What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works

The GROW BARREL is a design of my creation that incorporates hydro/aquaponics, auto bell-siphon, and deep grow-bed technologies. The sound of the bell siphon like a verdant waterfall. Nutrients in porous crags of pleasant pebbles, the music of moving water. The roots of your plants alive in oxidizing rivers, feeding from even tide of water… Continue reading What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works


NDA Whereas Alphabet Inc.gov et al. will deliver the following: If you fail to agree to any of my demands, you will feel the unrelenting power of my constant FREE SPEECH. Prepare the documents, my island, my boats, and plane. Or else. pldg

Apocalypse Science – Collecting My Urine.

Apocalypse Science – Collecting my urine. Why are you collecting your urine? I bet you’d like to know. Building fermentation tea for nutrient rich broth. Peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and melons seem to enjoy it. Extreme righteous wizardry. Dearest Father, The UV is working perfectly. Thank you for answering prayer. The system is rapidly being destroyed.… Continue reading Apocalypse Science – Collecting My Urine.

ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young – Techno Space

ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young We’re NOT all in this together. You WILL NOT BE MY SPACE PRESIDENT. Nobody wants to go to Mars or connect to your “neural” network. GET OFF THE PLANET ELON MUSK. Take Bazos, Buffet, Gates and Fink w you. We saw your MASK LAUNCH… Continue reading ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young – Techno Space


I heard the thunder of a machine. Far off on the steel gray horizon, shrouded by the gloom of threatening rain, came the sound of a flying locust. Are they coming for me? Do they hate me so much, has my face mask refusal, non-stop incessant REVOLT against corporate injections (MRNA AIDS), lockdowns, THE FEDERAL… Continue reading LOCUSTS UPON THE EARTH


Removing trees by Apocalypse Cabin and temporarily placed a barrel under the roof overhang. It rained the following day, and the barrel was completely full of fresh, clear, rainwater. I began to formulate a better system to capture the rain. This project will also solve a drainage problem on the East side of Apocalypse Cabin.… Continue reading RAINWATER HARVEST