You can’t tell where the sound is coming from. The day is night. The voice speaks. It sounds wonderful and confusing. I am outraged and delighted. Who is speaking? Is it evil or good? Or some new thing I am not aware of. Middle earth is for punk ass bitches. I Can Hear You! Can… Continue reading Mysterious Third Parties Are Speaking To You
Please Use The Service Entrance
Hello Peter. Thanks for joining the team. We’re happy to have you. Please note: your contract requires that you ONLY use the SERVICE ENTRANCE when arriving or departing the office. Do not use the front gallery. Thank You. Thomas W. Sneddon Jr. is a cold man
Requesting Backup by Agent Redacted
PLEASE FORWARD: Field House 6 Berth 17a MESSAGE: Encampment overrun with vermin. Ammunition running extremely low. All supplies at full ration. DO NOT send enlisted morons. Time sync: UTC0023443287 WARNING: 30.8 million PQE Paranoia Quotient Environment is failing to admin. Paranoia Quotient Environment is failing to admin. Paranoia Quotient Environment is failing to admin. Paranoia… Continue reading Requesting Backup by Agent Redacted
The Alpha/Omega Communique
TO POSITION: ALPHA/OMEGA BE ADVISED: This communique is sent directly from the Ultimate Authority. The contents herein countermands ALL directions and orders you have received to date; or ever will receive until you are discharged. THE COMMAND FOLLOWS: DO NOT ENGAGE THE SYSTEM. DO NOT ENGAGE THE SYSTEM. DO NOT ENGAGE THE SYSTEM. //message end… Continue reading The Alpha/Omega Communique
Turnstyle Traffic
The record goes round and round
Tell All Of the People About Him
The Triune God is stable AF.
Do You Feel Homicidal? Learn about botany, plants and what the shit – Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t
ActionKid Walks and Talks for Your Pleasure
When I wake up in the morning I turn on ActionKid. He walks through New York City and comments on the local borough. I mean, basically he is reading the signs. At first, the genius of ActionKid is not immediately apparent. Let’s break down ActionKid’s appeal. ActionKid is a YouTube creator that posts walks, bicycle… Continue reading ActionKid Walks and Talks for Your Pleasure
All Women Are Created Equal
Falling In Love With a YouTube Creator and Realizing They Are Dead – STOBE THE HOBO
Some weird algorithmic confluence brought us together. Stobe The Hobo was in my YouTube feed. I binged all day and the next on his art… and then a memorial post inserted itself into my playlist, complete shock and sadness. The art and majesty of his adventures and music will never be matched. I am now… Continue reading Falling In Love With a YouTube Creator and Realizing They Are Dead – STOBE THE HOBO