We found 28 results for your search.

The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov book review. Techno space religion

Views: 38The Science Fiction MUST COME TO AN END. Here’s a book about infinite power from alternate universes, the big bang, transsexual threesomes, lunar colonies, space ships, particle physics, church of science, and government/university garbage people, LIES, LIES, LIES. Put down your science fiction. You’ve had enough. Isaac Asimov believes NASA astronauts did not say… Continue reading The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov book review. Techno space religion

The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino & Giorgio Cattaneo book review – Techno Space

Views: 137Thank you Clif High for recommending this excellent TECHNO SNAKE book. I feel honored to label it thusly: Desperate attempt to avoid supernatural DESTRUCTION by fire. (High intensity laser beams mounted on fully operational Ruach landing craft and thermonuclear conflagration.) Roman Suns of the Snake trying to avoid complete annihilation. Father, bring your chariots… Continue reading The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino & Giorgio Cattaneo book review – Techno Space

About Them – Techno Space Religion

Views: 126They have cells from multiple organisms. They share much of their DNA with primates, pigs, and fruit flies. Their star is white and cold. Their planet turns in endless orbit. Like our tiny blue speck, but a red speck. Infinite space goes on forever and ever. It takes faith. Techno Snake Religion. They came… Continue reading About Them – Techno Space Religion

Saturn Is About To Explode. Techno Space Religion

Views: 36Forces from interloping solar system collapsing gravitational fields of large gaseous shit-bags floating in your space. Captain Will Smith, with the Jesuit Astrophysics Lab in the mountains of Arizona explains, “Imagine a huge morning star rising in the West. When the interloper skirts our field of attraction, sub atomic quantum particles fly away into… Continue reading Saturn Is About To Explode. Techno Space Religion

Somebody DO THE MATH. ELON MUSK IS A FRAUD. Techno Space Religion

Views: 51We saw you perform the face mask launch ritual, ELON MUSK. You, and your fake money, and your fake science IS REVEALED. You ARE OWNED by Alphabet Inc.gov and everybody knows it. Your high priest of fake capitalism and financial lies. EXPOSED. ALL of his “businesses” are fronts for Alphabet Inc.gov They own this… Continue reading Somebody DO THE MATH. ELON MUSK IS A FRAUD. Techno Space Religion

Travels Through France and Italy by Tobias Smollett Book Review

Views: 249Travels Through France and Italy by Tobias Smollett Book Review This epistolary travelogue from 1763 is absolutely littered with dyno droppings. Smollett shreds the French. It’s funny and pleasing to read about Pepe Le Pew. Way too much dollar cost averaging in this man’s journal. He reports the price of everything; food, travel, and… Continue reading Travels Through France and Italy by Tobias Smollett Book Review

My Captivity by Fanny Kelly book review

Views: 308I enjoyed it very much. The story is fake. Fanny Kelly describes one of her fellow emigrants as a daguerro artist. Her alleged “emigration” and subsequent capture commencing on or about May 17, 1864. I booted up circe machine to search FANNY KELLY – seeking to find daguerreotype of FANNY KELLY. Daguerro was getting… Continue reading My Captivity by Fanny Kelly book review