To Do List. Alphabet – Corporate Science

Devise plan to dispose of all fake money people without massive casualties, death, and destruction. A wild swap in fortune, a graceful revolution. Avoid systemic slavery, track and trace network grid– social credit is here, the commies have won. The Money is Fake : They Own Everything They own everything, therefore, the money is fake.… Continue reading To Do List. Alphabet – Corporate Science

Generative AI – Techno Space – Corporate Science – Alphabet

WHO IS GIVING THE ORDERS? I’m serious, WHO IN THE FUCK IS GIVING THE ORDERS? Ask yourself the following: What and/or who is sponsoring Generative AI? Generative AI being ad/image copy, blog/post copy, any media generated to suit algorithmic inputs for human readable attention. Clicks/Likes/Faves/Thumbs/covid extortion, Spider Robot Crawlers for Google, Alphabet nightmare feedback… Continue reading Generative AI – Techno Space – Corporate Science – Alphabet

Blockchain as TIME ORACLE. Techno Space – Apocalypse Science

I accept Monero and Bitcoin. Don’t think I haven’t thought about the deadly consequences of blockchain assets. In fact, WE cyberphunks have been testing your blockchain tech for the last TEN YEARS. Hear me out: The SNAKE doesn’t like to be told WHAT TIME IT IS. The SNAKE wants to control time. A time to… Continue reading Blockchain as TIME ORACLE. Techno Space – Apocalypse Science

Protect Border Injection Mandates, BDSM Pedo Hypochondria Fantasies and Fake Money. Alphabet

All employees at CDC/FDA must be trained to protect face mask, social distancing, lockdown, and vaccine commie mandates. Give them bank accounts filled with Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDC All employees CDC/FDA/Alphabet et al, please make your way to the border. You are being attacked. You fucking commies are going to pay. Constitutional Carry… Continue reading Protect Border Injection Mandates, BDSM Pedo Hypochondria Fantasies and Fake Money. Alphabet

Take Me To The Asylum. Corporate Apocalypse Science

Prepare my limousine. Bring the beautiful people. The official administrators. Take me to the asylum, ancient construction in wooded grove of old oaks and equestrian trails. Take me from the commies, where I can be with other asylum seekers. USA A four hundred room geodesic dome. Seven hundred thousand acres of private, non-incorporated, privately owned,… Continue reading Take Me To The Asylum. Corporate Apocalypse Science

Carol Lynley in The Last Sunset. Corporate Science Hollywood – Alphabet

Carol LynleyinThe Last SunsetDressed as boy. Dressed as woman. The Last Sunset Dearest Carol You were dressed as a boyStanding next to buxom blonde woman?I know you are a woman,I know you are a woman. You are a beautiful woman.You are not my daughter.The lily of the valley basks in the crystal sun.The Last Sunset.… Continue reading Carol Lynley in The Last Sunset. Corporate Science Hollywood – Alphabet

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Cutting Commies Deep. Lizards Take Down Site. Alphabet – Corporate Science

Pepper.Works was attacked (again) after posting article about Texas Commie Border War. At about 2300 local 24 JAN the lizards came with their techno forces. The site remained down until I awoke out of a deep and pleasant slumber, dreams of covid commies rotting away in FEMA camps, the burning remains of large Alphabet… Continue reading Cutting Commies Deep. Lizards Take Down Site. Alphabet – Corporate Science