We found 258 results for your search.

What is Happening? Apocalypse Science

Views: 108Central Bank(s) are facing imminent destruction at the hands of decentralized networks. They must destroy all foundations of alternative networks that derive value from -their- UNACCOUNTABLE SYSTEM. They must destroy ANY MEASURE OF ACCOUNTABILITY. I remind you of our subservient population in S&M face mask with failing health through GMO procedure. (PROOF OF ZERO… Continue reading What is Happening? Apocalypse Science

The Faith of Man

Views: 208The absolute betrayal of the people. You live in a world of throwaway morons, who believe anything they see on their device. They came to your door with face mask ON. They knocked on your door with FACE MASK ON. They went away and returned with LAW ENFORCEMENT, with FACE MASK ON. And you… Continue reading The Faith of Man

To My Dearest Family and Friends – Separate from the wicked

Views: 269To My Dearest Family and Friends, Today is Monday March 28. After great consideration and deep meditation in prayer, I have decided to deliver this personal decree to family and friends. As a brother in Christ, a servant of our Father, I do hereby declare that I cannot accept The Face Mask behavior in… Continue reading To My Dearest Family and Friends – Separate from the wicked

The Frozen Pirate by Willian Clark Russell book review

Views: 60Rodney finds himself stranded on an iceberg in the Southern Ocean. Crashed out with no victuals or shelter. How does he survive? How can the story proceed? How does Rodney get back home? How does he smuggle the great pirate treasure into his English financial system? Are the Eighteen-Hundreds even real? Did they make… Continue reading The Frozen Pirate by Willian Clark Russell book review

Lifting the Bike with Tractor – Apocalypse Cabin

Views: 84When I opened the barn this morning, I found the motorcycle turned over on the floor, like a dead cat in a cage. The saddest thing I have seen in a very long while, excluding children in face mask. The center-stand on the bike sunk into the aggregate flooring, tipping the massive motorcycle onto… Continue reading Lifting the Bike with Tractor – Apocalypse Cabin

Revealing the Matrix – This place is FINISHED – Covid Memoirs

Views: 80I have disconnected from all electronic shackles except this damn computer. America is being prepared for slaughter and the only touch point the devil has on me is at the fuel pump. No, it’s not the fuel prices (expect lake of fire here in the USA). America is going to glow in the dark… Continue reading Revealing the Matrix – This place is FINISHED – Covid Memoirs


Views: 120Today, I saw somebody wearing double face mask. The face mask people are now saying, as clear as if a famous tenor were singing it directly into your ear, “I love my slavery. Master, please keep me, and punish me with your chains (vaccines) and whips (face mask) so I may be your gimp… Continue reading LOVING SLAVE MASTER


Views: 89I heard the thunder of a machine. Far off on the steel gray horizon, shrouded by the gloom of threatening rain, came the sound of a flying locust. Are they coming for me? Do they hate me so much, has my face mask refusal, non-stop incessant REVOLT against corporate injections (MRNA AIDS), lockdowns, THE… Continue reading LOCUSTS UPON THE EARTH


Views: 181 This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. Publish date: 10 MAY 2021 NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the law. YOU WILL PAY. Just as my prophetic song… Continue reading NEW SONG AND UPDATE video