Views: 103They have cells from multiple organisms. They share much of their DNA with primates, pigs, and fruit flies. Their star is white and cold. Their planet turns in endless orbit. Like our tiny blue speck, but a red speck. Infinite space goes on forever and ever. It takes faith. Techno Snake Religion. They came… Continue reading About Them – Techno Space Religion
Category: News
Credible news from the other side
We’re doing our best. Apocalypse Science.
Views: 32Today is Ishtar. I went to local grocery to requisition supplies. I put on my jacket and cap, loaded up the sedan. The women and girls were all wearing pretty Easter dresses, their hair combed, they smelled wonderful. Thank you for wearing your Easter dress. I’m sorry you have to witness the collapse of… Continue reading We’re doing our best. Apocalypse Science.
Saturn Is About To Explode. Techno Space Religion
Views: 33Forces from interloping solar system collapsing gravitational fields of large gaseous shit-bags floating in your space. Captain Will Smith, with the Jesuit Astrophysics Lab in the mountains of Arizona explains, “Imagine a huge morning star rising in the West. When the interloper skirts our field of attraction, sub atomic quantum particles fly away into… Continue reading Saturn Is About To Explode. Techno Space Religion
FED NOW Registration Requirements. Alphabet USA LLC
Views: 41Welcome to FED NOW.
Does Clif High Worship the Snake? Techno Space Religion
Views: 79Clif High, in his attempt to worship the snake, is proselytizing for the WEF, Khazarian Mafia, and Vatican Banking Religion. We all love Clif, but your Snake Religion is the very same religion Noah Harari – WEF acolyte – is foisting upon the good people of the firmament. “It is believed that it will… Continue reading Does Clif High Worship the Snake? Techno Space Religion
Terms of Service – Alphabet
Views: 31Lizard people required to wear FULL PPE. At no time will you show your disgusting lizard face to me or my entourage. If you are eukaryotes, please refrain from speaking to me in high frequency fruit fly buzzing. Blue bloods require ten percent security deposit. Only prokaryotes allowed to approach me and entourage. All… Continue reading Terms of Service – Alphabet
A Cheap Way to Measure Health. The Mattress Pad. Corporate Science – Doctor MD Sellout
Views: 29Every other year buy a new mattress pad. USA Once a year examine the stains on your mattress pad. USA If you are sweating out cheeseburgers and burritos, it will be there on your mattress pad. Examine stains for signs of health. Thanks to all worthless Doctor MD sellouts for putting the children in… Continue reading A Cheap Way to Measure Health. The Mattress Pad. Corporate Science – Doctor MD Sellout
Slave Money IS NOW. Alphabet CBDC is Fake Money. Theory of Everything.
Views: 121If your money is unreal, so must everything be unreal. (T.O.E.) Said too much.Forced out of residential sector.Account Closed.Transaction Reversed.Content Censored.Profile Shadow Banned.FBI Wellness Check.Compliance Officer Visit.Face Mask Foot Soldiers at your door.USA.Mask up Texas.Go fuck yourself. It’s easy to see. I was right. I forgive you. It’s over. Repent. I will never believe… Continue reading Slave Money IS NOW. Alphabet CBDC is Fake Money. Theory of Everything.
REVERSE TRANSACTION. Alphabet – Corporate Science
Views: 40Transaction reverse.Transaction reverse.Reverse Transaction.Transaction reverse. Transaction reverse.Transaction reverse.Reverse transvengeance.Transaction reverse. Your account is restricted.Please contact support.@Alphabet
The Fastest Way To Solve Trans-Humanism – Corporate Science – Alphabet
Views: 41Is to bankrupt their unaccountable system. And refuse their replacement TRANS system. You can only be Human when real value discovery is put upon MEN. You will only find time to be Human when the real price of time is put upon MEN. Your fake money is TRANS accountability. And is self-exterminating. So, the… Continue reading The Fastest Way To Solve Trans-Humanism – Corporate Science – Alphabet