BOARD MEETING. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Mission Statement The girl, rich manse, fine vehicles, up-to-date stickers, unlimited dave and busters credit, one thousand six hundred and forty seven acres of unreachable land, fish ponds, row boats, Pilatus PC-24, single pilot type rating, unlimited clearance to wherever I fly, fuel, service, maintenance. Boats, buildings, barns and grow house. Employment Activities. Excellent team… Continue reading BOARD MEETING. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Reverse Repo Nearing Completion. On The Summit. Corporate Science – Alphabet

Diamonds and gold and rivers of chocolate.We have it all in this sweet land of Uz.A magic mirror and sleeping princess.Gallant knights on white horses ride. The very bestI wish you the best.May every blessing of Heaven attend you.Every light guides your path. We seek the summit.North Wind at our back.A golden thread keeps us… Continue reading Reverse Repo Nearing Completion. On The Summit. Corporate Science – Alphabet

A Two-of-Three MULTISIG WALLET. Techno Space.

To spend funds from a two-of-three MULTISIG wallet, two of three keys must sign each transaction. In this way, funds can be recovered and transacted in the event of rogue third party or assassination. Here’s a true story about rogue third party, occurring in real life, when I operated a MULTISIG WALLET for extremely active… Continue reading A Two-of-Three MULTISIG WALLET. Techno Space.

The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review

This story published in 1774 is terrible! Just terrible. I couldn’t put the book down! The love between Werther and Charlotte is genuine to be sure. Strong, stupid, selfish, deadly passion. Thanks be to God I am not a stupid young man any more! These passions are outlived. I feel the desperation, full of want… Continue reading The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review