paid for by friends of Satan and Lockheed Martin Corp.
Contact Tracing Advocates of America. Leverage our network of global corporate power to enhance your safety.
Tracing contacts for safety and total world domination. (Alphabet Google) Established networks of global corporate power to enhance your safety. (facebook) Temperature Control Checkpoint Mandate. Neighborhood committee bylaws. (Amazon) Contact Tracing Advocates of America believes in tracing contacts. For safety.
What’s the difference between a Libertarian and a Socialist? The Big Joke Everybody Is Telling (2020)
When a Libertarian uses the term Government, they mean SATAN. When a Socialist uses the term Corporate, they mean SATAN. The government IS the corporation. The corporation IS the government. You can see, they are talking about the same thing. SATAN. #666
Begin Your Day With This Music. Only good things will happen to us.
People that say words are the best way to communicate ideas are the dumbest people on the planet. Music Communication
The Mark of The Beast Shall Be Upon Their Faces Revelation 13:16
1812 Overture Philarmonics The Masters in Philadelphia
What The Fuck Is Going On I wish I could tell you that everything is looking up after reading this article. But I’m afraid. COVID-19 paranoia and the Fibonacci sequences of satanic shit that is possibly brewing for us all.
How To Tell The Market is Fake – Memoirs of COVID-19
Nobody is going to work. The kids aren’t going to school. Mortgages are being deferred. Government says thousands of people are going to die. Market up 8%
What Propaganda are you watching? This stuff is pretty good. Try it!
COVID Memoirs of the Working Class
Calling the bank. Attempting to get mortgage payment deferred. I have enough food to last 14 days. They still allow free access in our designated tract-home sector. School is canceled. The neighbor’s kids are restless. The rosiness in their ignorant cheeks a foreshadow of the sickness to come. Toilet paper rationing and panic buying has… Continue reading COVID Memoirs of the Working Class