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A Rough Shaking by George MacDonald book review

Views: 115A Rough Shaking by George MacDonald I think I’ll put down the fantasy for awhile. This book, a nice tale about innocent child (Clare), and wicked world that God has preordained on all of us. These wicked people. They see you, recognize you immediately, and they pray to their god. I see them pray.… Continue reading A Rough Shaking by George MacDonald book review


Views: 144YOU MUST GIVE AN ACCOUNT The system is finished. We have inherited lies. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Jeremiah-16-19/ It’s over. Rejoice. The reign of The Wicked is finished. I went into the Most High with Father. Upon a large throne, with leopards, tigers, and a large grizzly bear patrolling the perimeter, was the One Truth. The obvious power… Continue reading THE GREAT ACCOUNTING IS HERE. Covid Memoirs


Views: 64Final After Action Report: System checks complete. Trailer rides like a dream. Rear view camera displays perfect portrait of asset during travel. (image forthcoming). Departure time selected. Is it Holy to pray about getting my asset back? I don’t know, but I’m going to pray anyways. Godspeed and safe travails. ASSET RECOVERY COMPLETE MISSION… Continue reading ASSET RECOVERY FINAL


Views: 79Make trailer ready for epic mission to retrieve rolling asset. It’s going to be a close one. The timing will have to be perfect. Currently, asset dormant in dry storage. Your mission is to retrieve rolling stock for direct return to base. Prep trailer. Test and repair all systems on trailer. Ensure system is… Continue reading ASSET RECOVERY


Views: 61The seventh seal is the five month war. Issuing mark of the beast (incoherent 666 debt-based money system). People around the planet engaged in MASK RITUAL. Marking their faces in allegiance to the great drunken whore of mystery Babylon. (corporate state of x) You may ask, what is compelling them to make war on… Continue reading REPENT


Views: 817Father, please protect me on the roof. And please send love to all my neighbors. I hope they have extra food and supplies for inevitable collapse. In your precious name we pray. Almost done assembling petroleum based roof material. Looks real nice. I hope it doesn’t leak. Looking like a nightmare out there. Grown… Continue reading PROTECT GMO PEOPLE


Views: 74Father in high heaven. Please, if it is your will, exterminate all Pharmakia freaks. They are making the children wear face mask and demanding Beast system implementation. We know that you gave us free will to make righteous decisions and choices. I choose your kingdom, and not the kingdom of Bill Gates, nightmare vaccine… Continue reading CORPORATE STIMULUS AT WAR