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Views: 146Have you ever wondered how plants and animals on the Sun, Saturn, and Moon; in the form of aetheric, astral, and physical energy evolved from living minerals? If so, perhaps you will like this book by Rudolf Steiner. Cosmic Memory (Prehistory of Earth and Man) by Rudolf Steiner Let’s face it; In the last… Continue reading COSMIC MEMORY – RUDOLF STEINER – book review

Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the US Space Program by Brian William book review

Views: 223Before men stepped on the moon the neutral point of gravity between Earth and Lunar orbit was carefully calculated by aeronautical engineers and amateur space enthusiast all over the planet. Everybody agreed, using Newton’s Laws and the Inverse Square calculation, the ‘neutral point’ was between 20,000 – 25,000 miles from the moon. The small… Continue reading Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the US Space Program by Brian William book review

The Giza Death Star by Joseph P. Farrell book review

Views: 173Do you think The Great Pyramid of Giza was originally built as a sarcophagus– The ancient tomb of Cheops (Khufu) attempting to circumvent death? Just look at the majesty of the thing. The absolute perfection of its construction, its inexplicable interior chambers, the repeating patterns of earth, our galaxy, and the universe built into… Continue reading The Giza Death Star by Joseph P. Farrell book review

The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke book review

Views: 163Too often I chastise myself for reading escapism sci-fi. Lord knows I’ve spent countless hours with my head in the stars. Nevertheless, given the current state of the planet, you can hardly blame yourself for picking up a book and floating away. It is surprising how poignant and appropriate stories of galactic governments and… Continue reading The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke book review

SS Brotherhood of the Bell by Joseph P. Farrell book review

Views: 97Just a few short months ago the revelations found in this book would have been more difficult, if not impossible, for me to accept. This book introduces the Two Space Program hypothesis and public consumption physics. One being appropriate for public disclosure and the other a deeply held secret of technology and alchemical science… Continue reading SS Brotherhood of the Bell by Joseph P. Farrell book review

Childhood’s End Book Review

Views: 109Soon the Overlords will reveal themselves. The Tall Whites living in Shasta Mountain or the City of Aragoth. They will subjugate the entire planet in the name of non-violence and peace. The people will follow their rule. The children of earth will become possessed by Satan.  They will leave their parents and transcend into… Continue reading Childhood’s End Book Review

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The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda book review

Views: 132Anunnaki Masters + Prehistoric Astronauts + MKULTRA Mind Control + Ancient Genetic Splicing Add this book to your End Times Reading List. Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elite of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda book review. My highlights: The goal was “EDOM,” or “Electronic Dissolution of Memory.” In either case,… Continue reading The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda book review

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Columbus – The Four Voyages book review

Views: 91Do you think Columbus knew he found the lost tribes of Israel? Did you know Columbus prophesied astronomical eclipses to win the glorification of the natives. I read this book about Magellan. Mutiny and first contact stories never get old. Columbus NEVER TOUCHED NORTH AMERICA Columbus insisted the natives wear copper coins around their… Continue reading Columbus – The Four Voyages book review

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Views: 71A frightful story about American Bourgeoisie, the emptiness and fakery of American Industry, The lie of US Peace and Prosperity, the sham of Corporate America. In very REAL terms: The American system births Satanic forces straight from the womb of ignorant wives and effeminate husbands ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. Everyday, all day. The sheep… Continue reading ROSEMARY’s BABY – Ira Levin’s NIGHTMARE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM book review

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Christianity is a Sumerian mushroom cult founded by the Anunnaki Masters book review

Views: 105What Allegro fails to make clear from the outset of this book is that he, Mr. John Marco Allegro, was selected by Ecole Biblique in the 1950’s to be part of a select group of individuals to see and study actual fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls– before they were intercepted and censored by… Continue reading Christianity is a Sumerian mushroom cult founded by the Anunnaki Masters book review

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