Removing trees by Apocalypse Cabin and temporarily placed a barrel under the roof overhang. It rained the following day, and the barrel was completely full of fresh, clear, rainwater. I began to formulate a better system to capture the rain. This project will also solve a drainage problem on the East side of Apocalypse Cabin.… Continue reading RAINWATER HARVEST

BURN DAY – Apocalypse Science

Burn day. Collecting and staging brush pile for burn. Controlled burns by ‘forestry‘ service ongoing. Deep brown haze. They burn hundreds of acres in one fire using country roads as boundaries. The roads have recently been resurfaced with green oil. I’m assuming the green is additive to petroleum base for “better performance”. All alchemist know… Continue reading BURN DAY – Apocalypse Science


Final After Action Report: System checks complete. Trailer rides like a dream. Rear view camera displays perfect portrait of asset during travel. (image forthcoming). Departure time selected. Is it Holy to pray about getting my asset back? I don’t know, but I’m going to pray anyways. Godspeed and safe travails. ASSET RECOVERY COMPLETE MISSION ACCOMPLISHED… Continue reading ASSET RECOVERY FINAL


Follow on report: Removal of trailer from storage complete. Very delicate procedure with SCAG. Note for future SCAG operator. Acquire 2″ ball hitch and mount to front rail for easy payload maneuvering. Heavy duty ramps cut clear from storage with angle grinder. Superficial surface rust from leaky storage container reported. Inspected and passed material exam.… Continue reading ASSET RECOVERY CONTINUED


Make trailer ready for epic mission to retrieve rolling asset. It’s going to be a close one. The timing will have to be perfect. Currently, asset dormant in dry storage. Your mission is to retrieve rolling stock for direct return to base. Prep trailer. Test and repair all systems on trailer. Ensure system is ready… Continue reading ASSET RECOVERY