally expensive dress, surrounded their husbands, fathers, or masters, who resembled the patriarchs of tribes in the midst of their immense households.

Notes: Prepare to be deceived by NASA.

Chapter 142: CHAPTER I
Chapter progress: 3.94%
Highlight: To a thinker, dreamer, or philosopher nothing is more affecting than the departure of a ship; his imagination plays round the sails, sees her struggles with the sea and the wind in the adventurous journey which does not always end in port; when in addition to the ordinary incidents of departure there are extraordinary ones, even minds little given to credulity let their imagination run wild.
Notes: Let’s go to sea!

Chapter 144: CHAPTER III
Chapter progress: 3.99%
Highlight: it is tempting; enough to live on till the end of one’s days.
Notes: Endure to the end.

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