Starting the Tractor – Fossil Fuel – Apocalypse Science

Yesterday I went to town for three gallons of diesel. That’s ten dollars in today’s worthless money. I brought the diesel home and put it in the Kubota tractor parked in the barn. I say parked, but it could have been placed there by Abraham or Moses. The antiquity and patina of this tractor is… Continue reading Starting the Tractor – Fossil Fuel – Apocalypse Science

C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream

Here is an article by C.S. Lewis entitled A Dream where he describes the eternal revocation of our rights through emergency powers enacted by Federal Government cretins. A Dream by C.S. Lewis I still think (with all respect to the Freudians) that it was the concourse of irritations during the day which was responsible for my dream.… Continue reading C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream