We found 258 results for your search.

Hellhound of the Cosmos by Clifford D. Simak book review

Views: 81This system introduces physical and spiritual stumbling blocks at every turn. I’ve been waylaid, threatened, and blockaded by this horrible, nightmare, system. It changes laws and times. It reverses truth, glorifies lies, condemns the righteous, and steals identities. It deceives every man at every moment. It needs to be eradicated. ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM of… Continue reading Hellhound of the Cosmos by Clifford D. Simak book review

Norstrilia by Cordwainer Smith book review

Views: 89One of the most vulgar, disgusting books I’ve ever read. Norstrilia by Cordwainer Smith. A novel inspired by debased futurism. Animal sex cats, the girlygirl, c’mell; transsexual deception, departments of nightmare control grid, rampaging capitalists buying the world, exchanging fake monies for valueless living, and euthanasia. It’s all here. The worst form of science… Continue reading Norstrilia by Cordwainer Smith book review

The Adventures of Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett book review

Views: 74The Adventures of Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett Here’s a book from 1748. It’s about the adventures of a man born in Ireland who meets with many difficulties, goes to sea, attempts to bag a rich woman, falls in love with Narcissa, a young maiden with heaving bosom and pearl tears, goes back to… Continue reading The Adventures of Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett book review

A big THANK YOU to all lizards at the FBI. Alphabet Inc.gov

Views: 276Had it not been for your rookie goons appearing at my door on 20 Jan 2021 with their ridiculous N95 face mask upon their scaly heads, I would not be in my current location, with my current blessings. I would never have summoned the energy to move away from Tyrant County and their fat… Continue reading A big THANK YOU to all lizards at the FBI. Alphabet Inc.gov

Coinbase and Blackrock – The whore of Babylon making deals.

Views: 79The setup is this: Make it illegal to do business (exchange) with anybody but Coinbase (Blackrock, government sanctioned exchanges). Force everybody to comply with “identification” procedures (KYC, BSA, nightmare Patriot Act AML requirements for the homeland (IRS)). Dominate you and your family into the foreseeable future. I hope you have your double face mask… Continue reading Coinbase and Blackrock – The whore of Babylon making deals.

Tales of Hoffmann by E.T.A Hoffmann book review

Views: 134Have you read the Tales of Hoffmann? Oh, what a delight! In this day of ongoing genocide, I sit in my humble cabin, awaiting Federal Police, reading Hoffmann. People dying, doctors lying, nobody needs the truth. Here’s a book perfect for my current circumstance. One to pass the time during the end of it.… Continue reading Tales of Hoffmann by E.T.A Hoffmann book review

Omoo by Herman Melville book review

Views: 40The unchallenged freedom of walking around Tahiti, enjoying free thought, free action, without face mask or bio-invasive testing and/or injections. A world lost to history. If I were to travel to Tahiti without a face mask or some kind of test for garbage medical “science” people, I would certainly be arrested and put in… Continue reading Omoo by Herman Melville book review

The Regression of Science. Secret space program. Dead end religion. Techno Space

Views: 64Let’s make a list. Science is a failure. Academic garbage people, your endowment is over. Many of you will say, “The missing science is on the moon via their secret space program.” But No. There is nothing. There’s no third-way being developed behind our backs, no underground cities of Oz, no colony of space… Continue reading The Regression of Science. Secret space program. Dead end religion. Techno Space

Do you think CERN is a real program? techno space

Views: 84Or, a huge Apocalypto set-piece, with Church of Science priest at top, sacrificing virgins and proclaiming A GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM will save us from climate change? Do we really believe moron particle physics people are hard at work “deciphering the data”, fondling co-eds, and enjoying tenure? Put your face mask on when entering the… Continue reading Do you think CERN is a real program? techno space